What's with all the communist threads?

After Trump won I promised myself I wouldn't go back on Sup Forums, I felt my job was done and there was no need to memepost anymore, we won. It worked for a while, but then I got bored and decided to come back here. There's a /lefty/ general and commie threads everywhere. What the fuck happened when I was gone?

you left the meme battlefield, the degenerates swarmed when they saw you leave.

There have always been threads from all sides of the political spectrum on Sup Forums. You just never noticed it before because you're a newfag from reddit and for the past year the board has been flooded with non-stop Trumptard bullshit.

Thank god that shit's slowing down and we're getting back to normal.

lol get fucked

Havent you heard? Communism is the future.

It's a raid. Just ignore it.

Bullshit you fucking tart. I was here two years ago before the election even started, this place was libertarian at most, never full blown commie. During the elections there were NO commie threads period, or a /lefty/ general. You must've came here recently, faggot.

Commie detected, Sup Forums is a libertarian and nationalist board


Look at this fucking shit. I have never seen this bastardization of an image before in my life until very recently

Since the media has gotten wind of our power, we've been (((spammed))) ever since with threads trying to derail this board and what they call the alt right.

According to /lefty/pol on cripplechan they have a moderator position here and are planning to subvert this place into becoming more pro-communism.

Not from the shit side of the political spectrum there wasn't. Sup Forums is a right-wing board, with the range of ideologies that implies.

Fuck off imbecile. Commies have always, always been a very small minority on this board, usually edgy teenagers like yourself. It's not some fucking free speech safe space bullshit they're trying here, it's a hostile takeover.

Leftypol and plebbit are trying to "raid" I guess.

>After Trump won I promised myself I wouldn't go back on Sup Forums

Good. I hope the other newfags follow suit, too. Damnit.

Commie shill came, nothing new. They were always there on this board, you just didn't notice them among all the election-related threads

Yo mama is my dicks future m8

If you think this is true please read about Historical Materialism. You may be in for a surprise in the future.

This. Bunch of kids that are absolutely obsessed with Sup Forums just having fun.
At least you can filter them since, like the good reddit rejects they are; the only thing they make are generals circlejerk central.
It'll calm down in an hour or so.

/leftypol/ decided to constantly try and make threads, in order to return Sup Forums to what the perceive to be neutral ground.

Despite the fact they discussed this on a board dedicated to their own agenda.


Fuck off shill. Pic related is why people are catching bans for reporting commie spam.

This site has always been contrarian. Back during the Bush years it was pretty Left-wing and most of the site celebrated Obama's election. During his presidency, it started moving more to the Right, so now the site is gradually moving back Left again.

there were joke commie threads, the actual commies left to their leftypol safe space a long time ago

honestly the communists should come back for real instead of just raiding but they wont because they cant handle getting btfo so often

Hotwheelschan wanted to spread their commie faggot here. Just post nazi shit and chill

>he thinks it moves that fast
It'll take at least 4 years and Trump winning re-election to notice Sup Forums going back to being Sup Forumstard tier degenerates.

>8gagger talking about safespaces

Its not organic you absolute mongrel. Its an effort coming from a commie mod and his mongrel dogs on /leftypol/

not an 8faggot you safespacebabby now drink bleach

Whatever you say, Infinityfag

>waaahh anyone who disagrees with me is a /leftypol/ shill!!! :(
is /leftypol/ the new "CTR"?

Communists believe they can subvert this place. They forgot that there are no upvotes here and unlike in every communist society ever, people here are able to mock their asinine, childish ideology.

fucking retarded 8faggot

I don't know, I'm pretty much the same and it seems like those communists have been trying to raid Sup Forums or something but their ideology is so pathetic that they btfo themselves every time they try it.

I mean some of those guys unironically call themselves "Maoists" and others think Fidel was a hero. It's kind of funny tbqh.