How do I reply Sup Forums?
How do I reply Sup Forums?
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"well he's a jew-faggot anyways, why you pay him any attention is beyond me"
The sky is blue. Water is wet. Feminism is cancer. Say, I'm Captain Obvious. Want to be my sidekick?
Lol, it's too early but i might just say that
well, he sure is cancer to us natsocs, guess so then
Say that modern feminism is a byproduct of cultural Marxism and serves no higher purpose than to destroy the modern family and destabilize Western Society.
my d0ubles confirm this.
"We need to end the stigma against cancer. Everyone is so afraid of getting it. There are whole industries of products about avoiding it, and they always push testing. You should only get tested for cancer in the sense of better getting to know yourself. It shouldn't be a scary thing!"
wtf i hate milo now
You little shite, i like you.
Post her reply later.
that might backfire, prepare for no sex
It depends.
Are you a common man? Tell her that third wave feminism is indeed akin to a malignant tumour.
Do you call yourself alt-right? Tell her that feminism is indeed cancer and that women's suffrage was a mistake.
Are you a man with actual moral standards and principles? Laugh it off because it doesn't matter what she thinks.
> people on 4chin get to have sex.
Its our great torment.
We are wizards of modern times.
You don't care to much about your relationship with Sarah, don't you? But she seems to care about you. Just saying that letting Sup Forums answer for you might be a bad idea, though it provides some KEKs for us.
Godspeed burger bro, looking forward to her answer.
you done goofed
It's early guys in the USA, so, she probably won't reply until maybe a few hours sorry
Aww yeah women's panties just DROP when you hit em with a heavy dose of reality
She believes Western society is bad so that won't work.
Anything short of her exact feminist utopia is the worst possible system and must be destroyed.
Eh, just make a new thread then.
It's midday in EU, we'll wait.
Deal, I also replied this, i have dropped the red pill
no now you went autism, the first message was funny.
you're preemptively justifying your beliefs because ur scared of making her get mad at you
oh shit
I'd probably not say anything too bad
How good of a relationship do you have with this person? Is she the kind of person who would leave you if you voted Trump?
Just dropping some logic aussie bro
no that was some autism my american friend
>you're preemptively justifying your beliefs because ur scared of making her get mad at you
The first one could've come across as genuine belief conveyed in a funny manner
The second one is just full blown autism
You gotta ease people into that shit man, unless they are open to learning new facts they will fight you
oh shit he actually did it
Time to find a new gf user. I hope you weren't an /r9k/ before this.
Pretty good friends, go to clubs and the stuff, She doesn't care for trump too much despite this she knows i voted for him, the issue of feminism has never come up really,
don't overdo it. the first message was enough.
and please whatever she says DO NOT back-pedal from your opinion. even if she gets angry or whatever. women hate that if you don't stand by your beliefs. whatever they are.
she might be baiting you
you took it
this this this this this
you done fucked up user, but good luck anyway
welcome to the single club!
>wow user ur a jerk
we Sup Forums now
The only correct reply is "niggers tongue my anus".
Absolutely, if you imply weakness and imply you can be emotionally manipulated she will exploit that shit. Women can't help being manipulative cunts, it's just their nature.
Flag checks out
enjoy hell aka arguing through text messages
pol is pretty much what b was 6 years ago. but less frog space programs
boring Sup Forums tier lolsorandumb obscenity
>arguing with people, let alone females, through social networking tools
I've done this before, it didn't end well.
It never does.
People HATE being told they are wrong, especially liberals.
Again, it still really early in burgerland, not sending anything else before I develop fullblown autism, if any Sup Forumsacks still here in a few hours I will post results
this is not how to correct a woman
"Well, milo is a fag, lmao"
"He's cute though, i wouldn't mind to fuck his boipucci."
not good
Milo and feminism have something in common then.
what a fucking stupid cuck.
Tell her feminism destroyed women. Tell her she's miserable and she would be happier with a baby in her womb.
i like where this is going
and then you fucked it up by talking to her like an equal
fucking moron. YOU FAILED AS A MAN
pure pottery senpai
love u
you were good on the first one
now you went full autism
you're not wrong, but sending women blocks of text doesn't work well
In the meantime, I have a chatlog of me going full autism on a grill somewhere, not just about feminism, she agrees, on women's rights in general. It did not go well, I don't expect yours to either OP. Let me just find it and remove names and shit.
Tell her to read this.
you'll either get a red-pilled wife-material gf or single
Keep messaging her.
"Please I was just joking??? I was just being silly maybe. You are my joy and I respect you as a sweet and gentle woman. I love you and I want to give you warm kisses please. Just don't leave me. I will be a better male for you. I will do whatever it takes to worship you. I won't even masterbate for three days maybe??? Please. Text me back when you get this??? I will make this right."
Alright, m8
good read, thanks for that.
oh. Thought I clicked on pol, not b.
It was longer than I thought, fuck posting all that.
But yeah, full autismode won't get through to them, she is better than most but you have to do it gradually, you can't just cut the shit with them like you can men.
exactly this. You have to understand, women do not respond well to more than one line of text. They hate this tactic being used back on them.
OP won't post more, because this was the exact time and date when he last heard from Sarah
Based as f*ck
GG user
>You would rather I weren't allowed to pursue my passions. Or choose who I love or choose who I marry and have kids with. Or choose when I have kids or exercise my right to vote for parties I believe will be the best for my country?
W E W !
This is a shit test, respond accordingly.
made my night
Toooooo much. This is why so many anons are feckless virgins. Ouch, painful. Put the phone down.
Women want to be ignored.
>Women want to be ignored.
Women want to be ignored.
>Women want to be ignored.
He is correct about feminism being cancer tho
Damn, dude. You can't just try to stuff an entire box of redpills into her ear.
The purpose is to destroy TRADITIONAL family unit. The modern family is already cucked beyond repair.
>implying it isn't
>mfw the American thought police come and throw this guy in Guantanamo tomorrow
Show her Korean Feminism
pic related
>you have to agree with people politically for sex
women were born to follow
This would have been the ideal response, it is scary and directs itself at the core value a women brings to any relationship, the capacity to make a family.
And I thought I was redpilled before. Now I'm against womens basic rights.
Nah it's cool, she's gradually coming along. She went to an all girls school so had Muslim friends and was a prime liberal material really, but as you can see from the chat log she voted UKIP and believes there should be some restrictions on who can vote.
Worst thing I have probably said to her is that I hate Muslims, even the "good" ones, and that we should bring back crucifixion. She said what about her friends, I said them too. She just shook her head. She is coming along nicely
>we should bring back crucifixion
lol what? Helicopters work just fine for communists.
Good progress. Next time when you meet her salute with a friendly heil and scream 1488 in her face and see what happends. if she doesn't hit you. she is redpilled.
I guess there really is no such thing as too much redpilling.
Not redpilled enough. Should've told her womens suffrage is a mistake and that women shouldn't be working.
/this but 10 times
>giving redpills without even a glass of water
Feminism once was a rightious cause for the equality of both genders. Women didnt have voting rights and they got them ( deserved). They got their reproductives rights. But third wave femnism now in 2016 isnt about equality most of the time , its about privilges feminist want. They say lies for decades ( pay gap ) and dont realize that women are the most privilged people in the western hemisphere
Feminism has always been about rights for women without responsibilities.
Oh no she's fine with that, she would probably just tell me to shutup and look around to make sure no one heard. I've talked about securing a homeland for the white race and declining white birth rates quite a lot.