Why does pol suck Putin's dick? You do not understand. He is a shit dictator running Russia into the ground. All his (((policy))) is for benefiting his Jew friends.
Why does pol suck Putin's dick? You do not understand. He is a shit dictator running Russia into the ground...
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Frankly, I am surprised too.
Stormtards don't like him. Lefties don't like him. Freedomfags don't like him.
It's a fucking puzzle to me.
It seems like they are thoroughly misinformed by "muh manly macho Putin" maymay.
Opposes the globalists. Nothing a leader could do is more important than that. If globalist power wins, we're getting a world government. So anyone who stand in the way of that, couldn't be doing anything more important or valuable to humanity.
See, just that is pretty fucking useless.
Would you like to live in DPRK just because it opposes globalists? Thought so.
what's with xenopatriotic liberals, fellatio analogies and fecal imagery?
Self-hating Russian cucks alert.
Russian boys are very cute and have nice accents
Fuck you dirty faggot.
>don`t support CPRF
Voobshe ohuet`
Go back to sosach porasha, cuck.
because Westerners know nothing about Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and such. They think it's all cosy because Putin dislikes homosexuals
Most of his policies are a continuation of gorbachev's polices and all for the preservation of a country that should have collapsed in 1991
Only 20 something years have passed since the soviet union fell which if it were any other country, russia would not exist
It's mostly thanks to putins policies and strict governmental control that the cities didn't separate much worse then ukraine did
What things has he done that would make him as bad as killing millions of innocent lives in favor of the government
On the contrary he should be praised as a saint because if the USSR did break any further there would be constant war in the states that disbanded
He has saved countless lives by his actions only to be never thanked and instead ridiculed
Newfag, I assume ?
>Most of his policies are a continuation of gorbachev's polices
So it's Gorbachev's succes, not his?
He could have stopped his plans in favor of his own but he cast aside his pride to continue a legacy for the better of his country
Probably because of Russia shill trolls posting here. We all know Russia funds that.
Where do I collect my rubles?
>to continue a legacy for the better of his country
Yeah, that's where I disagree. He took control and allowed his buddies to tap into an easily avaliable and profitable resource there is: oil.
There's no legacy, no pride, just milking that sweet crinkly paper.
they fund RT so the trolls have materials to use
There's literally nothing wrong with RT.
That doesn't buy me borscht and vodka friend.
that's how it works senpai, ideological satisfaction should be enough for a true revolutionary like you
OH you mean like every other country at the time
Like Brazil
And Canada
And Norway
And the Saudi's
And the Iraq's
And Libya
OH but it's fine when those guys do it huh
But not the country who's entire monetary system was worth almost nothing
Are you proxy baiting or something?
Fuck that dude, I need to get paid. First CTR falls apart, now the Kremlin won't pay. Fucking deadbeats.
westerners always think they know shit about places that they never go.
>OH but it's fine when those guys do it huh
Haha, nice assumption here, my boy. I don't support any of those countries.
And, oh, there's nothing wrong with pumping oil, only an idiot would not do that, but when that's the main thing you do then it's fucked.
Remember when oil prices falling fucked ruble over? Yeah.
Putin represents Russian globalism. They lost their chance and if the time arises they'll try it again. American Globalism can be fixed internally, our founding fathers left us the tools to do it by the books.
Sup Forums sucks putin's dick because he made being gay illegal. That's literally it. Homosexuality is illegal and Sup Forums doesn't like homosexuals. That and he does meme shit like judo and riding horses shirtless.
It's fucking stupid how easily Sup Forums gets suckered into cults of personality.
>American Globalism can be fixed internally
Nice one :^)
What tools?
Remember when the fall of the Soviet union fucked the ruble over only 20 years ago?
Do you understand the meaning of the word
Do you understand the word of
Also if you don't support any of those countries who do you think is righteous in this sense?
Do you close your ears and eyes to the world?
Do you believe you know better simply because you have the power of hindsight?
Op you are comfusing personal issues with social ones. It's not life in Russia that sucks, it's you. Everyone else is doing fine.
The creation of the USSR was a mistake under the fist of communism and god like worship of dictators. Russia went through a much bloodier revolution then the rest of europe. If anything its the fault of Putin and his predecessors, not any foreign government or people, not even the people of Russia.
I would love to live in Dear Leader's Glorious Democratic Republic.
Putin was still a student in university when soviet union still existed
How the fuck is it his fault?
And no other effort was made say anything bad about him.
Only sudden appearance of a person who doesn't like him with no arguments.
>he made being gay illegal
He only banned faggotry propaganda, there are a lot of trannies and faggots in Russia.
And you don't understand the word "diversification".
>25 years ago
So? Ruble had been going strong in late noughties.
>who do you think is righteous in this sense
No one, I am an edgemaster :^)
>Do you believe you know better simply because you have the power of hindsight?
No, do you?
Putins most important oligarchs:
Prochorow - JEW
Deripaska - JEW
Malkin - JEW
Abramovich - JEW
Potanin - "officially" not
Fridman - JEW
Rotenberg Brothers - JEWS
Gommie time machine.
And who do you support?
Because I agree with you about putin, but he's no different West. I hope you don't really believe that West is much better.
I even think this whole conflict between him and West is just a show for plebs.
What effort do you want?
I can tell you about the censorship and data collection laws, I can tell you about illegal immigration, I can tell you about whoring Russia to chinks, but what for?
Pretty sure you've made your own mind years ago and those things are widely known.
True, sadly Sup Forums is no different in that regard
I don't believe I know better, But I can understand the reasons behind the actions of people
Diversification is hard to achieve when you have to battle trade sanctions and trying to focus on keeping the people appeased to stop civil war
It's a Zero-sum game
The fact that Russia still exists now is all due to the correct choices Garbachov and the Putin administration have made
It's one of the reasons I very much dislike people who are critical of putin and his policies
It's like blaming super man for breaking a building as he tried to stop the meteorite that would destroy earth
It's simply not logical
well, a lot of people on Sup Forums have taken his policies as meaning being gay is illegal in Russia, so.. go figure.
In fact, a lot of people in the US think that. Leading up to the Sochi games gay athletes and fans were worried they'd be arrested until Putin made a statement that nothing like that was going to happen....
and then Johnny Weir was out and about and the Russians all seem to love the shit out of him so go figure.
>It's fucking stupid how easily Sup Forums gets suckered into cults of personality.
yeah, just look at all this trump faggotry
i wouldn't want to live in Russia, maybe visit, but when talking about Putin, he represents a trump sort of figure where he doesn't take shit and if he wants to get shit done he doesn't take step 1 2 3 he just goes to step 4 because he's not afraid of his image and on the world stage he's been the good guy and he talks a lot of sense when he speaks. The most important thing that makes me like Putin is being the good guy on the world stage, if Russia wasn't such a shit hole pov country id probably be a total fanboy.
And you begin by not posting a single argument. Listen. If I see nobody minding him with occasional butthurt I won't assume his is bad.
Second thing is that most of you people are unhappy with everything. I don't imagine you having anyone better who will not turn your country into another Libya.
Putin shills unironically hail someone who allowed implementation of shariah in his country as savior of white race and christendom, go figure
Because most Sup Forumsacks don't know jack shit about Russia, so they just meme some cool looking guy who is kinda """"conservative""""
>trade sanctions
What trade sanctions?
Were there trade sanctions during the whole 00s?
Even if so, that does not excuse his faults and non-ecomic development.
I value people over economics.
would russians want to return to the soviet union?
You do know that soviet union collapsed in 91' right
During the 00's almost all of the time spent was focusing on not breaking apart further then just ukraine
If things were left as is Russia would be in never ending war between fighting each other over who controls what states
Focus on economics and trade starts when the people in the country are happy and well-fed and not holding tensions against each other
Otherwise any trade would be met with constant bombardment and civil terrorism
russians underneath ussr are the most redpilled and not cuck
very strong macho man, no gay, no muslims, no mexicans and no niggers
powerful nation free of cucking, ideal place of all trump supporter
I don't like him but I don't believe he is satan like MSM tries to present him.
Overall I'm tired that Europe serves as a wargame board between USA and Russia.
Best interest for the weste europeans would be to play them both for our own interests, not the reverse.
why don't you kill yourself, Russia is in no way comparable to North Korea
RT is disgusting, they are honestly just another liberal leftist septic pit
But then again this makes them the same as mainstream US media.
Ironically RT is best and most valuable in the area where it should be worst - news directly related to Russia and conflicts with Russian participation, such as Syria and Ukraine.
>Yeah, that's where I disagree. He took control and allowed his buddies to tap into an easily avaliable and profitable resource there is: oil.
>There's no legacy, no pride, just milking that sweet crinkly paper.
It depends though, would Russia be able to govern itself without them? Western elites would very much like to split Russia into many small states and take the nukes. Without Russia the remaining countries with strategic nukes posses complete military superiority with nothing to prevent them launching offensive strikes. Allowing them to profit in exchange for loyalty may not be a completely unreasonable tactic even if it is extremely annoying.
>During the 00's almost all of the time spent was focusing on not breaking apart further then just ukraine
Sorry, but what breaking apart are you talking about? The Chechen war? It was officialy going until 09 but by that time only the most radical muslims kept fighting.
And it has been 9 years already since country had it's better chance to fall apart.
And, just to expand, I don't think that Putin is a terrible statesman. He did good things to Russia but my main argument is that he did them not because of goodness of heart and often chose the path of least resistance.
>Russia is in no way comparable to North Korea
I never did, retard.
>RT is disgusting
But at least it's centralized and gives globalist MSMs a little fistfuck.
>succeed Yeltsin
>stabilize Russia
>grow economy
>modernize military
>reclaim rightful clay
>refuses to pander to minorities
>living meme
Yeah I wonder why.
The dick is always juicier on the other side.
- Old Norwegian proverb
See here Also,
>refuses to pander to minorities
You know nothing.
Did that actually happen ? Doesn't look shop-ped.
Tell me about RT. Is it right or left wing? Sup Forums tells me it's right wing, but I saw one of their YouTube videos about a nationalist rally and the newscaster said "they were chanting russian jobs for russian people, whatever that means"
Because there are reasonable people here who accept that he's doing a relatively good job.
All Putin opposition I saw on internet is mentally unhinged, like people who praise Hitler and such, or nihilistic liberals.
>>refuses to pander to minorities
9 years really isn't a lot
For example
Trans pacific deal was started in 2005 and the final proposition and signing was on feburary 4 2016
This was considered a "fast track" deal and that's 11 years
All of these things take a lot of time and a lot of bureaucracy
You can't simply go to a country and say
>I want to sell steel to you today for the next 30 years at x price
This is the way of the world
And portfolio diversification takes a lot of time
>choosing a cheap solution of appointing a loyal puppet in an unstable region
>pandering to minorities
What would you do? Kill every Chechen? And how do you think world would react?
Putin made Russia GREAT again after (((communistic/""""""""democracy"""""""))) rule.
Implying Russia has ever not been run into the ground. I thought your people would be used to 3rd world country status by now?
>Putin is le bad meme
Literally retards brainwashed by internet.
Putin is the best this country has to offer.
Nobody comes close. Made russia great again.
>b-b-b-but vatnik....m-muh opposition
Yeah fuck off libtard shkolniks who think they will become richer if ((((((corrupt)))))) politicians leave. If you want to live like european go to europe. What's that? Nobody wants you? Oh wow i wonder why.
Russia is shit because russians are shit that blame everyone else for their shortcomings. Blame imaginary thieves in the government and hope for leftists to get in charge. They totally wont steal!
They often play both sides. They like to stir the pot. It can be a little biased in both directions.
Why is Russia so backwards?
Serious question.
You have a white population, high IQs, a good education system, plenty of natural resources.. what went wrong?
In b4 communism, that ended 25 years ago, not an excuse.
Few people seem to know that Putin indeed jailed national socialists in Russia
>Russia is shit because russians are shit
Words of truth.
>25 years
>China still under communist rule
>Degeneracy beyond any levels Russia peaked at
Communism will fuck you up real good, forever. The easties had a burning hatred of it so it steeled them and allowed them to survive culturally better. Russia was not fortunate enough as they had been the epicenter of Marx's mental virus and now their culture is forever tainted. China will not be better off as they have been infected even longer.
Because Vodka and Krokodil.
Idiots should be jailed. Seriously you people have no idea how idiotic are extremist options in Eastern Europe in general.
Those people are retarded. Those people can't rule. They are incompetent mentally ill trash. Same for Golden Dawn in Greece, same for SRS in Serbia, and so on.
Putin covers a very broad spectrum politically, so most of his oponents are extremists, left or right. Notice I say most, not all of course.
And finally look how Tsarist regime ended up because they considered extremists a minor threat.
Well I can't say I know them personally, I've only watched a documentary on that group and that Putin jailed them for their ideology, and It's also true that Putin is pretty zionist, and is also pushing for le hate crimes meme, which makes me doubt him
>measuring russia's development by the HDI
>a system they had no input in the development of
>that was literally created to bully non-western countries in economic rag mags and the UN
really made me think
>In b4 communism, that ended 25 years ago, not an excuse.
No, but liberalism is. Russia is still recovering from the Yeltsin years.
The drop in GDP after the liberal "reforms" in the 90s was 48%, for comparison the drop caused by fucking WW2 was 24%.
Communism should have been reformed, but not by western agents/liberals.
Russia has been savagely destroyed by jews and other foreign agents two times in the 20th century - in 1917 and in 1990.
They keep their debt low and they have to spend a lot of GDP on military to keep themselves secure from the constant NATO threat.
>You have a white population
>high IQs, a good education system
>plenty of natural resources
The only ones who benefit from selling them are putin's jew-friends.
Cyka blyat!!!!! :D
Reported to FSB.
i hope seselj wins for sheer comedy that will ensue
Kys immigrant. It's cool to love russia when you live so far away from it in a cozy warm country near the sea, but living here sucks major dick
You have to punish people who spew hatred in a country which has 150+ minorities.
If only we did same here. Don't be naive. Those people offer nothing but hooligan-tier violence. They are rabid dogs. And rabid dogs are neutralized.
facts don't care about your feelings, you know
its easy. we do not know how much he controls the life or how much is he responsible for the conditions you guys live in but we know that (((they))) hate him and try to make him look bad every time anything happens so we are obviously on his side from the get go. some of us actually remember how Russia was going to be in the EU because everyone liked Putin that much in the early 00s.
Remind me how many Noble prize winners modern russia has?
Yes, support globalism good goy.
A shekel for you!
at least he keeps it interesting.
no other leader provided shuch exsitmemts like Putin
Not an immigrant. And what prevents you from just fucking off?
You hate Russia? Leave.
Yeah but it would be catastrophic. Not really because of Šešelj, but look at his party.
>trying to smear this badly
Fuck off :^)
He's just a meme forced by western media. In reality he's a manlet cuck without any talents.
OP Faggot
Poverty? Average russian salary is like 300$, sometimes even less.
We don't he's a meme we like laughing at