Sup Forums will try to defend capitalism
Sup Forums will try to defend capitalism
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Great image! I'm really thinking now!
Stop responding to reddit shill raid thread you idiots
whos boot is that on the right
Corporations I'd assume.
Implying any system is free from oppression
how are you being Stomped on in a capitalist society if you choose yourself who to work for
if you feel stomped by your mcdonalds manager quit your job fucking faggot
Your "capitalism" is corporatism OP
>if you feel stomped by your mcdonalds manager quit your job fucking faggot
Then starve to death.
Get out
People don't work at McDick's to survive, they do it to supplement their welfare income or to make money for weed.
How about being your own boss?
Why not? You don't need to work for anyone but your customers if you can provide a service/commodity to people. What's that? Can't even do something simple? Can't hire others to do jobs you don't want to do?
Why are you defaulting on terrible jobs.
Oh no, you're a dumbass!
You don't need a 200$ on a day to day basis to keep living
Minimum wage is $50 per day after taxes.
>tfw have yet to see a commie articulate an actual reason why they """deserve""" anything
>that image of fascism
Im tired of this bullshit. You niggers don't have a clue on what is fascism. Shut the fuck up and read a fucking book, you disgusting brainwashed sheep. Fuck you.
Still you can continue living with around $10 per day in America.
Here you can get by wih just $1 a day.
Rest is just luxury.
How many fucking posts like this did you make?
Not adding anthing just bait and annoying.
Existing is not living.
The cost of family, education and enough living space for children is FAR more than $10/day.
all unnecessary to keep 'living'
Your argument was you'd starve to death without working.Not 'having a life'.
Oh well it was'nt you
> Functional, sustainable Society
> Unnecessary for life
Your choices in a capitalist are, (besides winning the lottery or other extreme edge cases):
a) Sell your labor to a company for them to profit off
b) Profit off the labor of your employees
It's exploit or be exploited, famalam
>survival requires effort
it's like you're new to this whole earth place
maybe reconsider your life choices if boss pays you the bare minimum for your work
>Capitalism forces me to work
No you are given a choice
>But..but I'll starve to death
No, you can just keep on alive by just begging and/or welfare
>But wut about my Xbox,my gf and my 2 storey house
As shit leftypol is the piggymeme is hilarious.
> Inventing strawmen so you can have something to knock down
I like this comic, but could you change the last panel to have a communist army/flag?
>moving the goalposts because you can't argue
>saying I'm arguing with a strawman
Can letypol please leave?
It's should be the right-winger's grandfather's house.
> Thinking that a bunch of independent "surviving" agents constitutes society
> Not realizing the cost of civilization is MUCH higher than the food and water one man needs to survive
>everything well-off people have currently wasn't earned, it was inherited
lefty retardation
> Thinking that a bunch of independent "surviving" agents constitutes society
No it does'nt,that's why society rejects beggars and communist ideology
> Not realizing the cost of civilization is MUCH higher than the food and water one man needs to survive
I do realize.But what you don't realize is that civilization has little to lose from lazy commies
find a better system
>protip: you can't
So I should just fire all my cleaners and leave them jobless?
There are kings and pawns.
>it's another Sup Forums doesn't know the difference between personal and private property episode
Not surprised teebeeaitch
Fascism is the cousin of communism.
What are some practical examples of this simplistic biased image?
muh horseshoe theory
Explain the difference faggot.
>one is property that you own, and the other is your property that I can steal from you
You profit off selling your labour as well. It's win-win.
what "meme"? The only original image is the piggy image itself. Literally everything else is just poached from Sup Forums with happy merchant replaced with piggy. They have no creative skills and are absolutely incapable of producing their own OC, let alone good OC
>exploit or be exploited
What's your definition of exploit?
You could just google it, but I'll indulge.
Your shit. House, car, phone, pets, etc, etc
Stuff a capitalist owns the he uses to profit off others. Eg: owning a factory or farm other people work on, or owning a house that someone else lives in and pays you rent for.
t: Swedish education
>your shit that you use
>your shit that you use to get paid
Top jej
>Stuff a capitalist owns the he uses to profit off others. Eg: owning a factory or farm other people work on, or owning a house that someone else lives in and pays you rent for.
And what do you do to my 'private property' when I start hiring people to work on it?
Adolf stands in an open top car amoung his people.
Stalin lords above those he controls like a cruel specter.
expropriate it and have the people who work on it own it
aka steal it
thanks for proving my point
le not a real comunist maymay
He was the most communist in a sense he wanted a global comunism, Stalin was more of a fascist.
I'm actually a national socialist.
Well yeah, with such a picture it becomes rather hard not to defend it.
I mean seriously.
>Taking something back that someone else has no right to is "stealing"
was mangum a nazzer?
You're really just asking for your FailedChan board to be raided again. Or are you here because it already collapsed?
I make my money using my laptop and camera from my phone.
This is why that argument is retarded, every piece of personal property can generate wealth if theres a buyer, then suddenly you become a capitalist pig.
>Taking something back
>that someone else has no right to
sounds like you've gone through some mental hoops to justify theft
fascism is capitalism without the oppressive bankers you dummy
Capitalism should be measured in degree, and with each passing year there is less and less of it, resulting in the world you see today, where everything is ruled over by hegemonic powers, wealth is centralized, and starting one's own business and growing that business is a increasingly impossible acrobatic feat. Then some socialist leaning knob looks at it all and goes, capitalism!
>things you own that you can keep in a locked box
>things you own but can't be nailed down
This is the only difference I'm seeing between the things you own and things you own. "Private property" according to you are just the things you can invade and lay claim to, that can't be hidden or moved.
Not everyone that's well-off, just the overwhelming majority.
Isn't that applicable to all systems? Good in theory, getting worse and worse in practice.
Except capitalism works. It built the wealth of the modern world. What you're seeing now is not the natural result of capitalism, but the result of capitalism being abandoned for the "safety and security" of socialist leaning policies.
Unless you have a worker that physically lives and works inside your phone then you've failed to understand the point.
no wonder
>both are men and have mustache
Rly maeks me thin.
>Comparing le random CD case picture to propagandistic posters of totalitarian regimes
Here's an image of le down to earth uncle Joe with the people, obvious propaganda.
It is if they are systems designed to maximize profit, and rooted around personal greed, it's impossible to avoid corruption in those cases.
Farmer community living in the mountains, don't go trough that process, cause they just keep living their peaceful lifes, until unstopable greed reaches them.
It's never that simple, all wnat you imply are commie ideology are actually capitalist theories, designed to perfect capitalist economic model, they were never meant for turning capitalism into socialism, but on the contrary to preserve capitalism in the long run.
sloppy but done
Of course only your system works.
Of course applying my system only failed because it was affected by another. My system has no flaws, all other systems have no redeeming qualities.
You look like an anarchist I heard some time ago:
> Government will only kill and oppress and be corrupted.
> Anarchy works because all people all perfect and no conflict happens, and even if it happens it will go away by magic.
>overwhelming majority
you could probably justify it in your head to do some pretty bad things to other people just because they earn 150k per year and have a nice car/house
leftism is a mental illness
Entropy is one hell of a drug.
Unironically, that's how it worked on magic based societies.
He actually does.
He lives in India and codes for me. I pay him in Monero this way the government can't track any money.
Keep making up magical rules.
Not a drawing:
"It is the Soviet Union that runs against the tide of history.... [It is] the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people."
-Ronald Reagan