Is planned parenthood just a tool to keep the negro population in check?
Is planned parenthood just a tool to keep the negro population in check?
Is KFC a tool to keep the negro population in check?
yes you idiot
It's to keep everyone in check.
KFC and gibs is the reason its so large
God why can't they just be one solid color
Yeah, it actually honestly is. White children don't need to be told to fuck with condoms, they know they're life is over if something goes wrong. Black children have a horrible determinate view of the world, they literally think nothing will ever go wrong unless it was meant to.
You might think free will world view is something obvious, but I'll remind you even white people were the same way before the enlightenment. Pessimism is literally a sign of extremely high intelligence, intelligent people always expect the worst.
Abortion saved us from niggers exploding out of cities
Are blacwomen in the US really easy to get in to bed?
**black women
and mexican population and white trash population and poor population BUT NOT FOR LONG :D
which is why "planned parenthood" will have the complete opposite effect
Dindus don't give a fuck about common sense and won't abide. Whites will.
did you check the demographics historiography and projections before making this post?
I have read at least one source that believes the decision to support abortion (Roe v. Wade, in the book Freakonomics) led to massive declines in the nigger rate
There is a bit of good in everyone
yeah extremely easy. you can goto a fried chicken restaurant and pick one up.
Bad thing is that there's like a 40% chance that they have herpes, no joke.
Two outcomes:
>Abortion, aka voluntary baby killing
Current system, allows hedonists and niggers to continue their hedonist lifestyle by allowing them to murder of their children and the destruction of their genetic descendants. Could be more efficient if permanent sterilization was a part of the abortion process. Prevents the Nigpocalypse.
>Banning Abortion, aka the Nigpocalypse
Nightmare mode. Prevents hedonists and niggers from destroying their own lineage. Rapid increase of unwanted children and niggers, causing major societal failure.
It was prior to the sexual revolution.
Not sure exactly what "planned parenthood" does, but that's just abortions in general
>cuckservatives who want to ban abortions in a country which will be minority white within 15 years
I'm not religious, but for me personally it makes most sense for life to have value starting at the point of conception. However I'm also pragmatic, and you have to allow abortions due to socio-economic reasons or society will become a worse place for everyone - even if that involves sacrificing a whole bunch of brown and white trash babies
Pro-Life is Anti-White
First thing I thought at seeing OP's pic -- one of the bad jokes my brother used to tell: How do you keep black children from jumping on the bed? Put velcro on the ceiling.
Are you aware your name is literally pronounced like an impossibly long s sound? The ß symbol is the s sound in house and could be rewritten as houß.
Be a ridiculous person elsewhere.
It could possibly act as a safety net rather than a final solution allowing them to become even more careless.
It's a damn shame they hate white people, white western culture has all these intricacies set up around it to prevent things like this. These aren't racially specific, most of what makes western culture great didn't exist until the enlightenment. White people were r selected too before urbanisation and the enlightenment, the k selection thing is very new.
Unfortunately correct...
Hedonists, whom everyone looks down on and are only comtemporarily not correcting themselves because current wave of leftism... And people with R selected cultures.
Continuing my line of thought, the sexual revolution was possible because of technology, or advances in our society. You can fuck around as a cautious, pessimistic white person and end out at worst with a desensitized sentiment towards sexuality because you'll never forget to put a condom on or trust that she's arranged something.
But not everyone is so pessimistic that they think every mistake is the mistake that ends it. This is a smart person's trait. Not everyone is smart people. Sorry.
So we need more technology to fix not even the problems of old technology but simply the problems caused by the effect our culture has on other cultures that didn't develop the technology. You can now imagine the next 500 years of human development.
If there was no decolonization there would be planned parenthood all over africa and the west would be safe.
yes, the founder of PP was a white supremacist who believed in ethnic cleansing, and openly plotted for planned parenthood to be used as a tool to genocide blacks.
Yeah I'm aware, it gets me free (you)s from people like you.
You literally can't blame the nationalistic self hatred felt after the world wars on anything. Things peak, bubbles burst and we're left to clean up the mess.
But I actually agree.
Imagine if every African country was like pre-mandela RSA, like a shitty Australia. It'd probably be boring because every country would have the same Australian, New Zealand, white islander, English (non Boer) south African accent/culture but on the flip side all those nations would also have roughly the same technology as Australia too.
Including abortion, railways, global trade, high technological comforts and maybe even welfare. These are all the things "economic migrants" are seeking in the west but unwilling to create in their own countries. Again, determinism. They believe if they don't have it they don't have it and they don't have the free will to create it.
Now remember kids, the alt right's position on abortion is allowing it, but we never exactly explain why. Got it? Literally go into tangents like I did.
That's ridiculous. You're still a dumb namefag. Fuck off. No one likes you.
On one hand it's an Australian, so every post he makes is a shitpost.
On the other hand he's right that namefags are dogshit.
What a strange sight.
>Top Ten Anime Final Attacks!
even better: if there was no colonization of africa.
Nothing can keep negro population in check.
AIDS, crack, planned parenthood all failed.
I thought we invented AIDS to kill the gays?
>amazng flying nog nigging at incerdible hihg sped
>not realizing that 90% of abortions are made by white women
Planned parenthood is a tool to feed the souls of babies to Moloch. The ones that live are raised as sex slaves before they are eaten.
Planned Parenthood started alongside the eugenics movement of the early 20th century.
Notice the name in the heading of pic under treasurer. It's Prescott Bush, father of G.Bush the 1st. The Bushes, Carnegies, and others were the forefounders of a movement that inspired Hitler and the Nazis later on. Look up the Wilhiem institute and eugenics in Germany pre WWII.
You might look into the radical drop in violent crime statistics in the 90s, and how it's correlated with the widespread legalization of abortion 20 years earlier.
Yes, but a shitty one. Much more effective would be incentivizing young males to do vasectomy.
Not only blacks, but also hispanics and liberal whites offspring.
Ghetto ones faggot. Don't place that stigma on all black women.