Reminder that this is the probably the best society humanity will ever make.
Reminder that this is the probably the best society humanity will ever make
It's shit
Your replaced the Nazi Flag with the flag of Denmark.
No country can be good when it's flag looks identical to at least two of its neighbors. The only thing different are the colors. Thankfully Sup Forums's here to help me distinguish one viking country from the others.
Along with Norway, it's the best we have. Finland is not far off.
>400% taxes
>best society humanity will ever make
Pick one
Say why, you Mongoloid
Then humanity is screwed...
It's going the way of Japan but with the migration of policy of Sweden soon, based on the ongoing politics and low resource prices.
Retards still can't figure out high taxes coupled with enormous welfare for the lazy will never attract rich capable people. It only attract niggers and encourage niggerization of the existing population.
>Denmark is the best society humanity will ever make
Dont know if i should be proud or sad
nothing against Danes but their country is highly neurotic
That's why it's the best society. They aren't cultural jews like you that put shekels in front of the common man.
Now all they need is some right-wing policies - stricter immigration, promoting white family breeding, etc.
We need alot more jobs.
in the 90s, Sweden was celebrated as a model society. The pinnacle of human societies..
Turns out that 90s Sweden is better than todays Sweden. Most of the countries/societies on this planet progress. They become greater and the lives of their inhabitants improve as time progress. Sweden along with other western countries (including Denmark) are regressing, despite of technological and medical advances that will make it theoretical possible to achieve an ever higher standard of living, then we are regressing.
I would rather live in a country that was less than what we are now, if the future was brighter.
It's true.. All of it.
If they were more religious it'd be better.
danish culture only works because their productive male population gets indoctrinated to surrender most of their income for less benefits than the non-producing part (i.e. women, welfare leeches and guvment employees). thing is called "jante law" and fucking gets penetrated into their brain from early birth.
thats why the only form of humor allowed is a self-depreciating. call shit out and you they get butthurt and retort to passive aggressiveness. also the weather sucks and the girls have more testosterone than their males.
Take notes from the guy whose country's economy is based on opium export
t. denmark shill
Now you know why we drink and kill ourselves.
>best society humanity will ever make
>200% tax over a old car
>"best" society
>still miserable
>Muh jante lag
It's just some bullshit a poet wrote about how small communities work, not an actual law.
Humanities natural state is misery. Kierkagaard realized this.
Men are predisposed to do the majority of the work by biology. There is nothing wrong with men being the main produces and constructors of society, especially when women and future generations are the primary beneficiaries. It's only a problem when hostile males of non-white origin come into the equation.
Please be wrong.
Maybe under a fierce ethno nationalistic government.
Right now its a sinking ship.
Feels good to be a better country than Denmark.
Stop blaming women, virgin.
Stop assuming genders
>thats why the only form of humor allowed is a self-depreciating
What does this say? I want to link it to my gf.
They aren't Muslim colonies like you, Sven.
Narva 1219 is a reference to an Estonian city, previously part of both the Danish an Swedish Empires respectively (in 1219 the Danish). The city is considered one of the border cities between Russia and Western Europe.
"Et symbol" mean "A symbol". 1944 is obviously a reference to the (then) current year).
"Ogsaa Idag - Front mod ost!" means "Also today - front towards east" or "eastern front". So another reference to the eastern front drawing parallels to the historic Dano-Russian relations.
"Meld dig til det danske regiment i vaaben"
"Enroll in the Danish armed regiment"
The last line is an address in Copenhagen
>Holy Roman Empire and the Danish kikes attacks Sweden
Thanks. I'm still learning Danish. Speaking is much easier than reading.
>high depression and suicide rates per capita
yeah, it's a real dream
Didn't say it was perfect or had no problems.
Why you're learning Danish?
Also, reading that particular poster is difficult as the sentences are constructed very different from how you would do it today.
Google "Stockholm massacre"
How does less than 40k men kill over 100k men?
Denmark got run over in 10 days during WW2. 10 days. That's not a very good society if you ask me.
Its also clearly a reference to the battle of Lyndanisse which took place in estonia in 1219 between a danish crusader army sent to christianise the Estonians. During that battle the legend says that Dannebrog (our flag) fell from the sky and turned the battle in the danes favour. Since that day Dannebrog has been the danish national flag.
See the similarities between pic related and the nazi recruiting poster.
So then all you're really stating is an empty opinion.
Implying that wasnt a symbolic defense, we never wanted to fight our german brothers and doing so would have been pointless. Thats why we engaged in cooperation with the germans and were allowed to keep our own government and police/armed forces for most of the war iirc.
Assuming a small nation with little industrial base will withstand the strongest European superpower at the time is delusional. Also it was 48 hours not 10 days.
oh yeah lol, should've noticed that too
>Swedish battle tactics
My gf (soon wife) is Danish. It'd be pretty stupid if I couldn't communicate properly with her family.
Pretty epic.
Fuck off , i know a terrone from the South Italy who married a denmark woman. So no, at least not denmark girls.
Vær stolt din svensker!
48 hours is even worse. It doesn't matter. If your society is unable to defend itself then it is severely flawed in that department.
What made Rome last 1,000 years? A powerful military in addition to all the other stuff.
Hol up. I think i have spoken with you before.
Does pic related seem familiar?
your people are committing cultural suicide
So are we. Just slower.
I said it's probably the best possible society. It's not perfect nor will it ever be, but it currently satisfies the needs of the majority of its citizenry.
An idea of a perfect society with no problems is utopianism. Anything constructed by humanity will by defintion be imperfect.
>Being this stupid.
No, racial. Stop deluding the truth. You're next, we're all next.
Kek, were ironic as fuck here, literally tell people they are fat fucks and heil hitler as opening lines and we laugh it off.
Does this look like a perfect society to you?
Har samlet alle de billeder og samtaler jeg har om muslimer de sidste 2 år, hvis nogle er interesseret
Where do you draw the line then? At what percentage do you become a colony?
>the girls have more testosterone
Can confirm. It's really hot.
Did somebody say suicide?
>a fucking Pokéball
They are cucks.
You and I both know that's some bullshit. I lived with a danish girl in USA and she yelled at me every time I complained about the nigger drugdealers on the block
Kan du ikke ligge det på youtube?
It's only 180%
le be liek denmark xD they have free stuff and are happy xD taxes are high but they dont le care xDDD
Fuck off. You get freedom or free stuff you don't get both.
Denmark's demographics are a big reason why they are successful. It's easier to make your country great when the vast majority of the population are part of the same group.
Well I'm alpha as fuck and I say whatever I want to who I want like I want and I don't take shit from nobody so there svencuck, deal with your girl like a man ffs.
>rar fil
>Kan du ikke ligge det på youtube?
>I know I left too much mess and destruction to come back again
>And I caused nothing but trouble
>I understand if you can't talk to me again
ayyy, how are you doing my frozen gook friend?
There's a reason she was in US
>King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden ordered a full-scale invasion of the Holy Roman Empire. Although he was killed in battle at Lützen,
Not that I can remember mate (I presume you mean on Sup Forums), but I have praised your country before on here, so possibly.
Depends on the woman. I couldn't ask for a better one. She voted for the most right-wing party last time and is against Islam to the point she believes it's completely antithetical to Europe. She grew up in the country side, so that's probably why. Women from major cities are more likely to be horrible in every country.
Could be going better
>Remove Immigrants
Some of those legoblocks are rare
You gotta man up there Sven. Never censor yourself infront of your woman.
Depressing af countries with unsmiling people
Good, Danebro hvad med dig
It would be if they had legal weed and psychedelic truffles like the Netherlands
What are you implying, Yuang Weh?
A nice 4 to 5 Celsius, it's nice.
Yeah i mean on Sup Forums. I remember some english guy who had a danish wife/gf and a house in Denmark or something. And i think he posted that pic.
Could be another guy I guess.
Greenland, post proof
Hmm, not bad.
I mean they're Danish so i'm inclined to make jokes, but unlike the blindingly proud types like Americans they can actually genuinely take a joke.
So it wouldn't be fun.
(there's a workaround though: Describe their language disrespectfully but not obviously insultingly)
Nederland is het mooiste land.
How are you any more free than someone in Denmark? Because you get to keep x% of your money instead of y%?
So once again burgers reduce everything to shekel accumulation. Americans really are cultural jews that will sell their fellow man for a few more shekels and junk.
While you get to keep more money, you spend more on education, health care, and other things on an individual basis. Something that people in Denmark don't need to worry about.
>Speaks dutch
"Speaking" dutch might be overdoing it though, I only have 4k xp on duolingo and great experience flaming people in Dutch on the internet. But yeah I'm a Nederaboo.
Im doing fine thanks. Is a revolution for independance growing or are people quite contempt with Rigsfællesskabet?
Fucking hell, you're like a unicorn so rare as you are.
We really should do more with France here, i mean both countries could benefit from eachother so much... not saying i'm a francophile but at least you're not the lapdog of America like Britain and Germany, besides we could really use less dependance on Germany.
You just need to get to know people and then they open up.
Different guy. We will move there though. Need to graduate first.
Spotted the degenerate.