Let's join brexit and trump and make a triplet. Today go and say NO to renzie and the EU!
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What's so bad about the plan though? As far as I have seen it fixes your broken legislative system to be way more efficient.
stop trying to have a real discussion with the Wutbürgers, its hopeless.
Vote NO and Make Italy Great Again
You krauts are so naive it's astonishing
The referendum together with italicum would give the pm absolute control over law-making
we're not a democracy anymore, and this is the confimation
Not an argument, tell me why it's bad.
>Vote no to go on having governments with weak majority, Goy
Yes Kraut, we know you do whatever your masters tell you no question asked. Even if it is genocide. Look some other countries actually want to have a say in the things that happen in their country, that is all this is about.
this referendum will make italy more of a eu puppet than already is. i miss the day of berlusconi
It doesn't "fix" anything,it will just make the government able to do whatever it wants;it will actually make the legislative system more complicated as there will now be several possible ways of passing a law instead of one
>Implying the carpet status of Italy in the EU isn't linked to the ever changing ministers as opposed to other european countries stability at all
you're pretty much a non-country, we've the chance to say fuck you remain one at least
and pray that your neighbors to the north vote in Hofer.
Why do Germans love electing a dictator for such long stretches of time?
Not even Hitler lasted as much as Kohl and Merkel
What in the world is your problems you damn fucking krauts?
1) Renzi wins, German Lügenpresse celebrates
2) 5 Star party wins next elections, can do whatever they want due to Renzi's reforms and crashes the EU
Both outcomes of this referendum have their positive side.
5 stars doesn't even know how to breathe. They literally change point of view every 10 minutes, there aren't guarantee that they say fuck you to eu
>Implying that's what dictatorship looks like
Here, have a taste of it
any exit polls from pizzaland yet?
Renzi won't be in government forever tho'. Voting no is just an excuse for 5 stelle to do jackshit once they are in power (which is just a matter of time) and blame opposition stalling them.
the result will count-in in about 12 hours
i seriously hope you don't fuck this up, we need the EU to fail.
>mfw stock markets crash tomorrow
We want spaghexit!
it's not like this referendum is going to result in italy leaving the EU 100%
most likely we'll get rid of that EU puppet we call Renzi
let's hope that is the next step
No voters are the drumpflets of Italy
i know, but the referendum is another important domino on the way to annihilating the EU. i'm counting on you pizzabros.
but i want to win to much that i get sick and tired of it
>mfw 55-45 for NO
you would not believe how many people think that voting YES is the right thing to do
if yes really wins there's only one thing to do
send your guns hans
>comparing a 3rd world country to a European one
you would not believe how much professors are brainwashing students about sì
sometimes I think a loss would be better
feels like it could result in more people on street, which would be more fun to watch
there is a complacency in winning, where the fuck(s) who you wanted to win doesn't do what they said. Would have been better for the opponent to win so that a real discussion and gatherings could happen
>Le universities are Marxists may may
The iq here sure is low
where? university?
renzi actually visited mine, i didn't even assist, i just shouted "A CASA!" and then went home myself.
Gonna eat and the go vote Yes.
Fuck you retarded grillini.
Still a 3rd world country
Are you gonna start posting African countries next
>sending yourself to home
Based Italians, please make the German Lügenpresse cry again. (they haven't really stopped crying since Trump though)
he also visited mine, missed the opportunity to launch some tomato
>professors giving lectures about yes
>people in these threads roleplay being fascists
>They won't vote to fuck over senate despite Mussolini wanting to abolish in his manifesto
A political system designed to prevent us from having a say in our politics. Schröder acted up in saying "no" to the Iraq war, so parliament sawed him off. We vote for the parties. The parties appoint all parliament positions internally with no input from voters. The parliament then forms a council to elect the president with no input from non-council parliamentarians. And the president appoints the chancellor with no input from parliament. Our actual chancellory elections are just opinion polling for the lesser of so-and-so-many evils. Whichever puppet Brussel wants, it gets, and if we move against it there's still US Army on the ground here to destroy it all.
Sure here is full of Casaleggio Associati Shills, you are as bad as CTR was.
Maybe you shouldn't have signed up for an irrelevant course
I wonder who may be behind these posts . . .
i do electronic engineering, thankfully i don't do law and civics
Who the hell made your constitution?
Best Korea, of course
the USA probably
>Implying the Senate will be abolished
>Implying everyone in these threads is a fascist dictator LARPer.
I'm in humanities and I have never had a lecture about Trump/Yes/gender/etc
I think you're just full of shit
>he thinks this referendum is about the EU
That's word for word what M5S has been spouting for this entire campaign. You are not even trying to hide it anymore eh?
can't people just wait renzi out after the spring 2017 elections to get rid of him, instead of blowing our only opportunity to change shit, just to kill him off a couple of months in advance?
here in the sovietic province of parma we did it
How does this effect the price of gold?
Ive got like 300$ worth of JNUG, do I want a YES vote or a NO vote
By a council of selected traitors to the fatherland, a large bunch women who were literally sleeping with the enemy, working at the behest of the Western Allies. There was no national convention of the type that would be needed to legitimise it, but for as long as they can keep the nuke aimed at us there's no way we'll ever get that anyway.
Just came home, voted YES
i think italian assests will be effected the most. Gold probably will chill over the referendum
lmao if you spaghettiniggers leave the eu you're going to go up in flames
enjoy your 2 trillion debt
That's probably true, actually...I imagine that the Constitution was rewritten after WWII?
>he hasn't read the text of the new constitution
fuck off. And no I'm not voting for M5S.
>300$ worth of JNUG
lol poor people are funny
>i know, but the referendum is another important domino on the way to annihilating the EU. i'm counting on you pizzabros.
These dominoes need to fall until either EU govs decide Merkel (and perhaps germany itself) has become too much of a liability, and mutiny, or until the german population feel as though they have enough support to rise up against their government.
From what I can tell, there are alot more "Nazi's" these days over there, given bravado from the likes of Brexit and Trump. Italy can help.
You got your votes.
>This reform changes everything guys
either after WWII or after the Berlin wall fell
in both cases the USA probably participated in rewritting the german constitution, im not sure tho
We made it ourselves at least
Holy shit how do you stand for this
We lost the war but we worte the constitution
It also helped that the partisan movement would have sparked a full scale civil war with half the country already up in arms
Our constitution was the big parties sitting down, taking 2 years to find compromises on things and making everyone decently happy
Which is why I don't want Renzi just changing it like this
>spring 2017
it's 2018 unfortunately
It's clearly too long
ordinamento comunitario == ordinamento dell'Unione Europea
are you retarded? this changes nothing, it just rewrites it in more explicit terms
for non italians
>eu becomes the puppet master
Sort of. They made one up from scratch. Technically the Constitution of the late Weimar Republic would apply (this, funnily enough, means that the Third Reich has nothing to do with us, legally, but the German Reich still exists) - if we weren't occupied.
Alright Italy explain it to to me what are you doing to make Italy great again?
Was mockingFor non Italians
For real: Before it talked about European Community, now it says EU, just an update
Retard, if EU wanted to control us more, they would not need something written in our constitution. They would just black mail endlessly behind closed doors, like they always do.
Ours was the parties getting told they can be relevant again if they give this a slide and play along with it (remember they'd previously all been shut down by Hitler and for good reason), all backed up with the large-scale internment of Germans in those harmless denazification camps of Eisenhower's and the recent memory of the Hiroshima bomb that was meant to originally hit Berlin.
We do not stand for it, Italy. We lie under it. Germany is sort of Dracula, deep in his coffin and still until resurrected.
>Renzi promises he will leave if No wins
>"lol nevermind changed my mind"
>do a huge strike with other universities and mine on the 26th and 27th and march together toward Rome
>no TG even bothers reporting the news
>few nights later Renzi has the guts to say that unlike in America with Trump's election, nobody in Italy has been protesting about the Constitution changes
Nobody is actually planning to vote for this buffoon right?
everyone in italy protests for everything
they're not even trying to cover it up anymore
>NO wins and all of renzi's friends leave him alone
also someone prepare the "hello darkness my old friend" videos
make one for renzi and one for grillo if yes wins
Kek will make Italy Great Again
>Not komm susser todd
Well it is Asuka's birthday, it's fitting I guess
Who's the semen demon in the left?
Maria Elena Boschi, Minister of reforms
are you for real?
>Renzi reisgns
>guess who's back IN CHARGE
Kekkest of keks
Don't think the continent will help you when their banks imploding takes DB and your economy with it.
Time to start trading with China more.
lmao if you think anything will happen
aNOi! / youtube.com