~5,5h until first results
~5,5h until first results
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doppelte und ihr werdet wieder nicht liefern
Dutch MSM: This is a reelection, "because last time something went wrong with the counting".
source: nos.nl
How much power does the president have anyway?
this election gives me an erection
not this time, karl-uwe.
not this time.
To been captured by the CIA has not been seen since October 16 at the aquarist embassy
Dropping my memes bois
>tfw to inteligent too vote for a literal nazi
Really pisses me off this cuck is Dutch REEEEEEEEEE
those digits tho
Not all burgers are niggers, only 50%.
who else going to shitpost on derstandard.at?
"woah. Now that Hofer won we know for sure there was fraud last time."
Gonna trigger the leftards Big League.
>he can't into memes
at it
its gonna be SO AWESOME.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Don't fuck this up.
Der Gott der wiederholenden Zahlen sei gepriesen. Schütze uns vor der Blasphemie des ewigen Teutonen.
chilllll lászló
it's seriously absolutely gonna happen this time
see you in one of your ruin clubs in budapest next weekend
>iPhone "turning" images through exif data
>Sup Forums deleting exif data
I like this one.
Thread theme
already a classic
Hey Austrians, link some of your most prominent newspapers so I can google translate and follow the buttblasted shitstorm
So, I read on, that there have been 30% less postal votes been issued in Vienna and that they expect the turnout in Vienna to be lower, can we do it when these faggots stay home?
He's not, he just changed his name there
He's russian
wait until tomorrow and read the comments by hans rauscher, föderl-schmidt and others.
also check derspiegel.de, zeit.de for bundesdeutsches arschweh.
keks will be infinite
Mehr wie das bitte
i just voted. It was pretty empty.
good for hofer
Who's ahead in the polls and who's actually winning ausfags?
ultra-close. but it should work for hofer this time as voter turnout will decrease significantly mostly because of hofer averters not showing up again at the ballot boxes after le summer of happenings.
Would you niggas get yourselves together and actually make an election general rather than having 5 different threads all with like 12 posts
I am in a unique position to be able to force hundreds of thousands of Austrians to view a short video.
I asked multiple times over the past few weeks for a link to a simple video 3 minutes or less that would convince normies and women in Austria to vote for Norbert.
It could have easily tipped the scale, but every time I asked here, I was ignored.
If he loses, then I wash my hands of the consequences.
Just read on his background and it's just so fucking typical how his parents were refugees from Stalin's communist regime while he himself is a Green-Socialist which is about as close as you can get to communism in a western democracy.
Um, do it?
Is there any good place to follow the upcoming results?
No. You can't, because mods will handpick every post on derstandard.at, deleting the ""offensive"" ones.
This is Sup Forums, everyone is anonymous so any faggot can come on and say whatever dumb shit he likes to. So ye go ahead and show that video but, if you want to get people to care, you might start with actually showing us the video.
Ich hoffe ihr schafft es, Schluchtenscheißer. Rettet uns.
Nimm meine Energie Hofer!
>Hofer becomes president of Austria
>Italians vote no in their referendum
It will be a good day for nationalism.
Bellen's odds drifting, now at 3.75, from 3.00 at the start of the day I think.
However, I've heard that Vorarlberg is not looking too good for Hofer, whatever that means. He lost there in May with -17 %.
Just sitting here next to the Wörthersee eating Zwiebelrostbraten and waiting for our victory.
you just dont know how to do it properly.
you need to register a nickname covered by TOR a few days earlier. better make a few of those.
post in random live tickers early on to activate them.
there you go.
Well Vorarlberg and Vienna are a lost cause no matter what.
How is it looking in your social circle? what are people mostly voting?
who still offers bets??
couldnt find anything.
last numbers from william hill were 1:1,28 for hofer ... draw your conclusions ...
Schöner Weihnachtsstern.
I'm personally mostly sorrounded by Hofer voters in family and friends.
Good luck Austria.
Hope to wake up to some celebrating.
There you go buddy.
>Hope to wake up to some celebrating.
Same. And now, finally, to get some sleep.
The point is that he was asking for you to recommend him a video but it's too late now.
>Well Vorarlberg and Vienna are a lost cause no matter what.
Wien kuriert sich grade selbst.
Dreimal darfst du raten, warum die Wahlkarten grade in Wien so stark zurückgegangen sind ... die Leute haben es satt, dass überall Illegale ihren kriminellen Geschäften nachgehen zu sehen.
Sie haben es auch satt, der Magnet schlechthin zu sein für den ganzen Abschaum durch die höheren Sozialleistungen.
Its gonna be Hofer. And it wont even be close.
more stats from the last election
this plz!
Sprengts euch Van der bellen unterstützer
They should break it down by Austrians and foreigners
Can confirm, you can even see defaced Van der Bellen billboards outside of the Serbian districts this time.
Viennaese have been force fed the red pill.
>country litterly split in half
well lets hope that the young voters stayed home
so we can have a convincing Hofer victory
comfy as fuck
Ich habe den Zusammenhang zwischen Wahlkartenrückgang und Bellenüberhang in der ersten Stichwahl berechnet. Das Ergebmis war tatsächlich, dass es einen leichten Zusammenhang gibt.
Man, women fucking suck when it comes to politics. We should never have let them vote.
Lasst was vom Arschweh übrig.
God be with you lads.
elaborate pls
Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze
Unsern Kaiser, unser Land!
Das ist schön zu hören Austro-Bros.
I hope this time you guys make it. Would be an important sign for the rest of Europe.
I am doing my duty and engaging in meme-battle on derstandard-front. Seeing strong enemy resistance.
Fucking kek, why are leftists so retarded?
Do they love being degraded during sex, too?
>steh auf
>geh wählen
>jetzt erstmal frühstücken
Quick, link me to some leftist tears
>I am doing my duty and engaging in meme-battle on derstandard-front. Seeing strong enemy resistance.
it has always been dirty business there, deep behind enemy lines.
its going to end soon tho. stay strong.
derstandard.at sollte reichen
Hofer will win
Bumping for fourth reich
there is no salt yet, they are only reassuring each other. guess we'll have to wait until 17:00
Already cleaned a flask to collect them delicious tears.
leaks should be around a lot earlier today. trends will be apparent very early due to that massive amount of information from may.
anyone of you have a good source?
So do they take their data from random polls or do they have other sources for it?
Because fuck I wouldn't want to say I'd vote for Hofer if there were any people related to my university near me because fuck everything is so turbo-left here, you wouldn't even believe it.
Der Präsident hat gefälligst ein Schwächling zu sein der von seinen Rechten (Bundeskanzler ernennen, Regierung auflösen) keinerlei Gebrauch machen wird. Dienst nach Vorschrift. Das sehe ich bei Hofer nicht gegeben und daher ist er unwählbar.
Ja, das meine ich unironisch. Wenn Präsidentenwahlen plötzlich Regierungswahlen seien sollen, hätte man das dem verfassungsrechtlich ignoranten Wahlvolk vorher erklären sollen.
you better board a time machine, man.
other times are acoming
Solltest du nicht um diese Zeit auf der Antifa Demo Steine auf Kinder werfen?
*+friedlich und gewaltfrei
Und Polizistenautos anzünden mit Polizisten drin. Ist ja nur "Gewalt gegen Sachen".
I really hope based Norbie dries up this swamp.
digits für Hofer
Außerhalb deines politischen Spektrums gibt es nur Antifa?
Sollte zu denken geben.
Alles ein Filz, Sören-Malte.
>vorher erklären sollen
Das war ein Hauptthema im Wahlkampf der mittlerweile Monate dauert und wurde von vorne bis hinten durchgekaut. Also bitte erzähl nicht so an Schaß.
You fucked up OP. That's the Polish flag, not the Australian .
Sorry, habe ich mir von den Linken "Alles Nazi" Schreier abgeschaut ;)
Cheked for Nobsi
shut up New Zealand
Ja. Wir haben das also. Pan-europa, gas the kikes, kill the muslims