If blacks are the oldest race on the planet why didn't they colonise everything?

If blacks are the oldest race on the planet why didn't they colonise everything?

Black man no smart

They did! The West Indies

Niggers aren't the oldest race. They just didn't evolve as much

They're dumb. They had a headstart and better conditions and still failed to accomplish anything.

Come again m8?

brah they didn't even know the concept of the wheel when we colonised them

Youre a criminal. You were dumped there against your will bogan

It's funny how no one of you understands evolution

They colonized your country

Black aren't the oldest race on the planet.

All first race are a long dead already. First black, first whites, firsts, Asians are not the same as modern blacks, modern whites or modern Asian's

San people believe that they come from mud, while blacks come from humans and whites come from gods

There is evidence pilling up parasites ( probably from uncooked food ) from 20-25,000 years ago caused niggers base intelligence to go ABO tier

It's only recently with Arabs and snowniggers raping North Africa has our neanderthal DNA shot their IQ up a few points.

Because while Africa is a good place for animals to evolve, it's a fucking terrible place for civilization. Humans didn't really start to progress until they moved to more hospitable continents where the animals weren't so fierce and numerous and there were less diseases and unrelenting tropical heat. The ones who stayed behind didn't have time to do much more than build mud huts and survive.

>There is evidence pilling up parasites ( probably from uncooked food ) from 20-25,000 years ago caused niggers base intelligence to go ABO tier
Sauce? I'd like to get comfy and read about the Lovecraftian abortion of a civilization-to-be later today

Have you seen real african towns? They still don't. They see the greatest inventions of humanity on tv screens or listen to it on the radio and then they go outside and pull a fucking sleigh filled with wood or shit, over rocks and grass.

ITT; people who don't realize all civilizations are the result of african migration (colonization) out of africa.

What do you mean they didn't? Africa's bigger than pluto, even mongols couldn't conquer that much of land.

>ancient migration = colonization
English teacher education.

They did. And the ones who colonized the north became white people.

Look, someone who cant accept that maybe they were kangs.

And yet your people came from the pit

Oh, at last I see, I was blind to the evidence but now I have seen the light of Ra. They really wuz kangz. Thanks for opening my third eye my melanated brother.

Technically speaking, they did.

king of the zulu != emperor of rome

You heard, cunt.

They did not even colonized territories of south africa, because it`s cold in winter there.

Literally - no niggers at the time, when nederlanders came there. They came, after whites have built houses and farming industry to demand gibsmedats.

So it`s simple to that niggers cant do clothes, niggers cant do homes, niggers cant store food.

They're only starting their quest now, they've colonised Sweden and parts of Germany already


The ones who stayed in africa just... well. Stone age.

Because their environment never forced them to attain the capacity and agency to do so.