Post your anticommunist pictures and memes
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the west men is too weak facing these fuck head
vid related regard from a south east asian country
first 5 minutes
commies are all underaged retarded faggots. The country that invented communism no longer uses it because it failed so bad. Let that sink in for a minute
Damien trying to unite The workers of The world againts capitalists pigs
Really made me think.
>muh 100 millions
anticommunists are even worse than kikes
looks like a meme my grandmother would share on kikebook
t. crocodile-injecting Ivan
>communist discord
>some neckbeard retard
>communism is the natural progression of capitalism
>super nazis
None of this cucks ever actually lived through communism, did they?
See, I think price is also an artefact of supply too: if a business put to low a price, everyone would buy but they would not surbive.
Marx's Labor Value Theory is retarded because it considers only supply, and stipulates egalitarianism with the "socially necessary" part
desu soviet people were pro-feminism and against imperialist wars in the ME.
>implying modern day neo-nazis aren't equally degenerate
> soviet people were pro-feminism
ORLY? As i remember, women was about to be threatened AS humans, not as something above.
not an argument
>t. a guy raised by his mom
Idc, if you were raised by your mom. Yes, it doesn't give you true vision of history and it's details, though.
high quality bantz
it is also stupid because how many times does a consumer think "How hard has the laborer worked for this product?"
the consumer just calculates what he can afford, depending on his budget and his needs/desire.
as simple as that.
sure mate, the USSR would be delighted if they saw this on their Streets
get bent mong
wtf is this?
When Romania was communist, they were heavily anti-abortion.
After that, the birth rates surged but for the wrong reasons.
Contraceptives were gone.
Pregnancies were monitored by a gynecologist
Hospitals were monitored and controlled by secret police.
Children were being born en masse and most of them unwanted.
And the mortality rate amongst children and women alike skyrocketed.
Gee, the russian is butthurt about that.
Why can't you just admit it like a man? Don't be like a turk triggered by the word "Armenian Genocide"
"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." — Ronaldus Magnus
>As i remember, women was about to be threatened AS humans
>as i reminder
Furtseva and so on, and so on, it was sort of normal feminism, not muh all man are rapists
>filename large
>Why can't you just admit it like a man?
Just because that`s not so
>Don't be like a turk triggered
That`s fun to hear about triggers from the only country who used nuclear weapons, sponsored islamic terrorists, and then reject all that shit
>That`s fun to hear about triggers from the only country who used nuclear weapons, sponsored islamic terrorists, and then reject all that shit
This kek
Everyone points fingers but have more shit on their side than they care to admit.
>neo-nazis in favor of christian values
>commies in favor of atheistic dick-sucking
It makes me really sad to see what South africa has turned into
Kek, getting his ass wooped for throwing around his communist propaganda stones like the cuck that he is.
They always wear masks
Thats Chris Hani, the leader of the South African communist party. He got shot by this fine gentleman.
irl was the best meme
"Government cares about people"
Is it truly like this now ?
Only during "strike" season. Its racist to call them riots.
Ties into his theory of money, which was fucked:
>If one person trades dollars for hamburgers that means those dollars are worth the SAME as the hamburgers, amirite lol?
No Marx, it means that I thought my dollars were worth LESS than the burgers, so I TRADED them for the thing I valued MORE, and so did the guy I paid, but he valued the dollars more than the burgers.
Marx can't into asymmetrical exchange.
Europe already look like this in some places and it's gonna get worse
Regular rioting comes before revolution. Which is why I think the US is approaching its change.
I love the fact that the retard leftist fucks pushing for communism, would be the first cunts thrown in the gulag for being degenerate cock suckers
He leeched off of people his whole life, he would never grasp such elevated concepts.
I came here due to the election. I am not part of the raid. I have a question about techno-communism where robots/computers do the hard labor (not people) and the people get an equal share of the output. Obviously someone needs to build and repair the robots. PR could encourage bored people into this (and prrhaps dome incentive).
Past communism fails because it made humans slaves and no innovation, no incentives. But does it fail when robots/computers are the slaves?
Either you stiil had to control it's work, or you have to invent AI, which itself could be a problem.
*perhaps some incentive
Sorry for typos.
>Controlling the work
someone would have an interest in that I assume. People enjoy playing with computers as a hobby. What people try to avoid is hard labor but they do want a sense of achievement.
Not enough. That's shold be at least one human per 2-3 workplaces. That's pretty much humans. And it would only be noticed by others only of you fail to notice a mistake in machine's work, which would lead to terrible disaster.
How about add in some national service type thing where for say 5 years you learn and watch the machines then after that free enjoy the spoils. Some would naturally stay on because of the sense of being useful to society.
I can't help but think that the nerds of the world would be open source "competing" to make and improved software.
>I can't help but think that the nerds of the world would be open source "competing" to make and improved software.
Almost every open source have tons of bugs.
All complex software has bugs. But closed source makes it harder for the public to find. In no way does closed = bug free.
I'd seize her means of reproduction
Comrade Reagan was just a slick entryist.
As long as we don't have robots that do everything for us these theories are just fantasies of utopia.
Machines made it easier to harvest food and build houses, but people found other jobs, the unemployment rate remains rather stable. So for now there is no real reason to think that we could simply have machines doing all the stuff for us and us living in utopia or that people suddenly become unemployable and we have to introduce an unconditional basic income which would cost so much that everyone would have to pay enormous taxes to keep it up which would be de facto communism.
"Closed" in most cases means "having some efforts been put into making this by professional programmists", and not by a bunch of random guys.
I cant say fro all software devs, but being part of modding community i`d say that "bunch of random guys" can improve a game immensely.
Equally it can be outsourced to the lowest bidder who writes crappy code that no interested party (the user) can review, all to save a buck. However debating this is off topic, so I will stop replying about this.
>As long as we don't have robots that do everything for us these theories are just fantasies of utopia.
I agree it needs the tech to viably support it. It is questionable when this will be possible. My discussion is about after that has occurred.
>Machines made it easier to harvest food and build houses, but people found other jobs, the unemployment rate remains rather stable. So for now there is no real reason to think that we could simply have machines doing all the stuff for us and us living in utopia or that people suddenly become unemployable and we have to introduce an unconditional basic income which would cost so much that everyone would have to pay enormous taxes to keep it up which would be defacto communism.
I do think UBI is a path to this. Companies that save money by replacing workers with machines should pay a "automation tax" which then supports the no longer needed work force. Since these companies make more profit by impoverishing the former work force they are financially responsible for them. Not because of some ethic (capitalism has none) but because our society's structure is supposed to improve humanities condition not create a dystopia of haves and have-nots.
Not everyone is capable of, or needed as an employee, in a high tech automated society.
> automation tax
I think that is the wrong way since it punishes companies for finding more efficient ways. It's also really hard to pin down which job could otherwise be done by a human and how to measure automation.
I also think businesses aren't responsible for their workers, if the contract runs out, it runs out. And I think that the have-nots would find other work, just like in the last ~200 years of industrialization. In the end I'm fine with basic welfare, so people won't commit crimes to stay alive. And I don't think that we will have masses of unemployable people, because so far we didn't have masses of unemployable people and we already had the biggest jobs decline by 99% (farmer: 50% of population to .5% of population).