Be Indian in Britain

>Be Indian in Britain
>Poo in Vindaloo
>Brits eat it all up.
>Brits make it their national dish

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>from Swindon

Just how many fuckers got sick from eating here before someone thought to look into it further?


Wait, this is news to people? This is the reason I don't eat any food prepared by Indians and Muslims.

Hundreds, probably.
He has gifted many with the embrace of poo.

>uncultured swine cant appreciate a little extra flavor in their meals

Same geezers will start complaining when the curry doesnt have that extra stinky bite to it

The deeply nutty and pungent aromas emanating from these delicious Punjabi delicacies is what keeps the people of Britain queuing up for more.

This one is worse.



>British sanitary standards

Fucking scumbag.

And absolutely nothing will happen due to "cultural reasons" which I imagine in Britain and other fee-fee nations supersedes basic sanitation and health regulations.

Shitskins are fucking awful.

Its kept happening, here is a more recent story

>poo in the food

Don't EVER let a dothead get away with the claims they are cleaner for not shitting in the house! They drag shit back into their houses from walking through shit-fields, barefoot!


Guys, I'm a US tourist visiting London for a few days.

Where are the white people at?

In the kebab or the hospital with "food poisoning", apparently


>cultural reason

Who ever got pooed deserved it for having disgusting taste in the first place.

Indians can make objectively delicious food.

Only issue is you don't know if your Madras has been seasoned with some Pajeet's turd.

4 months of jail and 200 quid fine per person?
How is this a fucking punishment? He should be doing at least 5 years for infecting over 140 people.