Have you guys ever used any of these and are they good or shit weapons?

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Good thing they didn't have an Automatic Killer 47 or an Assault Rifle 15.

Did these two play the shooters? I can see some resemblance.

Poorfag shit

I know one of the shotguns belonged to one of their fathers

shotguns are memes just carry more mags for your main weapons


Literally nigger tier

Lower left is a tec-9. its a shitty little spray gun. lower right is a high point carbine also shit

kek. top post.

The high point is the best gun there

Do you even doom larp faggot?

>Tutorial tier weapons

They were playing a videogame in their heads because of their MK Ultra programming


tec-9 is great

ja, är bra, mycket bra, ja, ja

thats a good ass remix

They would be good for the beginning of the shooting, when everyone is still in crowds.

Not particularly, real life isn't like the movies my man.

>le cod shoty spread

>t. noguns

that's not a Tec-9, looks like a FN

My only experience with guns is in video games and even I know that's retarded.

Why wouldn't you want to use bird shot and pepper as many people as you could?

I assume the intention is to kill people and not mildly inconvenience them.

Birdshot doesn't kill people retard, and the shot pattern isn't that wide at close range.

Injured people are easier to kill than people who can just run away.

Yeah, then you use your badass scoped .22 to pick off all the ones that try to get away.

guess again

>Literally braindead from playing too many video games
kys pham

I see, my bad then

You don't get it, m8. At any range greater than point blank, bird shot can be foiled by moderate-thick clothing

They're all pretty ghetto and impractical. The "best" weapon of the lot is probably that hi-point carbine (bottom right.)

Birdshot's not going to disable people, it's going to make them bleed and cause them pain.

You know, it's okay to be wrong, and to admit that you don't understand what you're talking about. It's anonymous, you can just leave the thread.

That's not even the sweet Do-It-Yourself An Hero model.

This is why we need to ban the AK 15 and the AR 47, weapons of mass destruction like this shouldn't be allowed. 3nd amendment be damned!


iirc the 12 gauge pump is what killed the most people.

bridshot proved effective in crowd control


Stop bullying the cunt
birdshot can easily kill sub 20 if the right places are hit, it will fuck a face up
hive mind dumb fucks


>Hi-Point carbine
Were they kripto-negros?

Raw meat isn't the same as a person wearing clothes. Birdshot is very bad at penetration.

Furthermore the birdshot point was him (you) backtracking when his initial claim was refuted. Instead of admitting that you don't understand what you're talking about, you move the goalposts, and then post "proof" on your VPN.

you actually believe i am that burger?
that is some raw and unrefined autism.

>thread explaining how to do a more efficient columbine

Hmm this will go over well for our board community

>using vpns for arguing on pol
come on nobody is that autistic

They never lived in reality to begin with. Those two kids were probably raised in front of a cathode ray tube. Videodrome looks less like science fiction with each day :c

I wish.

>muh shotguns


so true main. with vr approaching too its going to be a strange world to live in

>he fell for the VR gimmick

It's an effective weapon when dealing with a groupings of people.

It's like they purposely tried to find the shittiest weapons imaginable

you dont think it will take off?
I think we'll see cunts in wee pods, feeding tubes etc a robot hand jacking you off while you think its a hot chick

matrix style mark my words

who recorded all those videos ?

We live in a world where people have grown up in broken homes with Homer Simpson and Lady gaga as their parental role-models.

>sawed off tec9
well i guess it was an anti-eco.


they did,they loved filming stuff and there is "basement tapes"

If it's ever developed you will never see it

Why are you asking Sup Forums about guns?

They're cheap garbage. Not quite disposable but pretty close.

You're completely clueless. You might as well build up an AR with a drum mag, a shotgun with birdshot, dress like the joker, and find a theater that doesn't allow concealed carry.

There's a reason you rarely see them in the same frame. They had no accomplices, everything was either recorded by them or a remake made by someone else.

More like

to be fair i would find it hard to believe anyone using homer as their parenting model but i get your point

can comfrim

The TEC-9 doesn't like feeding hollowpoints and is pretty hit or miss depending on what manufacturer you get.

The older ones with the barrel shroud and long barrel tend to be reliable and surprisingly accurate, from what I've heard. The Hi-Point carbine, like any other Hi-Point, is a basic bitch gun but it runs like a champ and it's indestructible.

Sawn off side by side and pump are about as simple as you can get, but for the kind of distances you'd see inside of a house they're very effective. Stockless pump guns suck ass though.

We cant even have guns wtf you talking about???

Yeah, in crowd control. You know, hurting people enough that they go away , but not enough to seriously injure or kill them.

They didn't have much money so they got the cheapest guns they could off the guy that bought them for them. Eric talked about his shotgun being "right out of fucking doom" in his journals. Guess they wanted to be famous.

I have both of Harris' weapons, except my shotgun isn't sawed off. They're allright, for the cheap guns that they are.

I am disputing the claim that it wont kill, it will take your fucking face off. Not saying its effective compared to whatever else simply pointing out that birdshot can and does kill people. Fag

>MW2 - Akimbo 1887 Shotgun rulz xD

It all checks out.

I hear you but if anything kids looked up to Bart because they could identify with him and his lifestyle more than Homer

Didn't they make doom maps of their school? Might be thinking of something else.

yeah, it was a figure of speech.

You are now aware that Klebold and Harris weren't bullied kids who finally had enough and went and shot their persecuters. They openly bragged about bullying other kids in their diaries and the initial plan was to blow up part of the school and then shot the fleeing survivors at random as they came out of the exit.

They were just violent psychopaths, not downtrodden geeks.

literally 1980 italian mafia tier

what was the videos about them screeching at the camera saying "dont you fucking touch him ever again!" etc about?

true, they would live out their lives and seek inspiration through a character that was most Identified with.

It's just some fictional skit they did for a class they were in

Nigger tier

They were gay together and bullied for being fags.

reminds me of this

imagine being the ones who gave them shit then they brought the guns lol

i hear they let some go and told them to run and get out.

They worked.

i have a hipoint carbine (995TS)
I like it

Why didn't they just use a BFG

Tbqh only used a sawed-off showed on the photo, usually destroyed stuff while hunting, but idk mate, there's ISIS videos on the internet teaching how to use a cardboard box and an automatic pencil to build guns and stab people on the neck or something so... going out in style should be the lesser of your worries.

They were bullied. And as with most bullied kids, they themselves will bully someone else when given the chance. It is just psychology 1+1, user.


>implying Sup Forums is not just as autistic

>"basement tapes"
Never ever same as with the video of Christine chubbuck

the vid is a mix of movie footage and real cam footage shot by eric and dylan i mean

>two dudes working at a pizza place in the late 90s bought this stuff.


Cool as fuck, completely shit on the NFA.

too much Doom

wtf are you talking about, shit skin? shot guns scatter which is ideal for crowds

>Following needle dick SJW anti-bullying propaganda like that
No, the strong bully the weak. It's called nature, faggot.

I bet you believe that faggot haters are projecting to


These kids were cool. The earth is over populated and most people are faggots anyways

talk shit all you want you cucked piece of shit. these kids showed more courage and devotion for their goals and what they believe in than self-righteous ''good guys'' like you ever will especially a cucked white flag raising frog like you who's wife sucks terrorist dick on your bed