Anyone here study at Groningen
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>willingly live in a communist shithole
pic related is the average Groningen family
no, I don't live in leftardland, liberalhaven
I feel sorry for you OP,
even the randstad is less cucked (excluding Amsterdam)
I never understood why that part of our country is so cultural left.
I can rationalize Amsterdam etc. I can understand Oss and it's surrounding.
But Groningen ?? wtf man.
TU Delft here mate.
gr ria en de kisd
Is dat Jesse "Snotneus" Klaver?
Serious question, have then Fries been bred out of existence? Are they like Native Americans, where all the people claiming to be them are less than 50% true Fries?
Wie amsterdam hier
Kanker op
Sorry dat had ik misschien niet zo mogen zeggen.
As a Frisian, I can tell you, no.
They usually stick to themselves, grow up to be factory workers and stay where they are. But they mostly marry other Frisians and they are not in the least threatened with extinction.
i thank the lord every day for not having me be born in Groningen
I didn't know Groningen was a leftist shithole as people here are saying ITT
Frysian here, we are still 600.000 people strong, we live mainly in fryslan, groningen,Drenthe ostfrysland and parts of denmark, we are probably most similar to Basque people
Its all the international students, like me (KEK). In most of the university buildings and at events they speak English only, or german... It rarely feels like being in an Independent Country and no one expects you to assimilate, because there is no culture to begin with. It seems like the old dutch people have this "live-and-live" mentality (which is the reason I came here), but that turned into cultural marxism apparently.
Because of a strong push in literature and media after the second world war, frisian nationalism is a thing. I don't think frisian culture will die out anytime soon.
No, TU guy here
where do you see cultural marxism? At RUG ppl just get crazy when I tell them that I am in favor of Trump, but that's the case everywhere
EWI toevallig?
they are proud and good people, I hope they prosper
Clogbros, I'm looking to spend a few days in the Netherlands.
I mainly want to smoke weed, but would also like to avoid the degeneracy of Amsterdam and the general shitiness of Rotterdam.
What do?
:/ 3mE, Maritiem
>Smoke weed
>Avoid degeneracy
There seems to be a flaw here somewhere
Veel Trumpers daarzo? Hier op de EWI is iedereen en z'n moeder Trump supporter.
OK then, where would I find a town or city with the least amount of niggers in it?
Rural towns in Friesland. Good luck finding weed tho.
>I can understand Oss and it's surrounding.
How so? The only people I know who live there are right wing as fuck.
Yes. Tax law.
Oss is a socialist bulwark
The people you know form there are most likely contrarians.
Just visit Rotterdam mate, it's loads of fun here.
Visit dat dere markthal, eat a burger there, walk over the Erasmusbrug to Hotel New York, and go back with the watertaxi. You'll have a great day.
Haha nice man. Wat studeer je? Durf nooit m'n krachtniveau te uiten naar mede-studenten.
I knew it was an SP stronghold but I didn't think it would be THAT pervasive.
>The people you know form there are most likely contrarians.
Not really, but they are business owners.
Yeah lol, why do you ask?
I Agree Rotterdam isn't as bad as people like to say. Amsterdam is the worst desu and that isn't even thanks to the nigs
Iemand /Leiden/ hier?
quite easily actually, a lot of people from the rural parts of Frysia do drugs and drink a lot due to poverty and our jobs being outsourced to germany, refugees and eastern europe. and a lot of people sell them to make some extra cash
I meant it in a way that because they are right wing in Oss they most likely feel more isolated and get stronger anti-left sentiments
But off course you know them better i'm just speculating
My Dutch isn't the best desu, German in exile here. I am studying Finance, don't care too much about other students, I am also pretty good at convincing. How about you? Also RUG?
what do you study?
computer science (informatica)
Yeah, I'm at RUG. I'm in third year of tax law. You take any law classes?
didn't have law classes, no. Just 2 more electives to go and then I'll finish up. It's to expensive to live here :/
btw why is it almost always fat black people that use the motorrollers on the bicycle lane?
Yeah, where abouts do you live? I pay about 460 (fucking in excess of 20 grand in the past almost four years I'm here) for a tiny cuckshed. Recently a cute German girl with Iranian roots moved in but she has a Churman bf.
Also, dunnu why they know. It's pretty sweet to ride a vespa on the bicycle lane, no helmet and all. Those niggers are usually weed or coke dealers.
People are just so eager to shit on western values, because of their TYT-tier Education. I dont think the faculty could remain their integrity in front of a few snowflakes... Also BLM Shirts on Campus
Just had a look at some Rotterdam stuff, there's a place called 'Paddy Murphy's Irish Pub' that looks promising.
Go see Deventer and Zwolle.
dormitory pretty shitty here, moving out soon. Rents are okay I guess, but cost of living in terms of food are too high for me. Her boyfriend is most likely a cuck, just fuck her
Enschede here
isnt groningen also one of the cities that banned zwarte piet? Pretty cucked yep :/
Flikker op, man. Dat zijn twee middelgrote provinciesteden met veel kankerallochtonen. I.e. Turken, Marokkanen, etc.
I don't think they banned it here.
Lel computer science isn't informatica
Deventer heb je wel gelijk. Maar Zwolle valt echt wel mee vriend.
No, that's a rapefugee and a German Landverräter.
can't verify it, a Frisian friend of mine told me, but not too sure
pretty good uni yes, fuck the hanze fags!
Breda/Den Bosch are pretty nice
>Lel computer science isn't informatica
Please explain to me how it isn't.
I've been living in Rotterdam for the past 10 years. The thing about Rotterdam is that it looks grey and shitty, but it has fun places. If you're into beer I'd recommend the Irish Pub, or Locus Publicus. That last one is rather small, but has a great vibe.
Rotterdam has changed, more tourists are coming here. Yet, the general Rotterdam attitude of "just work and act normal, you fucktard" is what makes this city great. I am thankful it hasn't become the shithole like Amsterdam is (although I am kind of worried this might change in 10 years)
no tilburg
Here la
Actually saw someone going through the streets like that. Prof told us its *literally racist*, is that the narrative here?
what you study? second year law here. First final on monday already
Ik heb niks met voetbal. Maar vooruit, jij je zin. Kakkerlak for life.
What about this thing?
wie /nijmegen/ hier
> Marokkaanse burgervader
/'t gooi/ master race.
the mayor is a fat faggot
yes it is
Because it is information technology
Utrecht beste stad.
Tax law here fampai, 3rd year. btw do you know what those mask posters are about?
Markthal is an abomination. It's a tourist thing. Go there on a Saturday and enjoy the real market outside.
I must admit, it's in Rotterdam's nature to create weird architecture. It's like "we don't give a fuck, let's put something weird here". Same with Kabouter Buttplug. In that sense, I love how we put weird things in the city.
In Groningen? ;o
Why did someone make kabouter buttplug?
Why did you guys allow that
Jup, en die zegt gewoon wat hij denkt. "Als je hier niks te zoeken hebt en niet wil bijdragen aan de maatschappij, rot dan lekker op".
Maak me af en toe wel zorgen om de 300.000 turken rond Rotterdam. Dat is een broeinest naar mijn idee. Maargoed, ik woon in het rijkere deel van Rotterdam, dus het doet me weinig.
the ones with the full face covers on campus? Some art project about human trafficking or something like that.
>In het Engels worden afwisselend de termen computer science en computing science gebruikt
>Because it is information technology
Nope, there's a seperate education called: Informatiekunde which is information technology, informatica == computer science.
Ha ha Haarlem. Kankervet hier.
Because we don't give a shit about what the rest of The Netherlands, or for that matter, the world, thinks. If we want a kabouter buttplug in the city, we just put one there. Some delusional artist put it there.
Flikker op man. Aboutaleb is gewoon een PvdA-cuck. Stoere verkeizingsrhetoriek of niet.
My wife's son lives in Groningen
>every place with decent unis isn't far left.
Nah m8 Tilburg
Ah thought it was some propaganda (probably still is), almost never appear there anymore. Tbf my teachers dont seem really commie
you always vote PvdA fuckwit
I have a woman openly leftist law philosophy teacher. Haven't really caught her saying dumb propaganda yet. But her twitterfeed is full with refugee crap. So i haven't been /pol triggered yet
lol cuck
bet your son is black