Look at the comment section.
Please Spank Your Kids
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Having to physically hit your kids is a sign of lack of control.
>Having to
Yes, if you HAVE to spank your kids because you can not constrain yourself that is a sign of a lack of control.
If you spank your kids because you love them and want to discipline them and do not want them to grow up to be narcissistic assholes then no that is NOT a sign of lack of control.
It's the same thing with any kind of human interaction.
And that's pretty rude of you to comment without watching the video or reading the comment section.
Kek wills it.
But seriously, is not spanking your kids as a type of punishment such a thing overseas? No wonder there are so many numales
No we're not you fucking cunt. It is a minority of children who are not spanked, physically or psychologically abused by their parents. But there is a general trend here, evolution makes it that inappropriate parenting is becoming more and more denounced by society and attitudes are changing, but too slowly.
Really, barbie! When I look at charts; there are less murders, rapes and violent crimes than 25 years ago even if the number of people living in the US rose by millions.
Thanks for the clarification, Link.
It's become very easy for me to see who has not been spanked by their parents growing up and it is very much a sad site to behold.
You're not making any sense.
First you say it's a minority of children not being spanked.
Then you claim that because kids aren't being spanked violent crime is being lowered?
What kind of fucking logic is that?
You need a spanking.
Spanking does not equal beating your children you literal faggot.
>Giving her attention
Are you stupid
I spank my kids.
Listen, Sup Forums. Have 3+ kids, and bring them up with high energy discipline.
>not having an argument
Sounds like you need a spanking.
She has plenty of valid arguments.
Sounds like you need a spanking.
What was the context to when you had to hit them? Why are you such a bad parent that to be listened you have to resort to physical strength? What have they learned from this experience and how will they grow from it?
>Implying I'm not just using this as an excuse to post molymeme pictures.
>caring more about conforming to some juvenile memes in a chinese cereal factory workers board
You need a spanking.
>spanking your kids in 2016 despite clear correlation between spanking and aggressive behavior/criminality later in life
The people who equate spanking to beating need to be beaten then spanked so they know the difference.
Look, I dislike parents who BEAT their children, but there's nothing wrong with a slapped wrist. I'm also a supporter of cane punishment in school's aged 7-13.
I'm not a bad parent.
You see the thing is, I hardly ever spank my children at all as they've been brought up well. Hence why a slapped wrist works.
Last time I spanked one of my kids was my daughter, who had a tantrum and threw a cup to the ground.
Attributing the crime drop caused by abortion legalization to not spanking children is some nuclear grade ironic cognitive dissonance.
Show me your evidence.
Someone before showed a chart of the decrease in violent crime without showing how it directly correlates with spanking.
There are many more factors that go into this.
I would say technology is a huge one.
Oh I guess you're not a bad parent from reading you. SHE DARED THROWING A TANTRUM and EVEN THROWING A CUP? SHE ASKED FOR IT.
Why didnt't you hit her even more if the method is so efficient?
How old was she, just to show the whole world how pathetic of a parent you are?
Right? How stupid can I be to attribute educational style to later attitudes of children?
Comment section full of spoiled degenerate brats.
Why does Nicole Arbour get as much shit as she does? She's completely right in quite a few of her videos, especially her fat shaming video.
>supporting caning
Checks out
LMAO I just read that the Barbie in the video in question reproduced her parents' attitudes by hitting and abusing her exes.
>taking a nigger lover seriously
She is a fucking idiot who isn't humorous at all. She literally brings nothing to comedy. Just a perspective from someone who has the worldview of a fucking 12 year old that maybe appeals to le triggered XDD gay cunt memers. Haven't seen the fat video but the vegan one was the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. This cunt needs a bullet.
She has nice tits
>this cunt needs a bullet
Way to be a nigger.
Yes. Nice face as well.
I would spank her, alright
>Please Spank Your Kids
this bitch hasnt killed herself yet, i guess parasites arent exactly self aware
I don't believe corporal punishment is ever justified so i won't watch this video (the broad is pretty cool in my book though, saw her video on fat people)
Spanking only makes children retarded and instills authority fearing behavior in them, effectively making them little bitches Daddy Government can rule over
There are better ways to create decent human beings than treating them like literal animals - and particularly boys (who are often the most unruly), who will be blessed by not having to deal with toxic shame
You're not going to watch a video because you think you'll disagree with it?
Well I disagree with you.
I think when you don't hit your kids it makes them more likely not to be able to deal with authority figures and makes you more passive aggressive and bitchy.
This is Mollyjew
I would spank my kids. I would slap someones else kid if they act up.
Didn't watch the video
But reported it three times
>You're not going to watch a video because you think you'll disagree with it?
yes, it's a waste of time, i'm stubborn about this. After having read "No More Mr. Nice Guy" I discovered that spanking is highly likely to literally turn your child into a beta bitch cuck faggot, not to mention that it will also make them stupid and give them subconscious baggage that'll give them a lot of trouble to de-program themselves with later on
and there are better ways to show authority to your children than hitting them - and if you don't believe it, there is a difference (a psychological one) from the act of physically causing harm than by other means of punishment
This video was so cancerous it makes me want to die
Why can't she talk without 50 jump cuts per minute?
How old are you?
>No More Mr. Nice Guy
Great. Another fucking Jew who put out his "philosophy" and you retards just eat it all up as gospel.
Got any kids?
>damning the source fallacy
guess that's a bit of knowledge you're throwing down the drain along with other scientific and mathematical contributions jews have made.
She's 7, and he was being an arse all day, insulted her mother and was getting on my fucking nerves.
So I gave her a silly few smacks on her wrist.
Other than that, she's a good girl, just like my other 2 daughters and 2 sons. This is thanks to me and my wife being great parents.
Not an Arbument
also i just did a quick source and can't find anything that says he's Jewish
Who pic related
Not yet.
You've got a point but this is Jews we're talking about.
It is there way to complete deconstruct whatever society they are apart of for profit.
Your children will grow to distrust and resent you
Then you have no idea what you're talking about at all
>Having to physically hit your kids is a sign of lack of control.
Well i somewhat agree with this.
However in some cases not hitting your kid can be way worse than being a hippie parent.
cant wait for her suicide blog vid once she hit the wall
I think you might be right and I may have made a mistake.
I still am skeptical of books of his kind though.
That's not true.
I watch plenty of people that spank their kids and plenty of people that don't spank their kids.
I grew up in the south where it is very common to spank your kids and now I live in Olympia Washington where it is very uncommon to spank your kids.
I would put money on the fact you didn't vote Trump.
The reason studies associate spanking with crime is that more niggers spank their kids, and also commit more crimes
I'd like to see a study that controlled for ethnic group and income
ITT: Triggered leafs, beta faggots, jewlovers
You just have to know how to talk
You still have no experience at all
Not seeing a lot of arguments in this thread
>Lol like why can't you just have control over children?
>t. Doesn't have kids
I would say your kids get any of their awfulness from you
Shut up you bird. Dee, you dumb bitch.
It's a great book.
To add to that, if you are spanked or physically abused - especially if it continues into teen years - it conditions you to think that violence can solve problems.
I didn't realise this until I had a long and drawn out argument with my wife that went on well past midnight and ended up throwing her to the floor. It's what my mother used to do.
I'm in two minds about this. On one hand, violence can solve problems, and is often the only thing that will. Things such as real childhood bullying can not be solved by punishment for the bully. The only way to fix it is for the victim to work out and train, either to be able to beat the shit out of the bully, or cause enough pain/damage even if they lose they fight for it to not be worth it for the bully, and they'll choose a weaker target.
On the other hand, you've got the very real problems of jail for assaulting someone once you get older.
Also, I couldn't get past halfway through that video, and it took a lot of willpower to get that far. After she started comparisons to children in africa I noped the fuck out.
Do you have kids?
Sure do
Happy, confident, outgoing
Trusts me
Is learning that being decent is it's own reward
In my opinion, you need to have spanking as a parenting tool, something you can resort to when major corrective action is necessary.
Therefore, you need to have a history of spanking them, at least do it 5 or 6 times when they are little, so that they always understand that this is an option.
The whole Moly sperg about "violence" is garbage. The goal is to turn them into upstanding, respectful young adults. Anything that accomplishes that is fair game. You don't want your one and only child becoming a druggie
>I still am skeptical of books of his kind though.
well, as someone who thoroughly hates the left and sees its origin (and cause) in the feminization of boys who later grow into beta men, I can safely say that the book is nothing to be skeptical about in regards to "civilization destroying." if anything it calls out the increase of female influence as being responsible for nice guys (for the most part) and deadbeat dads
fucking kek
Wrong and hurtful
>it conditions you to think that violence can solve problems.
No, it conditions you not to do whatever stupid shit you were doing
Are you wealthy?
Do you have more free time than most to be around your kids?
No, my children will most likely grow up decent citizens.
Again, my children are happy and hardly get spanked at all. And when they do, it's a quick and calm few slaps. No aggression in it whatsoever.
You seem to be looking at me and my household as a form of dystopian working class home with a drunken father who beats his kids. I'm not that at all, and my family is happy.
I was brought up with discipline, and I'm glad of it. Raising your children in a liberal form causes them to be whores and nu-males.
I'm poor as fuck
Hating the left isn't going to fix these problems.
The more you hate them the more you radicalize them.
Ok, your child just had a fight with his brother, knocking out his tooth.
You confront him, and tell him to go to his room. He defies you, and sits there eating his cereal, pretending you don't exist
What do you do?
How are your kids with other people?
How old are they?
Are they well adjusted?
Just watch it happen
Your attitude is bad
Hitting your kids is sick and a sign of lack of control as well as a sign you have some issues upstairs. When parenting you can make your kids listen and do the right thing through other means. My dad was very stern growing up and we had to behave or else we would disappoint him. Sometimes he didn't even have to scold or yell at us, his disappointed body language would teach us not to do something again because we respected and wanted his approval. My brother and I both grew up to be very polite, successful, and respectful people without having to get hit. By making your kids respect you by not being a beta, and by being an approachable and loving figure yet very stern at the same time, your kids will turn out fine and you won't give them the psychological scars of beating them.
>violence is an unacceptable method of dispute resolution
>spanking is an acceptable method of discipline
daily reminder these are incompatible beliefs and if you disagree with me you are experiencing cognitive dissonance
My father spanked me and I'm fine.
Two of my half-sisters grew up with their actually physically and emotionally abusive mother, one now a lez and the other a mudshark.
There's a fuckin' difference
Again, it depends when it was used, and how often.
If you're using it because your kid ran out onto the road in traffic, then fair point. If you throw your keys at your kid's face because they didn't tell you they got detention for missing homework (because they're fucking scared of you), that's something different.
This is why I'm in two minds about it.
Well I don't complain about them as much as I advise proper practices, such as not spanking your children.
>ITT: Beta cucks who can't handle the truth
Fun food for thought faggots, maybe children aren't the little genius angels you think they are?
Maybe, just maybe, the average child actually is closer to animal than human until the age of 8 or 9?
Children are fucking ignorant! Like niggers and feminists, they lack the ability to think far into the future (greater than 5 mins) due to undeveloped cognitive skills.
Time can be a very important factor in life or death situations. Perfect example, something that happened to my neighbor and their kids years ago. Their youngest was the least disciplined little shit I had ever seen. One day, he gets the fantastic idea to start climbing on the TV cabinet to get at the remote, which was on top, deliberately put there by his parents so that he wouldnt watch tv instead of doing his homework when he got home from school. When the parents found out he was doing this, they calmly and rationally explained to him why climbing on a very heavy piece of furniture was a bad idea. He nodded and said okay, so they thought the issue was settled.
He lied.
The very next day, they come home to see him crushed under the 400+ pound cabinet, unconscious. They rushed him to the hospital, where he went through a total of 6 surgeries to repair his crushed pelvis and legs. He is 18 now and still cant walk properly.
Maybe, just maybe, if he got his ass whopped the first time, his fear might have prevented him from nearly killing himself.
Kids can rationalize things when they get older.
My son is three and a half
He's always happy to see people and is never selfish
That's pretty young.
>it conditions you to think that violence can solve problems
And school conditions you to think that math can solve problems.
Want to take a guess at some other similarities?
Obviously that wouldn't be easy
I do hold my kid if i have to
Or make them sit with me until we can come to a conclusion
I'm not saying you should have a plan ahead of time
I'm planning on forcing him to spend lots of time with me as punishment as he gets older
>violating the NAP
My father spanked me and I turned out great. I refused any offer of drugs (probably the most important thing in my youth), I always followed the rules and obeyed the law. I learned to treat people with respect and keep my anger under control (this was very important, because as a young growing teenage boy, you experience severe violent outbursts and emotional swings)
In my opinion, I was spanked a little bit too much. There were times when it was unjust, and unnecessary.
But having raised puppies, I learned how necessary discipline is. Obviously a child is different than a puppy, but the same principle carries over. Humans do have an animal nature, that which works on animals works on them as well.
I've seen what others are like and i feel very lucky