Will science solve The Female Question?
Will science solve The Female Question?
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Yes. Aggressive and antisocial males will be removed from the gene pool, and we will have female dominated society with a few femboys/traps, and maybe a few (sterile) slave underclass masculine males for sexual novelty purposes.
That might work for you guys right now but I think we need another solution finally.
Males are increasingly obsolete.
>solve The Female Question?
fuck off japan, fuck off back to fapping to waifu's and hug pillows.
Why stop there? Solve "The Human Question" and replace men with superior robot males
It's the inconvenient truth of the 21st century.
We have all these males around and they're causing problems, killing, raping, etc. It's because males are less suited to close confinement and high population densities, due to their natural instincts.
men are obsolete
it's 2016
You not being an autist will solve the women issue
>Jews ruin relationships between men and women
>dumb goyim think the solution is to replace women
>not to roll back and solve the Jewish problem
What question?
you faggot cucks make me sick
Fuckbots will severely upset the roastie market once they hit that sweet balance of affordable and convicing. Thousands of NEETS who formerly spent their time getting cucked will have no reason not to go fully MGTOW. The reduce in demand will lead to a proportional reduce in the price of roastie companionship for men who even want to deal with that.
Artificial wombs will make females utterly obsolete making sexual relations between men and women purely voluntary and for pleasure. Gotta love that free market.
Jesus Christ is this what 2 nukes does to a country?
Not getting any of my (you)s troll
It's just the truth.
Men are solitary, brooding, aggressive, territorial, prideful, etc. This has a useful function in wild animals and less civilized humans. Not so much anymore. So, they chimp out and commit murders and rapes and get into fights.
Women are more sensitive, social, kind, caring, cooperative, etc. This is why they are more suited to the highly social, high population density modern society.
One I was in a bus on a really bumpy (Poorlish) road, and I thought, wouldn't it be nice to have hover-buses, then no more bumpy roads. Then I realised, the real, much simpler solution is to just fix the damn road.
We dealt with women for literally hundreds of thousands of generations well enough, what changed? Jews. Replacing women is your hoverbus, it's unpractical, unfeasible and undesirable, the real solution is fixing the source of the problem: Jews and their Marxism4Wimmin aka "feminism".
Its not the Jew's fault that women can be exploited. You don't try to eliminate every thief in town, you just get a better lock. Get artificial wombs, and the Jew loses his power.
>being this cucked
oh YEAAAH didnt you get nuked or something?
that explains it
>fixing roads
>in poland
Złe są Rządy i złe drogi w Polszcze, złe i mosty.
No, this is stupid. You gas the Jews and you protect your women, then Jews lose their power (because they're dead) and everything goes back to normal.
If you don't think women are brooding, aggressive and territorial you don't know shit about women. If you don't think men are kind, caring and cooperative you don't know shit about men.
I hope someday you learn how to enjoy being a man because it's fucking great.
Why would you put an artificial womb in a robot? That's retarded
The wombs should be in a secured, heavily monitored facility and their location should be a top secret information
Jews and ''post-moodern'' globalists are the problem, not women.
Stop hating on women.
Because betas want too have artificial womb in their walking/talking/living dildo.
These fucks are literally just feminists, but for men.
Sup Forums makes all these threads complaining about how women are so bad, etc. boo hoo nobody will let me put my dick into their vagina
But they don't realize it's men's flaw by being fixated obsessively on sex, on possessing and controlling women and their sexual habits, and then they get mad when women don't accept their control and fuck whoever they want. It's like primal chimpanzee instincts put to paper.
It's sickening. I'm just redpilling you all that in this era, males are becoming obsolete.
Say what you want but if i could i would augment the shit out of my body.
>ensure population surplus through cloning/artificial wombs
>women lose the only thing that makes them useful to society
>feminists and women in general FOREVER BTFO
>men's flaw by being fixated obsessively on sex
but this is the very instinct that has driven every man since the dawn of time. Every work of art, music, poetry, science and engineering has its roots in this.
Please elaborate on why you think so.
Because men who didn't went extinct probably before men were even human.
Men were more useful in the past when we lived in small communities and had to struggle against nature. But now we have technology to do the heavy lifting and are packed into urban centers. And we can use artificial insemination for the time being and later on genetic engineering or artificial wombs to produce more women in a female-dominated soceity, without the need for men.
>but this is the very instinct that has driven every man since the dawn of time. Every work of art, music, poetry, science and engineering has its roots in this.
Why do you think we invented language? beause after a while we got tired of beating women into submission so we could nut in peace and further the race.
The problem is that protection and production are mens only use to society, and robots that can do both those things are far easier to create than artificial wombs.
inb4 b..bu..but mens invent stuff!
Society could continue to be maintained at it's current level without further innovation just fine, combined with the fact that the General Artificial Intelligence needed to make humanoid robots a reality would be quite capable of limited technological development at the very least.
Technological advances have always effected men more than women, from agricultural developments removing the need for hunters to mechanical labour saving devices reducing the need for agricultural manpower. This trend isn't going to change in the future.
Just look at the gender demographics for the next major role that is likely to be lost to automation; transport and logistics. Overwhelmingly male.
We are going to live under the leadership of AIs in a society filled mainly with women.
>Technological advances have always effected men more than women, from agricultural developments removing the need for hunters to mechanical labour saving devices reducing the need for agricultural manpower. This trend isn't going to change in the future.
Just look at the gender demographics for the next major role that is likely to be lost to automation; transport and logistics. Overwhelmingly male.
The only reason it overwhelmingly effects men is because in every Society except a few tribes in Africa, Men have always been the workers and the women sat at home and were the caregivers.
Only in the past 100 years has this changed, due to women wanting to work more, Have you ever even worked in a factory? theres all kinds of women that work in them.
Jesus christ this argument is moot, people watch an episode of Rick and Morty and think they are Philosophers or woke or some dumb shit.
Can I upgrade myself to a bot/upload to the cyber?
>Technological advances have always effected men more than women, from agricultural developments removing the need for hunters to mechanical labour saving devices reducing the need for agricultural manpower
men have been willingly throwing themselves into spears, arrows and gunfire throughout written history in the name of progress be it right or wrong. you think unemployment in some dying fields is really going to stop progress? do you not know scientific breakthroughs have been increasing exponentially in the past 100 years? Most men have a deep rooted desire to build, create and achieve. It is the driving force of civilization and possibly the one thing that can never be replaced. Inversely, this trait is rarely found in women. Recent third wave feminism and social trends have pushed women into the workforce and they are miserable as a result yet almost all great scientific and technological breakthroughs are overwhelmingly male.
sorry, in a strange turn of events only humans with souls can have there consciousness uploaded digitally. Every time they try it on an asian it just generates a stack overflow and crashes. RIP
Yeah I want to augment myself/ascend to the cyber realm myself.
If you could have a custom robotic body or virtual avatar would you make it look like your original body? Or a new form?
What worries me about robowaifus
Is that men that choose to have female companionship will struggle to compete with males that go for robots, women are so much more time consuming. In a demanding field, guys with robot waifus will have more time to be better in their fields and enjoy themselves because they don't have to go out with their gfs or argue with them or even talk to them when they don't feel like it or are bussy.
So eventually even guys that could find a proper good girl will chose to be with a robot because is so much less hassle and fullfils your needs.
Women gonna get BTFO so hard.
Nobody to blame but themselves. You don't have to worry about your root cheating on you.
3 nukes.
Make it happen.
Women don't need men though. You're projecting the male desire to the other sex's s sexuality onto women. You can cum into your sex toys and women will go on and do their own thing.
>desire to the other sex's s sexuality
desire to control the other sex's sexuality***
>women dont need men
Males only need an attractive body and a hole to fulfil their needs.
Females need much more than that, that's what many women go after rich, powerful or influential males.
Now let's assume you're right and you probably are, females will benefit from robotchads too, can women compete with males in the job market without affirmative action?
Look at today's world, even with everything being handed to them women perform worse than males in most fields, and this is with a head start, now imagine a world were men stop giving a fuck about females, women can't compete, why do you most experts in most fields are overwhelmingly males?
Why do you think most ceos are males? Even with standards being dropped just for females they still struggle to compete.
Are you going to have a robot bodyy, though?
men has sex bots
>OMG what a loser cant handel a stroyn womin XDD
women has sex bots
>omg yaaassss so impowering
this is fine :^)
Yeah I'm thinking to become a cyborg/upgrade myself when it becomes possible.
That seriously sounds really awesome. Please Japan, make anime real again!
Women can enjoy their robot chads.
But they will absolutely destroyed in the job market.
Not only do males perform better in every field. But even for unskilled jobs males are better.
Women tend to take more holidays and work part time more often than males even in profesional careers, they also retire early, get sick more, and just the top of it.
The real reason females can't compete is in front of your face.
Nowadays we have what's essentially affirmative action for females yet most experts in most fields are females, most CEOs are females, even with standards being dropped for females they can't compete.
Women don't "need" men in the same sense that men "need" women.
Men get near-uncontrollable desires to fuck women, while women don't experience this as much generally.
As AIs and robots take over leadership/scientific and physical labor, men will become even more obsolete.
A society of AIs and female cyborgs.
It's really weird to hear it from a Jap with a female pillow.
Women can't do anything right they are useless at organising and running anything.
>Men get near-uncontrollable desires to fuck women
AI to organize and plan. Robots to physically work. Women will carry the torch of humanity into the future. Earth will be a robot-curated Eden for Eve of endless pleasures, lesbian trysts, aesthetic beauty, peace, and harmony.
I bet you voted the cuck
Cheap, widely available sex androids will complete save civilisation.
Imagine brothels where you can pay an hourly rate for unprotected sex with a "16 year old" or your favourite pornstar, deepthroats, take it in every hole, always lubricated, always enthusiastic.
Imagine paying an up front cost or monthly fee to keep one in your home that you can switch off whenever you want. Different packages come with different perks, highest "gold" standard comes with cooking and cleaning capabilities.
Never nags, never has need or wants, switches off when not in use, always ready to fuck you on request. Completely owned by you.
Biological women will be worthless. Once men can get easy sex without havibg to supplicate women they will lose ALL the powerthey ever had. They will have to compete with sexbots and a new feminine movement will arise to tey and imitate and outdo the androids. Women will become women again once they actually have something to compete with, and men finally develop some options and abundace mentality.
"Oh you won't suck my dick on request and you're texting that guy from work? Bye bitch I'm replacing you with Mia Malkova V2.0, only $149.99 a month much cheaper than supporting your lazy ass"
Can't fucking wait.
Yup. Women will get massivley BTFOd.
And they will have to start competing by becoming more like the robots.
There will be a "natural" movement; of men who choose "real" women iver robowaifus, wnd those real women are exactly like the robo waifus but biological.
I think this movement might do even better than robot owning men, as not only do they get the perks of absolute submissivness, but also genuine biological love adoration and respect. I think this is something we might be overlooking.
The robots won't be around forever, they'll eventually be relegated into advanced whores, they are just the wake up call for women and feminists, the kick up the ass to make them get their shit together.
I think robot tech will exponentially advance year by year, so leasing/renting is better than owning a model outright
In all likelihood the machines themselves will have solved The Human Question in the next 200 years.
This is just like the people delusional about the singularity.
The future is bright
Or this, but we'll see how it goes. Whatever the case if humans still exist they will be quite different from what they are now.
these bitches are useless. If it wasn't for the daily burgers they got from the production they would have died in 2 days due to de-hydration.
what kind of a retard wants to fuck robots?
Isn't this what Kojima's new game is about? Babies in artificial wombs that men support? no woman in sight
There is no issue. If you can't get a women to willingly sleep with you because the thought of you makes her wet, you're a genetic failure and will not pass on your genes.
In every primate related species, there is a large proportion of the male population that never breeds with a female. Most of you are the homo sapien sapien equivalent. Enjoy your computer games and fapping to porn. Genetic alphas like me will be sure to make plenty of children in your place.
no but in the meantime asian women will
at least, if you want a stable relationship with a nice conservative woman
I think I am social retard, but I want to fuck something, not hookers, and I do not want to jump through flaming loops over fiery pits full of aligators just for some random fat chick to be my GF
Are you going to be a polygamist then? If not you'll probably have 2 or 3.
>taking care of stupid children
then go out and fuck cute grills
I hate going out, is there any other way?
Use an application like Grindr lol.
You can buy some from Thailand or Ukraine.
Oh wait that's the gay one the straight version is Tinder lol.
>tfw two nukes wasn't enough
Cute b8 m8
>implying he is real Japanese
No. It'll solve the male one. Men are much easier to replace in procreation than women are. You can trick a woman's blood cells into becoming sperm. You cannot trick a man's cells into become a fertile egg (or not anywhere close to yet, at least).
Within 2 decades, men will no-longer be required for procreation.
white women make up 50% of our race and 52% of them voted for Trump
we need to crush the jewish parasite and his degenerate minons which includes /r9k/
Jap is talking shit mostly but he's right about automation affecting men more. Just see how women are getting more jobs than ever before. Hell they're joining the army as well because tech made it less dangerous. Read this
It can. But western science is prone to cuckery
fug :DDD
welp, time to accept me being forevah alone
What fucking job market? You are talking about robowaifus and still expect there to be jobs for humans? WTF :D
>Earth will be a robot-curated Eden for Eve of endless pleasures, lesbian trysts, aesthetic beauty, peace, and harmony.
And they would STILL complain non-stop.
fake japan please go.
All of women's work has been automated and look how they turned out. Culture needs to adapt to technological innovation with traditionalism and not postmodern bullshit.
>Fuckbots will severely upset the roastie market once they hit that sweet balance of affordable and convicing.
So never?
>Artificial wombs will make females utterly obsolete
They will also spawn a whole new generation of terminally fucked-up psychopaths. Probably the soulless kind. Welp. I can't wait for that.
If I wanted to "go out"
where is this "out" you are talking about?
desu this thread is proof the leftypol conspiracy is true. look at all these cucked shills.
>Implying that the jews will surrender their power
I know you're a trolling faggot with a proxy but reminder that everything you're saying is factually incorrect and it's actually females that can be done away with by artificial womb tech and genetic engineering.
>solitary, brooding, aggressive, territorial, prideful, etc.
Are we talking about humans or niggers?
Night club, bar, cafe, library, bus, bus stop, intersection, bookstore, gym, dance class...