Why did we take him out again?

Why did we take him out again?

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American imperialism

Because he wouldn't open his borders for sub-saharans to flow into europe

He was only going to accept gold dinars for his oil. Also, there was no world bank (Rothchilds) in Libya either.

You can choose to believe:

-Human rights violations

-The guy wanted to sell oil NOT using the petrodollar but his own currency backed by gold. He went against the jews essentially and their global fiat money systems.


Same deal as Saddam

Because moderate rebels represent the practical and pragmatic form of Islam in tune with the modern world. Moderate rebels will bring about the Islamic reformation and renaissance and throw off the oppressive dictatorships.

Hillary wanted to show she was a stronk, indypendynt womyn before her second POTUS run

But its a shitshow. We own nothing there


He wanted gold instead of our currency. What a madman.

We own their way of life, forcing them to facilitate Jewish interests.

Same reason we want Assad killed

He resisted the globalist system.

Oy vey who could be responsible???

What's wrong with gold? Its a sound investment

>what is petrodollar

>We own nothing there
Are you joking wsws.org/en/articles/2015/02/17/pers-f17.html

Um bro, its the Wild Wild West out there

There's no such thing as globalism it's just American imperialism.

I know, I was being sarcastic. We killed him because the kikes told us to.

Funny thing is, those trying to get in just wanted to be in Libya. Most of those going across aren't doing so by choice, because Libshits are smart enough force them to move on.


its not really imperialism its just hegemony. the goal of the usa is break up any emerging power that could stand up for its own interests, the usa needs tiny mutually hostile states that squabble amonsgt themselves to maintain power

dirty kike nigger


because your corporate overlords told you to.

Hey guess what? Fuck israeli interests

Most of it isn't

The definition of imperialism is a A policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.

Tótal and Chevron wanted oil, Sarkozy used the Arab Spring movement to forge a casus belli out of thin air and... voilà!! free oil

>Why did we take him out again?
He wanted his own gold-backed currency instead of petrodollar. Fucking scum.

he was a good guy.. kind of an african national socialist


France is butthurt about Italy getting monopoly over LNG and construction business under Gaddafi, possible Israeli involvement, calls the US onboard
Long game: with Gaddafi out of the game and leftist cucks in europe (((certain people))) want to use Libya as a shipping hub for diversity, cultural enrichment and cheap workforce in according to globalist agenda

EU is the culprit in both cases

>he didn't want to charge the gas in USD
>rip in pepperoni

Yessss goy yesssssss. *Hissing sound*