It's now happened to a "high ranking EU official". Will things change now?
It's now happened to a "high ranking EU official". Will things change now?
Other urls found in this thread:
no mention of WHO that EU official is?
a pro refugee lawyer who was working for the EU refugee program
The action will be so dynamic and violent you will not recognize it until it's over, my friend.
Karma really is a bitch isn't it?
I love it when the elites get a taste of their own policy. Sweet, sweet justice it is.
>Will things change now?
Did Breivik's act change anything? They never learn
pole-user is isn't memeing, he is simply extrapolating.
these leftist liberals are mad. The "High Ranking EU Official " may end up blaming his daughter, if Begum Merkel talks to him.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA suck shit EU bureaucrat motherfucker, it's your own fault that your slut daughter is KILL
this really sounds like crappy journalism.
If he's a high ranking EU official, it would make sense to publish his name too, not just his daughter's.
Probably just some office drone with no real power anywhere, but the thought of some grieving EU top dog sells.
Good, the more corpses will flood the streets the better.
So between the age of 30 and 50.
>Implying they won't spin her death into another propaganda opportunity.
Oh but she so loved the immigrants, do not let her dream die with her, you hateful bigots.
Breivik's act was a typical case of "If you kill your enemies, they win."
No longer have any emotional reaction to these stories. Europe is doomed.
That headline is kind of mouthful to read. I wish they just make it concise and be on point.
All he did was give the left another boogeyman.
He targeted the wrong people and had no one to back him up, that's his problem.
The general public is not even ready for death squads killing leftists, let alone leftist teenagers.
He could have planned this better, even for a nut like him.
This is her helping disadvantaged children.
Dr Clemens Ladenburger
well fugg thanks user
this retard
>At his deceased 19 year-old daughters’ eulogy, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer for the European Commission, was asking for donations to be made to Bangladesh.
I feel nothing. Remorse only goes to people who are anti-refugee and want no part of this suicide.
that's not poland
well fugg XD XD XD XD
The father of the murdered girl is
Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, who works for the EU in Brussels. He is also an elected representative of the Germany Catholic Church. In that position he advocated refugee issues. He also used to work for the University of Cologne
This is the blog of his other daughter who is currently on a Catholic mission in Latin America
Clearly it was caused by a lack of diversity and racism from white people that that poor refugee child experienced.
if she had been wearing a hijab, she wouldn't have tempted the poor guy
now his life is ruined
i lOVE 2016
Glad it was her and not one of the nationalist yuro-bros. Fuck those cucks.
>At his deceased 19 year-old daughters’ eulogy, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer for the European Commission, was asking for donations to be made to Bangladesh.
The family are very religious. Catholic-church cucked her into joining pro-rapefugee groups, pic is her membership in one. Likely she met her rapist-murderer through one of these groups.
I just dont get Europe. Why do the general population put up with this shit?
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
Her funeral notice. Note her family requested that instead of flowers they donate money to Bangladeshi Muslims, or a local rapefugee advocacy group.
Also her father ran for a Catholic lay body election the next month after her death, and her sister stayed in Bolivia on her mission instead of returning for the funeral.
It doesn't, unless you're Swedish, German or a Britbong. Britbongs are waking up, too.
Why do we have to live among these cuckaroos
It's a morality vacuum due to the elimination of christian belief. Now their new morality is determined by how 'not racist' they are. Taken by cultural marxism and kike overlords.
Why don't we just make gulags staffed with Muslims to genocide liberals?
They wouldn't complain for a moment.
B-but muh based Chrishitanity!
Thank you Kek, have my digits
She was so pious the only difference between her and the pope is the pope will die a virgin.
>Dr. Clemens Ladenburger
That's her sister Barbara who is on a Catholic mission/school/orphanage work in Bolivia. From her blog it appears she didn't return for her sisters funeral.
Lets send letters of ridicule
It's Hitler. Can't let the info out.
These people really live in fucking bubbles where they assume that the world is a kind place full of good people.
The fact that she goes on trips like these Show that she has never had to work a single day in her life and actually believed in the leftist bullshit of everyone being inherently good and culturally the same.
Praise kek
german media doesn't cover it at all
ARD and ZDF didn't even have it in the news
they're probably waiting till the election in Austria is over :^)
Was this when they called North Carolina? I audibly wailed when they called North Carolina.
oh shit, PRAISE HIM
It's on the front page of Bild ffs
Clemens Ladenburger
>At his deceased 19 year-old daughters’ eulogy, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer for the European Commission, was asking for donations to be made to Bangladesh.
Jesus Christ, what an absolute cuck beyond hope.
fuck i don't blame the bloke
holy fucking shit burn it all to the ground
this is absolutely infuriating, these cucks deserve everything they've got coming to them
And sadly that happened inside the German catholic church too. This family and girl were actually big Christians heavily involved in the Church, it's just that the Church has become a hollow vessal of hard-left cucking and racial suicide.
ugly brainwashed cuck
I'm guessing this piece of shit is still helping refugees, and hasn't learned a thing.
The man must be getting pressured like hell right now, they'll do everything so he could shut the fuck up
>Also her father ran for a Catholic lay body election the next month after her death, and her sister stayed in Bolivia on her mission instead of returning for the funeral.
liberal """families"""
He'll try to deflect the blame from the rapefugee and advocate for even more lenient border controls
these people cant be real
>So between the age of 30 and 50.
We should rally up some Ameribros and fly over to Germany and lynch their politicians.
Thank God I had redpilled parents in my life.
Like poetry.
Can you imagine all the people she called racist for saying anything bad about rapefugees?
really made me think...
that teeth, lips and hair. She seems jewish
>At his deceased 19 year-old daughters’ eulogy, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer for the European Commission, was asking for donations to be made to Bangladesh.
Only explanation for such a lack of empathy is being an actual cuck, his wife's daughter.
>very religious
>help arabs
These Catholics are not Catholics but belong to the synagogue of Satan
>shook hands with her murderers and encouraged their release
and you know what they did later? they reminisced on that moment laughed about it.
It's sad that this news of rape and murder is actually encouraging to me, but things might change when this crisis starts to directly affect those responsible for it.
>its ok goyim the controllesd opoosition "retard" boulevard press is covering it while all "serious" papers is censoring the case and report as little about rapefugees as possible, because theyrealized prorapefugee propaganda just riled the goyim up more.
>her sister stayed in Bolivia on her mission
>Why did you bring them here, daddy ?
>Maria Ladenburger
The name is literally in the picture ffs
I love hearing about a murder committed by a shitskin and then finding out the victim was a traitor.
Now you understand why atheist Jews are more dangerous than Zionist ones.
This arab did the job we were supposed to do: deal with the white traitor issue.
I wish something like this happen to merkel nieces or whatever.
what part of (((((((((((LADENBURGER )))))))))))))) don't you understand ?
oh no. that sucks
>Christ cucks
You good goys finally realize now the churches have been taken over by kikes and turned into mere libfag organization that specifically send white girls to nigger countries and cuck families to server non christian niggers with NO attempt to spread the true word because it could offend Achmeds Satanic believes?