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Guess I post it here again:
I really love how the right all seem like friends.
Are there more I can include in the picture?
Germany AFD:^tfw
good luck ausbros
Australia is already great u fucken wanka
Reminds me of this picture.
>on Brexit day shills started repeating how they voted remain
>on the US election shills started repeating how they voted for Hillary
>now on the Austrian elections, shills are repeating how they voted green
>tfw you're the first austrian posting in a thread on the austrian election
cept for dem fuggin emus u fuggin cunt
So, did you guys find the other goddesses?
>lives right nearby praterstern
>votes vdb
should i just strangle my friend right now or after the results come in?
Wos host Du grod von mia gsog du gstunkana klana Saupreiß? Du woast holt schu dass I schu bam Bundeshea ois besta Gfreita aussigaungen bin, I war in am Haufn urgeila Saufnochtl und hob über 300 Stiegl gsoffn, oida. I bin a drainierta Pinzgaua Fohra und da besta a noch dazua. Du bist nix für mi ois a kloana gschissena Viutrottl, I gabat da so a Wotschn wirs di Wölt no net gsegn hog, host me? Du glabst du kummst jetz davon nochdemst dei pappn so deppat aufgrissn host? Do denkst noamol driaba noch, Oarschgfriss. Hiatza grod während du mit mir so deppat umanadaredst hul i schu meine Komarodn vom Blosmusiverein, und dei IP wird grod im moment zruckverfulgt, olso richt di schuamol her, wal wir richtln da di Wadln glei, du blede sau. Wemma daumit fertig san wast a nemma wo obn und untn is. Du bist am oasch. Klana. I kon iwaroll sei, ollawei, und i hau da auf iwa 700 ortn dei gfriss ei, und des netamol mit meiner Steyr AUG. I bin net nur da beste im Zöltfestsaufn, soudern i hob a an Zugriff auf des gaunze Arsenal vom Musiverein Leibnitz! Wenn Du gwusst häst wos dei klana "gscheita" Kommentar dir eibrockt, dann häst wahrscheinlich dei deppate Goschn gholtn. Aba du hosts ned tau, du host dei schiaches Gfriss aufmochn miasn, und jetzt zoist, du Saubua. I scheiss an grant üwa dir aus. Du bist komplett hi, Klana.
Not for long though.
>hates other cultures
This really rustles my jimmies.
We will make it happen. Kek with us
He will strangle himself after the results come in.
kek confirms
how long until we know the results?
Austrians speak so funny.
I recently visited Wien. It was all brown people, black people, and blue-haired people. As I was eating my last kebab of the day, I thought to myself that I was glad I got to experience genuine Austrian culture.
Come on now all austrians, get out there and vote, 2016 is the year of magic
original thread was mine. thanks for keeping it going.
I just trolled the germanic leftist scum on plebbit. they deleted my thread and comments already :)
About 4-5 hours I think.
yes even John Oliver hates it
What the hell?
There is a Schulz Subreddit?
Damn… and they even copy Trump Memes :/
This is so pathetic.
They should kill themself.
Great shitpost mate, keep doing God's work
2 hours 20 minutes now.
4 hours 50 minutes until we know something more solid.
hawidere oida, host echt den gonz scheiß owatippt.
bam oida, fix oida, geil oida
Yeah, the whole point of it is a "satire" of /r/the_donald
It's called /r/the_schulz
All they do is copy the Trump memes and put Schulz's face on it.
kekd. Thanks for showing us this designated shitting subreddit.
How does it look like now?
When will the results come in in Burger Time?
Nothing reliable known yet. Just wait a bit.
If you have Serbian friends in Austria, convince them to vote Hofer btw.
stream wer? :D:D:D:DD
>post picture of a kiwi
How will it look when Hofer wins with BOTH men and women?
They should at least do that in english.
Translated memes sound so stupid.
Coming back from work, heading out to vote afterwards.
Not saying for who though.
>on a Sunday
Made a Mistake: In 3 hours 15 minutes, and 5 hours 45 minutes
There's a law against publishing numbers before 1700 local time. Nobody knows, but there's less mail-in ballots and those stole it for the Cuck last time.
In 2 hours 45:
German though.
There'll be a lot of graphs and maps, so just remember that blue=good, green=bad
>Not saying for who though.
Airports have no days off.
>anonymous imageboard
>not saying who
sneaky fucker aren't you
I wouldn't want to trigger you.
Then don't vote wrong.
>fighting head on
Oh I won't :)
Nice. It's awesome that I'll be able to know whether Austria uncucked itself by lunchtime.
Wtf I'm a #Bellend now
>wage cuck
>subverted by the liberal environment
enjoy being on the losing side, even if Bello wins.
Austria was cucked?
Not really a wagecuck. Student, working parttime. And no, it's not a social science.
Have you ever been to Vienna?
We have more refugees per capita than Germany.
I think we even have currently the most refugees per capita of whole Europe.
Well I mean you guys let a rapefugee off the hook for raping a 10-year-old boy because "he didn't know rape was bad." Not saying we weren't cucked over here before Trump though. We're all cucked brah.
I live there.
vienna has more immigrants than the entire population of salzburg now, lel
Some of the new arab Mitbürger will strangle him.
They didn't let him go because of that, they literally don't have the means to use law against them thanks to the EU.
oh look they're doing it again
I thought that was Sweden.
I think we're top 5 though, even though I didn't see much of a change here. Then again I rarely visit Praterstern.
>Oy, this man is hitler reincarnated!
Who of you is posting quotes from Sup Forums on
It's great that you spread our words — but don't talk about Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums!
And definately don't talk about us in some fucking lefties shithole!
If you continue, we will soon be targeted because of "hate speech".
If you want to spread our words, then do it with arguments and discussions, but not with direct quotes from Sup Forums!
I like that antifa spot better.
first results when?
I don't think they let him off the hook, I just remember the ruling being to lenient.
Not a jew. She is former KPÖ. Her grand son lifes in Graz
3 hours bascially
better finish them crumpets now and be ready
3+ hours.
> Human
Choose wisely
Sweden closed their border last year.
2015 Hungary was the leader.
There are no statistics of 2016 (because the year isn't over yet), but i am sure that we will be on top.
You guys look like reasonable germans.
10/10 would invade.
Good luck Austria. I hope Hofer pulls it off. You're much too valuable a part of Europe to lose.
We'll see. Most of them were just pasding through.
Even Germany started border controls and rejected Refugees (and they are now in Austria).
But we aren't allowed to control our border to italy.
Nice, Hofer voters seem to be pretty cool people.
Aren't we doing it already?
I remember reading of traffic chaos due to strict controls at the Brenner tunnel.
No, we aren't doing that.
The police just picks some few random cars for ordinary "safety controls".
We aren't allowed to do it because of "Muh, Schengen"… it seems like some Schengen rules only apply to Austria but not to Germany.
On the German border you have to wait for hours and if you have some transporter, you get checked to 100%.
Why not take the EU over?
European Empire has a nice ring to it.
>voting for a genuine nazi
cant understand what theyre saying but they look like reasonable people
good luck hofer!
Says here that koreans eat eggs soaked in boys piss, is that true?
ist der typ peinlich
sollen lieber den feschen saellner präsentieren
Zinger anyone?
FPÖ/BZÖ songs are the best
>this song
my friend this to me like 5 years ago
Strache is amazing