>The greatest people on earth were short and dark haired
Why the fuck post something I can't read? stuipid metric systems and stupid French and their stinky French weiners
2016 and still measuring with fingers and feet
why amerifags are so plebs?
>tfw greatest man of them all was the tallest
Don't forget about his micropenis, you nazi fuck
they were not short at their time.
>1,68 was actually above average during Napoleon's days
>People only started to grow to our size the last 50 years.
Russian manlets upset at
Aren't the Dutch the tallest people in the world? How tall were you during Napoleon?
I seem to recall Stalin winning the war, and Hitler killing himself in disgrace as his capital city was torn apart all around him.
Around the middle of the 19th century the average height in the Netherlands and Germany was 164cm. France was 165.
Currently it's Germany 179, Netherlands 180, France 177.
Didn't Alexander the Great have light hair? Like blond?
Thank you for posting something I can read.
>he doesn't know that Hitler escaped
>Aren't the Dutch the tallest people in the world?
I think Montenegro has the tallest now that they are independent.
You never noticed that really old people are shorter than boomers and their children?
I think that's women and men combined though.
The average man would be much taller.
People shrink
woah, Alexander was tall for his era
manlets btfo
winning the war dindt really turn out well for soviets eather
Average men is 183 comma something, I believe.
>Indian King Porus was 7 feet tall.
they don't shrink 10cm
Feels good to be a tall 5'9" guy, people think I'm like 6'3" at first sight.
Also, what's your definition of great?
That's funny, I seem to recall Nazi Germany ultimately getting destroyed in a three-front war while the soviets on their own only really kept Germany from annexing them outright.
But if you live to 100 you actually do, not to mention your posture can get all fucked up so in total you look half a foot shorter
Alexander the great and Napoleon were one of the greatest because they was Black
Yes. And Stalin was a real ladies man of Steel if you catch Muh drift
>was somwhat 180 a year ago
>now 174-176
probably because i take mma lessons and as you mentioned it fucked up my posturing