Sup Forums cringe thread
Sup Forums cringe thread
fucking creepy
Literally asking for it.
Those poor boys. Used as propaganda by their own mother because she loved having the choice to kill them or not.
I would grab a pussy on the left one If you know what I mean
That's fuck up... The Death-Culture is getting everytime more big, they want to legalize abortion in Argentina.
Why are liberals so cruel that want to kill innocents human beings?
>literally calling himself a girl
Does it get any more cucked than this?
>tfw your parents re fucking stupid
poor ginger
not cringe but pretty funny
it's real too
this video makes me really dislike the Liberal Agenda
Here's a video that should make anyone dislike the Liberal Agenda, even Liberals can't defend their behavior
Why Liberals are actually racist
That kid looks like he's seen some shit.
>EU fanatic
>Stein supporter
>no fatshaming
>not pictured: the not chosen child
I want to know what she told them while she was making these signs. How do you explain abortion to an 8 year old?
I think it's referring to Europa Universalis.
It certainly looks like the typical EU player.
>choosing gingers
o i am laffin
I found a video of you right now.
That is pretty good. Im assuming shectweeted something about assassinating Trump.
John flynt wants to run for public office if no one knew
i tried to watch this but I just can't bring myself to suffer through it enough
Was #DraftOurDaughters meme'd into reality???
>Huckleberry Finn
Schools kind of ban and unban that one every 10 years or so.
>letters in the back
>some faggot with rose cap
>wu you gonna call ?
>"wu lads"
kek nice catch
Eddie izzard is a faggot tranny UK comedian, the guy in the flower cap, lipstick and nail polish
And there's the reason that generation is the most conservative in ages
>that guy's face next to the pope
holy shit
its like he makes a makes a whole crusade internally
>a chosen child
hahah my sides
"hello darkness my old friend"
it's ironic you autists
why would you dare anyone to do soemthing negative towards your person? why
also god i can just imagine her thinking how edgy shes gonna be walking around town with her le epik shirt fuck off dude
>equal does not mean same
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Hillarys campaign
too much to post
This guy shoulda been in Oakland
eddie izzard is just one big cringe factory
>He identifies as "a straight transvestite or a male lesbian"
source: wikipedia
That nigra sent my sides into space, I think this shit is ironic
I always see these get posted, but are they actually serious? This shit sounds made up.
>mfw not chosen
The one on the right's fucking face.
Bretty hot desu
>equal does not mean same
>been squirting shit up his arm since 14 and he's starting to show some nice drug damage|
yo are these for real i had a boner up until this part these are fucked
>innocent dindu child grows up
>18 years pass
>Sup Forums calls for his slaughter
Why not just get it done early?
Blacks / latinos aren't paid equally to whites but I don't see these women asking for minorities to be exempt from the draft. Feminism's hypocrisy is just disgusting. These same women will gleefully talk about how we need "boots on the ground" in Syria to stop human rights abuses
Poor cunt. He probably thought this would help him end up grabbing her pussy.
>minorities aren't paid the same as whites
>Blacks / latinos aren't paid equally to whites
Please tell me you dont actually believe this?
Honestly I couldnt give more fuck about abortion, but I hate when parents use kids to push their agenda, that's fucked up
Fucking hell, there is a french dub of this shit, it's even worse with the lack of lib synchronisation
Of course I mean that in the sense of overall average income. Niggers have the highest % of their population on welfare.
>a male lesbian
What a coincidence, I'm one too
The Boys That Lived
they choose not to work thats why they're on welfare
all people no matter race or gender are paid the same amount for the same position
He has that "I know this is fucking stupid but I don't want to lose the only girl that ever talked to me" face every nerd with an ugly gf has
I've seen posts these a couple of times on here already but god damn it they make me just as angry as when I read them the first time
I just realised everything I've got is more rage inducing than anything else.
>when your imaginary gf is cheating on you
Not all positions are available to all people, though.