Just a normal day in Australia

Just a normal day in Australia

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>not having a handgun to kill that vicious beast with
I wonder what it's like to live in a country so cucked. Oh well, I'll never know.

He was kinda tucky desu. Getting a kick to the chest from one of those things can kill you

shut up or i'll fuck you up

Leave my american friend alone, snownigger.

With what? A seal clubbing-club?

Its kinda like in DBZ where a villian gets hit with a zillion ki blasts but they're not hurt at all.

How can he punch ?

Leave Icebro alone you double frog.

They can be some vicious aggressive beasts, I no longer feel sorry for kangaroos getting the shit knocked out of them.

Australia is some bizarre made up fantasy land.

It is hard to grasp how such a wacky island exists where you regular have boxing matches with the wild life.

Has this ever happened? I feel like this is a meme

You want some too, Angloshit?

U lucky m8t. We suffer cuck-abuse at such cuck-afront self-cuck levels it's destructive. Total female country.

Holy shit, the Kangaroo was fucking choking out the dog. kek


You going to hit him like a Nice big truck?

I cannot stop laughing at how that kangaroo is jumping, ready to FUCKING RUMBLE like a Zimbabwean. god this whole video makes the thing look so human. then a single punch to the face and it's like his shit was completely handed to him. hahaha goddamn I enjoyed this.

Its so surreal, im laughing my ass off

He's lucky its only a young one, the males get fucking huge when it's prime breeding time.

>g-guns are manly guys
>n-nothing cowardly about shooting a dumb animal in the face

lol considering that a single punch thwarted the situation and sent the thing hopping off, you're a terrified little bitch. you're pathetic and your grandfather would beat you and chew your dad's dick off just to keep your sorry ass from existing

Fuck off americunt.

I can imagine it now, american immigrants, pulling out guns everytime you get in a fight with a kanga.

Pussy Americans, laughing stock of the world

>roo takes it
>concedes defeat before making an arse of himself

honest lad

Australia is fucking awesome.
As far as I know it's the only country in the world where you can get into a fist fight with a kangaroo.

I want to be a sick cunt.

Yeah, I'm going all France Truck Simulator on you.

Zyklon Ki?


Authentically piloted by a muslim too, you have dedication there.

It seemed like the roo was about to kick him, but he didn't. How often do roos kick people? I heard they can knock the wind out of you or worse with just a single kick.

Nah there's plenty of other countries with kangaroos but they don't normally engage in fist fights

that's a real thing
they're fucking brutal, wish the cunt punching it got choked



I laughed pretty hard

That's pretty funny. Thank you. I mean that. This is creation at work.

It amazes me how almost human they act and yet they're stupid as fuck.

>dat "i cant believe you just did that" post-punch look from roo to bloke

Fucking gold kek

It keeps the blacks away at least.

Seriously I have seen less than 10 blacks in my entire life

They can gut you like a fish mate. Claws aren't that bad but the force behind them mean you most likely will end up disemboweled.

Look at their claws, you'd be lucky to get the wind knocked out of you.

The punch is so sobering to that Kanga. it's like he realizes for the first time that he's on the same plane of existence where "getting hit in the face" is a possibility for him too

Australians with guns would be too powerful.

I usually don't get triggered by much

But this aussie motherfucker needs the rope

That cute fucking 'roo was just having some fucking fun with his bro

Look at how cute that 'roo face is, and how sad it looks after getting punched

Disgusting display by that white abbo

deep down I hope kangaroos turn out to be an invasive species and swarm throughout the old world wreaking havoc

they can kill you with a good kick to the right place.

Most kangas wont kick if you give em a jab whilst they are tensing up for the kick, god its like you didnt go to kangaroo boxing class in highschool

if the cunt kept going one double kick and his lungs would be punctured his heart ruptured his ribs obliterated

God dammit, the pic's right, Sup Forums just can't stop talking about niggers.

> not having a snow hell ravines to repeal that oversized agressive rat with
I wonder what it's like to live in a country so cunted. Oh well, I'll never know.

youre a fag, that kangaroo earned that punch

i bet you drink cider

>Here's another one of my kangaroos, ol' one eye... I call him one eye 'cause he's got one eye

I thought was their finishing move. They lean back on their tail and kick with both their legs


Not that often. They can hurt you pretty badly if you let one properly fuck you up but a lot of the times they're timid or docile. I have a huge roo that comes by my house every now and then and just chills underneath the shade cloth on my drive way. He's never hurt anybody and has actually eaten pellets out my hand a few times. If you need them to fuck off just yelling at them or making loud noises can get them to go way. Or as you saw in OP, a left right goodnight.

>choking his dog to death
>having some fun

Why are roos so humanoid? Standing on two legs and head choking the dog.

Kangaroos being dangerous is a meme, almost at dropbear meme tier

>There are a few recorded kangaroo attacks, though we have been able to find only human death by roo attack which occurred in New South Wales in 1936 where a hunter was killed when he tried to rescue his two dogs from a fight with a kangaroo.


How often do they cuck you and steal your women?

They do do that

But it's really just a kick to push you away, rather than a kick aiming to disembowel you

They rarely attack humans, it's roo vs roo 99.9% of the time

Come at me bro

fuck off dickhead
bet you're that minda cunt that picks up cats by their tails and kicks their dog

you're fucked mate

probably because humans have the good sense to punch kangaroos in the face before they can get dangerous

It is weird how similar their fighting style is... Would octagon/8


They're probably afraid to attack other animals larger than them.

you = getting mad about a guy protecting his dog

gee i wonder which of us likes animal abuse

>Pulling a gun on a roo
weak cunt

I wouldn't let em drive my missus home but everyone has a fuckwit mate like that

Why not give the roo a taste of its own medicine? Get on its back and give it a choke hold. Shouldn't be particularly hard, it's not like they can turn well.


the roo had let go and he had to pretend to be a tough cunt because his faggot mate was filming

post more roo fights

fucking emus brother, they are all in that handicap bullshit

he just wants the kangaroo gone, he doesn't want to spend all day playing WWE with the local wildlife

although I dont know, maybe thats a thing strayans want

he wasnt pretending he took action, something you wouldnt know about you dole bludging cunt

Dumb Australians should have weaponized kangaroos to win the Emu war. Now they're ruled by emu overlords. Sad!

fucking nigger emus, thats not fucking on


Why isnt he jailed for animal abuse. Triggered.

the weak should fear the strong

taking action
bet you take a lot of action poofter

>defending a knob hitting an animal for no reason
what the fuck was that going to achieve?
what? teach it a lesson? it doesn't want to hang out with people anyway, it would of fucked off if the dogs weren't rounding it up

beasts upraise when

leave him alone cunt, hes right. Its like a guy jumping in on a fight his mates in, dog is more deadly then a kanga, kanga was winning fair and square

Sounds like a great time until the spiders get involved.

Emu are terrifying, wtf

You lay a finger on a kangaroo and I'll fuckin rape ya

You can't arrest kangaroos.

>no reason
the 'roo was choking his dog to death and wasn't going to go away with a polite please and thank you. he spoke the only language the kangroo knew

>for no reason



>he doesn't know about the kangaroo police

it had already let go

and was he going to hope the kangaroo wouldn't stick around and try it again? wild animals need to know to stay the fuck away from humans

is this what old people mean when they say the ANZAC spirit?

call the dogs off

>not knowing what its like to have a rock hard dick while dumping a magazine into an inferior species of animal

I pity you, hans.

Honest to god faggot

Prolly against roo hunting aswell you fucking poof

Send us kangaroos pls

shhhh back to the dreamtime you go

Good fuck that roo


what the fuck is Australia? seriously? kangaroos, emus, and a bunch of inhabitable land with 120 degree weather. what goes on over there?

our Australians /ourguys/?