EU FAGS BTFO!!!! diversity isnt cool when they target your kids instead of the plebs eh?
just what we needed right before the austria and italian elections
EU FAGS BTFO!!!! diversity isnt cool when they target your kids instead of the plebs eh?
just what we needed right before the austria and italian elections
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Im sure it was just a misunderstanding. She should have been more welcoming.
i know! the filthy racist father should give his other daughter to them right now!
My biggest worry is the locals attacking poor refugees is retaliation.
Hide yo kids
the normies woke up from rotterham though hans........the masses did not know
when we did we went ape shit and it fueled the right wing and it locked labour out of power for 2 terms and counting
it also fueled brexit
im glad rotterham woke the normies up!
what did collogne do for germany? they double downed.
>She was raped and then drowned beffore her body was found in the River Dreisam.
>Ms Ladenburger reportedly worked in her spare time helping out in refugee homes in Freiburg.
And here I thought it was a bit gruesome that NPR ran a story yesterday about some poor woman getting burglarized, strangled to death, and then having her dead body raped by literally a crack nigger. Is "the express" the equivalent of our grocery store tabloids?
Now that it's one of (((them))) who paid the price, what will happen?
>Is "the express" the equivalent of our grocery store tabloids?
Its a major newspaper but I'd say its the last left that would touch something like this so it gets slapped with the label
love it
its already starting to affect people in charge
express is right wing,also the daily mail covered it also lol
Let's meme the father into suicide
10/10 shop
Fuck dude how'd that happen so quick?
>Ms Ladenburger reportedly worked in her spare time helping out in refugee homes in Freiburg.
she paid the tool
They push the narrative that its all good in the neighbourhood so much they are starting to believe it themselves
well we can be sure that she at least ONCE took brown dick lol
Trojan horses..
Got it from a previous thread and that guy got it from someone else
Kek works faster than you can imagine
This news is about 3 days old.
He'll probably shake the murderers hand and apologize for being so white
>reporting on a murder caused by a current political issue makes you a grocery store tabloid
you're right this shouldn't be reported. religion of peace!
eu officials can only blame themselves
i hope he does and that they make it nation wide headlines
Nothing. Jews are holocausting themselves again, but this time it's with their anti-white propagnada. Jews look white so we're fucked just as much as all of you goyim.
>German anti-semitism on the rise
the deflection is real in this one
>diversity isnt cool when they target your kids instead of the plebs eh?
Strike 1
probably because the brexit didnt stop the rape gangs so you have no right to talk big (yet)
To be fair, the fires in Israel probably gave them a good excuse to go full nazi on palestine and finally expand israel even more. So all these shekelsteins will soon be going home.
Just got cancer. Thanks pal. -ded-
Found the kike.
Sad He's now full liberal brainwashed... I feel bad for Evans he supposed to be our guy :(
gj, seriously
I hope all white women gets raped and murdered tbqh famalam
I know some of you guys find it funny like justice served, but it still feels like shit, she was just a girl that was brainwashed by her parents and education system to be pro invader. We should step up our propaganda campaign. Is there anything good at social media about this incident.
>what did collogne do for germany? they double downed.
the politicians doubled down, not the people.
why do you think we have a party that went from 0 to 20% in multiple state level elections despite having zero political experience?
>>She was raped and then drowned beffore her body was found in the River Dreisam.
I wonder if, in her last moments, she questioned why this happened. If she maybe felt some tingling of regret?
Or was it, the brainwashed tool, simply, while fighting for breath, thinking along the lines of "What must have happened to this poor refugee to make him do this? Have I oppressed him so? I wish I could help him more". The same lines it has been programmed to read, write, say and think over and over again.
No, it does not feel like shit at all. We are all in a sinking boat and people who were higher up on the dry places were mocking us when we were warning them of the incomming flood. Now they got their toes wet.
>she was just a girl that was brainwashed by her parents and education system to be pro invader
and she would have continued to live in that mindset and supported europes invasion for years to come. no we are better off without her
>Just an isolated incident
Deutschland ja!
>but it still feels like shit
Yeah, no. She and her family are enemies and I feel nothing, if not slight joy at her death.
>What happens if a 19 year old girl from the 21st century encounters a tribal warrior from 15th century Afghanistan.
I wonder if he is even aware of the severity of the crime. I bet he thinks he can get away by giving two goats to her father, lol. No biggie.
Multiculturalism sure is wonderful.
it's true
Best news in a while.
Whores like her and her disgusting family are the real danger to Germany / Europe. I hope their pets turn on them and slaughter them all.
After that the sane Euro bros can get rid of the shitskins and then we can live in peace again.
No pics of the savage who did this? I bet this unaccompanied minor who made it into the EU was 10yrs older than stated. It's too late anyway, Merkel let this go one for too long, you had the faggot retard Erdogan in Turkey flooding the EU with these savages for years and nothing was done about it.
>Schweren Herzens
More like schweren balls lol
Holy fuck.
I love you guys.
Getting kinda tired of this "she was free of blame, it was the collective which is at fault!" line.
I am not saying she deserved it, but she definitely provoked it. The collective's fault for this comes from the individuals who contributed to these shitty decisions, and she was one of those individuals.
>katholische gemeinde
So what is this talk about her being jewish?
Oh apparently the price is a goat and a bag of rice.
and no matter which one you picked, even if it had the best ending, still had tragedy
>zero political experience
I hope no Sup Forumsack sees that as a negative
Most people higher up are blue pilled retards themselves, just puppets
>and she would have continued to live in that mindset and supported europes invasion for years to come. no we are better off without her
not disagreeing in that account, but she would have probably never have become pro invader if not for leftie propaganda
>lefty women
>doing any thinking
No, she most definitely understood what was happening. We have enough stories from incidents where they didn't support the rape because it would "give the right wing ammunition" to tell that it is pretty much always their social circle pressuring them into keeping their mouth shut plus the post-event rationalization.
But in the moment it happened she was definitely aware of it.
I don't, but I know a lot of people do. Because Germany has been run like a company for decades so now people think that is always how you have to run it.
what the fuck are you even supposed to do with these people? they killed their daughter and they want to collect money for more brown people
>Most people higher up are blue pilled retards themselves, just puppets
Well too bad for them, since they are in a position of power, and force their decisions upon us, they should be either educated enough on matters to not fuck us over. Or they can expect us to care as little about them as they care about us.
>So what is this talk about her being jewish?
Christianity is Judaism for Goyim.
Hurr Durr, the puppet on the left isn't allowed to dance because of us so I'll just watch the puppet on the right. It lets immigrants into the country as well but that doesn't matter.
Really makes you think
Our God is an awesome god
He reigns from heaven above
I'm legitimately celebrating that cunt's death more than my birthday. What a glorious point in time.
Germany is either full nazi mode killing every brown and jew on the planet, or they go full retard and accept everything.
Can someone please explain?
Yet more reasons Europe needs to outbreed these invaders.
The obituary is from way before they caught the guy who did it.
First we've got the fire in Oakland
Now this
kek is on a fucking rampage
Tabloids are trash except when it comes to crime reporting. They are willing to go into great depth on the details whereas the more 'respectable' papers have a brief article with little information, and will certainly never mention anything like the race of the offender
Quality work.
Oh it's just another day in the UK. The main crowd of that kebab Trojan horse lot haven't even reached our shores. Yet.
I am from near Freiburg and know Catholicizm from inside, Marxism is pretty right-wing compared to that.
Beating them at their own game is not the solution. Do you want to look like white India in 30 years?
Ah shit you're right. I came here looking to argue that it was a bad thing. I didn't laugh at cologne, I'm not laughing now.
But it really was the only way they could learn.
what does it say exactly?
Doesn't matter
What matters is that people in her social circle learn a lesson from this event.
This will definitely red pill a few people.
Fills me with immense joy to see justice be fullfilled like this.
I'm glad that the traitors and whores get at least a bit of the share of misery and violence that is brought into Europe with the Mudshit invaders.
A Danish social liberal politician today shared a story from a cuck who was jumped by 5 migrants.
The cuck, a young guy, felt like he needed to cry out in defense of his assailants because the media who was reporting on the story had found out that the assailants were Middle Eastern. As he believes that their race aren't part of the narrative here, he didn't want his case to further incite "islamophobia and racism".
Of course, left wingers are sucking it up and praising him for his cuckoldry.
why do you have that saved on you pc you fag?
please donate to charity for Bangladesch or some cringy student pro refugee initiative instead of sending flowers
>but she would have probably never have become pro invader if not for leftie propaganda
i get what you mean but ive learned that after a certain point you just have to write people off.
if a 18y old european kid thinks that everything is fine the way it is then hes a brainwashed goon not worth my time.
the upper/mid class safe spaces are not that common anymore that we should have so many brainwashed retards on masse like we have
>16. Oktober 2016
>Der Afghane Kommt
I think the only thing that occupied her mind was Jamal's 30 cm cock
Machiavellian of me, but this is actually beneficial. This will be the beginning of the tide turning.
When it starts affecting the middle class and upper classes of society, they will usually turn conservative very quickly.
A few more of these and we will see a huge surge towards anti-immigration from people in power.
I hope her death will not be in vain.
Story behind the pic?
When I was 18 I was a full blown left wing cuck.
Most people usually don't form independent political opinions until their twenties. Up until then they are just regurgitating what they have been spoonfed by their parents and educators. They aren't really to blame for their beliefs.
thats how you make haggis
For the record : he has 5 french-welsh children.
It wouldn't end that way though. Even if it did, we could just export them all to the US where they're even more needed.
This is more of a call for conservative and nationalist Europeans to outbreed them for the next decade or so until we've replenished Europe above 95% white again and outbred both the migrants and liberals enough to have total control of demographics and electorates. Ease off it after a decade, but until then encourage all conservative white Europeans to breed at a rate of at least children per family.
>This will definitely red pill a few people.
More importantly, it will redpill people in positions of influence.
Nothing will happen just because a few dozen tax payers get killed but if the daughter of your coworker is drowned and then raped in a river?
It's one of the many and growing refugee pr0n mms's recorded for porn tubes. A screengrab from there rather than on my pc. That was a SFW screenshot for your convenience but it proves a point.
Of course you do Ahmed
>tfw was nationalist since age 4