Why does Sup Forums keep defending capitalism?
Why does Sup Forums keep defending capitalism?
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Because most of us here are intelligent and right thinking people...and the rest are Fuckin leafs and other communist shills
good thing the people at the paper towel and the laundry detergent factories don't feel that way, huh faggot?
Ever wonder what would happen if the garbagemen just all decided to quit?
i don't, it defends itself good enough.
>my fondest childhood memory is not having to work 50 hours a week with people who make me angry and tired so that the state will give state-mandated bread and water
thats jut life in general
they'd be homeless?
you seem to be a little confused
capitalism allows this person to become rich, they just don't want to know it
In the sixteen hundreds you worked about six hours a day and a third of the year was taken up by festivals.
You did meaningful work to provide goods and services to your village, and everything you did, every nail you forged, every pumpkin you grew, was useful.
How many people do you help working in your little office Jewbicle making millions of dollars for a man with a precious metal in his last name?
>implying the goldsteins didn't invent gommunism
Because it actually works in this world rather than relying on some hippy dippy fantasy or totalitarian nightmare.
>wahh i hate my jobbbb
Really guy?
What's your point?
Both capitalism and communism are jewish schemes. Communism just collapsed earlier so the entire world jewry moved on to capitalism, which is very effective at replacing white Europeans with third world races under the argument of low birth rates.
I'd get a job
Because Sup Forumstards think its either capitalism or socialism, they can't see other options so they defend this greedy jewish shit
>implying they didn't invent both
Capitalism. A bunch of people work to make a much smaller group very rich, with the promise that they will be rich too some day
Communism. A bunch of people work to make a much smaller group very rich, with the promise that they're all equal at the end of the day.
>Sup Forumstard.
>Right thinking.
Get a load of this queer.
Nice trips. I work at a trash bag factory and I have too many fucking trash bags now. Maybe I could trade trash bags for toilet paper and laundry detergent.
It would hurt the company I work for.
This, our economic situation is fucked up but everyone keeps ignoring the real problems. There is absolutely nothing wrong with capitalism, it is a truly wonderful thing, the issue is people abusing capitalism.
I'd take their job because they get paid a fucking fortune to do a job most people won't do because they assume it's scum work.
Seriously, in Australia they get 80k a year. Meanwhile your average labourer gets 20k.
>Republicuck echo chamber.
Most people here are on the autism spectrum, that explains the black-white thinking.
Making money is the best way to motivate and inspire a person.
are you literally retarded? you do realize you have to work under communism as well right?
'Capital' is the simplest and best way to become an individual and follow ones own choices in life.
Capitalism is about reaping all the reward for whatever productive activity you take part in you double nigger, the inevitable excess is then traded for something else you want
Are you literally retarded? So peasants working on subsistence farms without any technology had it easier than modern workers? And on "festivals" when they weren't working for their lord, people were still working all day just so they could survive.
fuck off, capitalism scum
Seriously, in Australia they get 80k a year.
That's because garbage men are in higher demand because Australia is full of white trash.
Rake, then chopper for you, leaf.
Bullshit, the best way to motivate someone is if their work provides for their family.
If more money just means you get to indulge in more degeneracy there is no true motivation. People get depressed or develop all sorts of previously unheard of mental illnesses (trannyism, genderspecialism, unsociability, etc.)
Because capitalism is the best communism the worst, anglosphere forever get fucked commies
It's the only system that makes sense of the cold harsh reality of the world by pitting creators against creators.
socialism really is for people who want to live their lives in a state of perpetual adolescence
literally the only difference is the replacement of the parent with the state
The fact that hes complaining about only worrying about paper towels and laundry detergent is a good reason capitalism works
I gotta be honest with you, Leaf's are the worst people on Sup Forums right now. The naazi's were socialists, who the fuck are you crushing?
Huh, yeah money is stupid. We need to give people a better way to provide for themselves and their families in exchange for their work. But what is the most efficient way of doing that?
Ooh I know! Let's use universally recognized paper and coins that will facilitate exchange for things people need!
Capitalism is waiting in line for the new iPhone. Communism is waiting in line for a loaf of bread
Under communism you'll have to work 80 hours a week but you won't even be able to buy paper towels and laundry detergent. And if you do manage to find them they will cost you your whole weeks wages.
Why don't you communists move to Cuba, China, Ethiopia, Venezuela or North Korea to live your dream? You'll get communism a lot faster by just moving than trying to convince the rest of us that your childish fairy tails are real.
Yeah, they claim every western country has an "aging population" because a lot of the older people will start working and stop paying taxes. That's literally all it is. More people have minimum wage or part time jobs, or both, and therefore contribute less taxes. The older people are established and have higher paying jobs, thus more taxes.
Are you implying that you don't have to work under communism?
Cash is the most fluid tool ever.
Anything can be achieved with capital.
How is your image anti capitalism?
Would you rather be in capitalistic country where you spend 40 hours a week to earn money and buy things you want with disposable income or in a communist country where you do the same except you don't have disposable income and even if somehow you did you wouldn't have anything to buy because goods like, say games are not needs thus wouldn't even be made.
I worked hard, learned about shit I needed to know, and started my own business. I make about 150K a year net salary, and don't need shit from anyone. I work, and am rewarded from the sweat from my brow, and my ability to learn.
Fuck sharing with an autistic lazy fuck who just wants gibs, I did the work, why should a nigger get a piece?
>Capitalism is about reaping all the reward for whatever productive activity you take part in you double nigger, the inevitable excess is then traded for something else you want
Thats how it's supposed to work but unfortunately that's not how it works.
>Counter argument: Explain why Kim Kardashian and other socialites are reaping all the rewards.
Pro Tip: You can't.
Because deep down they know they don't actually want communism they just want to get everything they've ever wanted without working for it
I'll hand it to Marx he knew he could manipulate and control the weak, lazy, unskilled, and uninspired and it has worked beautifully
Go back to your stormfront safespace.
>Bullshit, the best way to motivate someone is if their work provides for their family.
Earning more money is a great way to provide for your family since it offers a higher quality of life.
>If more money just means you get to indulge in more degeneracy there is no true motivation.
More money= living in better neighborhoods, sending your children to better shools/universities, more access to higher quality medical care... need I go on?
>Make $150k a year "working hard"
>Has time to sit around shitposting on Sup Forums
You're a full of shit.
> Explain why Kim Kardashian and other socialites are reaping all the rewards.
They are literally walking advertisements that sell product. Advertisers give them money and they make money because people watch the kims and buy the same things to emulate them.
Celebrities that stop encouraging people to buy garbage lose their celebrity status VERY quickly.
Because if you were anything else, you wouldn't be able to afford those paper towels and laundry detergent
>working 40 hours a week
>considers themselves a child
I guess they're not wrong
Muh sheckels/good brainwashing
It allows a certain number of people to be rich, because at any given point in time, there is a FINITE amount of money available. So for some people to be rich, others have to be poor. That is a simple fact.
I will put it so retards like you can understand. Pretend there are only 20 apples available, and 10 people who want apples. If one person wants 15 of those apples, and succeeds in getting them, that means there are only 5 apples left for the remaining 9 people. Understand now?
It's 8AM dude, the successful people are here sipping coffee and eating breakfast before they gather with friends to watch football, myself included.
>In the sixteen hundreds you worked about six hours a day and a third of the year was taken up by festivals.
Those numbers seem off.
>You did meaningful work to provide goods and services to your village, and everything you did, every nail you forged, every pumpkin you grew, was useful.
You mean useful to you, directly. The man who makes the washers that extend the life of the bolts that hold the wheels to the axle of the chassis that transports the crane that carries the gantries that hold the rocket that sends satellites into outer space to provide GPS to everyone: that bloke's washers are a very useful product. You're probably going to claim that he's alienated from the end product, but it's not at all clear that he HAS to be alienated. If someone bothered to track him down and tell him about the satellites, he'd be pretty happy.
>How many people do you help working in your little office Jewbicle making millions of dollars for a man with a precious metal in his last name?
Joke's on you, I work for the Eternal Anglo.
These celebrities are the Communists, used to destabilize the capitalist nation...they are paid and conditioned to serve Communism. Thats why all a large Majority are leftwing/commies.
Fuck you... Jealous?
Why is it hard to believe?
I said I WORKED hard, now it's easy peasy....
buy low, sell for profit.
Nice thing about capitalism, I can fish or shitpost and pay people like you to do my niggerwork......
>look at website
Oho, I made 300 gross already on Sunday morning.
Feels good man
Communism doesn't work. Take it from me, I live in an ex communist country.
the problem is the modern Americans you have to work with are overwhelmingly shit, not the work.
And when your children have to grow up in a Sharia controlled zone because there weren't enough native workers to keep the pyramid scheme going what will you do?
Fixed pie fallacy.
Ask Venezuela how much toilet paper they're rolling in.
capitalism worked much better when the value of labor wasnt halved overnight by adding women to the workforce.
Now 2 people have to work in an average modern household. Society gave up the luxury of 1 man being able to gas 2 cars, provide meals for the wife/kids, have money for wife/kids to have fun and enjoy their day, as well as saving a little on the side for vacation.
Women entering the workforce smashed that reality while creating no new jobs and doubling the competition for jobs. Women gave up being taken care off as housewives in exchange for 2% ceo jobs and the majority of women being FORCED to work as grocers/waitresses. Men gave up the finical strength of their nation and the integrity of their families in exchange for trying to be more popular with women.
Gender-equality has been catastrophic for the economy.
Why aren't you working to build your socialist paradise? Why do you need to violently "seize"
existing means of production from others? Start your own, run it in the socialist way and lead by
example. If socialism is such a wonderful and efficient mode of production, why do you need to
prevent others from offering people the opportunity to work for a salary in a private enterprise?
Surely the inhumane and inefficient capitalist system will simply get BTFO by the competition and
nobody will want to work for it.
Daily reminder that the socialist parasite wants to seize existing means of production founded by
others. It does not want to form its own due to its subhuman nature that abhors productivity and
hard work. The existence of the socialist parasite disproves socialism.
This "person" is merely complaining about having to work for a living.
This is the anti-capitalist mindset. All of their "victories" is about not working and/or getting their stuff from other people's work.
wow, shut the fuck up australia. what a garbage post from you yet again
"Anti-capitalists" are retards that assume that the heavy workday of the early 19th century (which is one the main reason for the industrial revolution) was a constant through history.
They probably don't even realize how much old farmers were doing fuck all during most of the winter.
>i'm a failure so everyone else must be
>Mfw lassiez faire capitalist have opposed what resulted in your pic since Smith
>Mfw ignorant faggots still repeat the lie Communist push that if it isn't Communist/socialist it is 100% free market capitalism
America is a light fascist state and has since the 30s with FDR and we only keep delving deeper into it and suffering accordingly.
The only exceptions have been brand new fields that rapidly expanded at first before government regulators got their tentacles into them and created the massive firms in these fields. Ffs 40% of the economy is directly controlled by the Federal government
No. "Rich" and "poor" aren't absolute terms, they're comparative. A rich man in the 1600s had less choice in food than you do; a poor man in the 2500s will probably have far greater material access to certain things than Bill Gates could buy with his entire fortune.
This doesn't matter if people are rational actors seeking to maximise their personal value, but what if inequality is a negative externality in itself? Or a positive externality? In that case, we'd want to either decrease or increase inequality.
If you read Marx it's pretty obvious that he was just butthurt about the industrial revolution and the preceding politics that made it happen.
What's not clear is why anyone still thinks he was right, a century and half on, now that working conditions have stabilised.
Why do retarded leftists take Marx seriously? He was a Jew. That's why I read Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, and Ludwig von Mises instead.
Because it works.
I'm middle class and have a decent career manufacturing trash bags. I believe there are people on this board that are hardworking and probably make a lot more money then me. I am fine with this. I just know that you're not one of them.
>Prove me wrong by posting bank statement or paycheck stub with a time stamp.
>This doesn't matter if people are rational actors seeking to maximise their personal value, but what if inequality is a negative externality in itself?
It isn't unless caused by forceful taking of property.
Which is anticapitalist as it is such a basic violation of the fundamental pillar of capitalism. Private property rights.
Whole rising tide etc yadda yadda yadda you're simply wrong.
Oh and yo add insult to injury welfarism and redistributionist systems have created even higer inequality than capitalism ever has.
Just look at Fidel Castro's previous bet worth
Successful people don't keep their money sitting around in a bank, nor do they have physical pay stubs. You'd know this if you were successful and didn't major in trash baggory.
why doesnt she just get a job that she likes? only herself to blame for her shortcomings desu wy
You would have to work even without capitalism, dumb whore.
As a fun fact various studies have shown that if given the choice a good majority of people would rather make less money over all and have their boss make vloser to what they make than to make more money but their boss makes significantly more.
Envy has no place in politics and this is where most bitching about inequality comes from it isn't an externality itself
>Talking out your ass
>You're a NEET so you have plenty of time
>Invest time (money) shitposting on Sup Forums
>You're Sup Forums rich
>all the retards itt who believe if you dislike capitalism you are for communism
>all those retards who post on a political board without a single ounce of knowledge about political ideologies
>all the faggots itt who don't know that communism wasn't the first movement to stand against capitalism
every time I come back to Sup Forums I see one of those threads and remember why I left in the first place
enjoy your reddit echo chamber
Because it's better than any viable alternatives with our current technological capabilities.
In another 50 years if our development continues at a solid pace we may find ourselves in a position where it's no longer needed.
no it's not better, more thal half of jobs in most developped countries are literally useless and only exist as a form of social control
>It isn't unless caused by forceful taking of property.
>studies have shown that if given the choice a good majority of people would rather make less money over all and have their boss make vloser to what they make than to make more money but their boss makes significantly more.
Those statements contradict each other. Since workers would clearly pay money to feel less envy, wealth inequality must have a negative impact on them, making inequality a negative externality.
>Envy has no place in politics and this is where most bitching about inequality comes from it isn't an externality itself
What stops it being an externality? If we can put a value on envy* and if any action increases envy in others ** then it meets alll the criteria for a negative externality.
* we can, it's the amount workers are willing to pay in order to lower their bosses income
** any action that increases the income of the boss will increase envy in the worker
What's least expensive: power or health?
I think shoving rhetorical questions up your retarded american asses is free
I'm just saying, things are the way they are for a reason. Even you can possibly understand that one day.
they are this way because capitalism and democracy were used to slowly creep general slavery into all societies on earth as a mean of control over people
>waah wahh I want gibsmedat wahhh I am entitled to a life in luxury even when I am a worthless trash waaah
>access to basic commodities should depend on an useless job that doesn't contribute one bit to yourself or to society and that has for only purpose making you a cog of the slavery machine
meanwhile governments are taking a more and more totalitarian approach by forbidding people to cut wood or heat their houses with their chimneys
>useless job
Not everybody has a useless job.
noone forces you to work a useless job
why dont you just create your own company and do a so called "useful" job?
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