Is this the blanda upp of our generation?
Sup Forums btfo
>mfw my tax dollars funded this
Money well spent :(
>CBC Comedy
Where was the comedy?
Canada is the best. Fuck racists.
It has a more of an audience than ever because of you.
Congratulations. No one would have seen it if not for you. are you pleased to be a hapless propaganda purveyor?
i'm sorry what's happening up there, leaf :./
>mfw I pay taxes for this
>state funded white genocide propaganda
Canada is the most cucked
>Congratulations. No one wou
earlier he said that he hates white people
Sweden actually did it first with "Mix It Up".
We used to have a policy in Australia of breeding Aboriginals out and eventually assimilating them into the white race.
Today it is roundly condemned as racist and a form of genocide.
I wonder if these efforts to breed out all races into some homogeneous blob will oneday also be viewed in a similar light. The motive is in fact the same; the idea that we will all get along better if we share the same skin colour, in this instance 'beige.'
He's been getting BTFO on Twitter.
He's extremely sensitive about his height. If you look at pictures of him and his wife together, they always prop him up or she ducks down so that he looks the same height or a little taller.
KEK, but every so often they're just standing there in a photo and he's a foot shorter than her.
Manlets, when will they learn?
>efforts to breed out all races
Only one race is set to be bred out of existence. All of these nonwhite immigrants to white countries come from largely homogenous homelands that face no threat of being bred out.
Prople seems like a misspelling, but apparently it actually seems to be a word that means something different than people to him, cause he says it's fine if a white person marries his daughter so long as it's not a prople.
Is this like a nigger and a black guy being different?
Jesus Christ dude.
He's actually mocking a twitter user that tweeted him and misspelled the word people and prople (typo). He has been using it as a joke for a few days not apparently.
Yes, this is why he has only ever been employed by the state run "comedy" business.
Before that, he was a children's game show host (Uh-Oh), and then a failed stand up comedian.
What's really funny is that the CBC wants 400 million in order to go ad free.
>Alt right movement growing because the left keep demonizing whites
>Hey, I know! Let's demonize whites some more!
Wasn't this guy on This Hour Has 22 Minutes?
I can't believe I used to watch that show.
It's like an enigma. I get what you're saying, but earlier he says he wants to genocide will sasso cause he's white.
Is this guy just horrible at sarcasm?
The CBC has become a state run propaganda monster.
They don't even report on our elections in a bi-partisan manner.
after watching the clip in the link I realized that it is from This Hour Has 22 Minutes so it's quite possible that it was just a failed satire or satire gone wrong. And as far as it being paid for by our taxes so was this:
He is painfully unfunny.
He displays the a typical pattern I've noticed among non-whites that marry a white in our country, or mixed-race people in general: They seem desperate to believe that someday everyone will be just like them, that it is inevitable.
I don't know if it's because they feel guilty about lusting for another race's men/women when they know breeding with them will annihilate the very beauty they covet, or if it's because they feel like they don't fit in and they just really wish the world were the "blendocide" he's poorly rapping about.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
It isn't poor satire, it's intended as a serious rebuke of the "alt-right". Read the YouTube video description, it specifically mentions the alt-right and Trump being elected.
A country whose Supreme Court ruled that FACTS can be Racist/Hate Speech, and you can go to jail for stating FACTS if it offends someone. Pic unrelated, but also horrible. RIP in peace Syrup Dicks.
>30% off sticker
What jewry is this? where I am Zehrs does 50% off to liquidate things that are soon to expire. I've had steak dinners for 7 dollars before on lucky finds
The guy that got in trouble from that feminist in the pic was found not guilty, so there's that.
The legal fees did impoverish him though.
Thing is his point is rubbish anyway. It's the liberal whites who aren't breeding or producing mixed race children.
Conservative whites are still breeding as usual and even more so in hardline religious communities like certain Mormon communities, the Amish and others that practice polygamy they're breeding white children at a rate even the average sandnigger migrant family can't match.
With effective border controls ending unskilled third world migration into the West eventually it'll hit a point where by dysgenics conservative whites become the overwhelming majority of whites and the white birth rates rise alongside their share as a percentage of the population. We're just at a moment of decline at the moment because we're pushing the liberal whites out of the genepool, Jews have the same process going on at the moment too.
One day the Marxists will be purged and Canada shall be made great again mate.
"alt-right" is a term made up by the media because it's a retard term that retard normies can understand. However, yea, that video is pretty fucking dumb just like 99% of leftie ""logic"".
I just hope that the racebaiting doesnt spread up here to us. Last thing I want is our media causing racial division. Thank god I live in a place no one has heard of that is 99% white so even if shit does get bad I probably won't have to deal with any ill effects
I remember reading it was overturned, but then it was going to a higher court, possibly the Supreme. I know the case was dragged out for years. Is it legitimately over now?
>One day the Marxists will be purged and Canada shall be made great again mate.
Yeah... aboot that.
Are you fucking kidding me?
The liberal media in Canada is constantly race baiting! They harp on about "white privilege" all of the time.
There is a BLM Canada, and BLM fucking interrupted a gay pride parade here this year. Trudeau praised BLM for their efforts.
What do you mean when shit goes down you'll experience no ill effects? Your fucking grand children will be genocided by the non-white majority of this country before 2100.