Is Sup Forums an Israel ally?
Is it ok for you that Jews are ruling America since decades?
Is Sup Forums an Israel ally?
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come on bros, don't be that shy, come to give your opinion. This is serious.
Israel is complicated. On the one hand, it's a good place for Jews to return to when their golems collapse and we finally drive them from our countries.
on the other hand I wish we could just kill every jew and not have to give them a country at all.
As it stands now I'm cool with israel. Jews have made their home in the desert surrounded by people who wish for their complete eradication. It's a fitting prison for serial manipulators and thieves.
Is that why we supported Donald Trump?
To get the Jews starting a Worl War with China?
>on the other hand I wish we could just kill every jew and not have to give them a country at all.
But what about the Ameican Jews? They are ruling the country since such a long time. Obama was a jewish puppet. Now, Trump is just giving them more power than ever.
Does Sup Forums really agree with that?
it's not like hilary was any less a shabbos goy
america used to be ruled by WASPs, now it's ruled by jews
I think it will be interesting having Jews in roles where they must report to a superior in Trump. Previously they were in the shadows.
Also I am WAY too smart for you dude. You are totally outclassed on Sup Forums. That was me being friendly.
>america used to be ruled by WASPs, now it's ruled by jews
Wut? Are you crazy?
America is lead by the Jews since at least one century.
>Insulting Based Jew Goebbels
Ivanka, Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner are based you faggot. You're right about the others though, although I think Trump is just cucking them.
Also, Roy Cohn was based too. He was Joe McCarthy's right hand man during the commie purge.
SHe's (((Yaël))) now. Accept it bro.
She's still a goy by blood. Her kids are technically not Jewish because of the maternal descent law.
come on, she's part of the jewish conspiracy and you know it.
Sounds counter-intuitive but Sup Forums should be an ally. We need to address the real problem of the alt-right and Sup Forums that's it's gotten the Israel question completely wrong. So long as they are ethno-nationalist and redpilled we need to treat them as an ally and do whatever we can to fight both Islam and globalism with them. Globalists are as much of a cancer on the Jews as liberals are on whites and just as prevalent among both races. The real red pill is to embrace pro-Israel, anti-globalist, anti-Islam Jews as an ally.
There's no conspiracy you fag. Jews are just naturally whiny and liberal because they have low testosterone. They're nothing more than a race of nu-males who use their intelligence to gain positions of power and authority and to spread their gay philosophy.
Globalization, you know that Jews are doing tit right?
Either inform yourself on the last thousand years of Jewry in Europe or leave the board
No, Israel and Jews are our main enemy.
Get access to thousands of National Socialist books that Jews do not want you to read before they (((shut it down))) once again.
Read about National Socialism, history, philosophy, race science, faith, threat of judaism, economy, exercising, as well as art and culture. This is for German-speaking /politicans only though, but feel free to link to related English speaking literature.
You can start with "Wofür kämpfen wir?", "Nationalsozialistische Fremdvolkpolitik", "Ewige Front", "Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes", "SS-Liederbuch" and "Kunst der Führung".
There does not exist one single National Socialist message board in German language. Germans who tried to create one were persecuted, put into prison and the domain was expropriated just for expressing their political views or questioning the official version of history.
There are some controlled opposition message boards in English language which reflect the view of "Neonazis/White supremacists" who have nothing to do with National Socialism at all, they were invented after WW2 to portray NS in a negative way.
See here virtual reconstruction of an art exhibition in the German Reich:
Share this message, share these links, comrade!
A section of secular, liberal Jews who are more interested in furthering their economic ambitions than preserving their ethnic or cultural identity. Soros is an atheist had no problem helping those genociding his race so that says all you need to know about his value as a Jew. There's a difference between Jews and globalism. It's no different from white liberals, they put their ideology before their ethnic and cultural identity and are destructive to both.
No, globalism, Marxism, liberalism and Islam are our main enemy.
National Socialism was a misguided movement that did more harm to white Europeans than it did to help them. It swelled the ranks of the anti-whites and globalists after WWII and created a legacy and cult of martyrdom their cause could keep using over and over again for decades since 1945.
It's the same logic with Breivik, he did more to swell the ranks of his enemies in the long-term than he did by indiscriminately destroying a large group of leftists. You break the infrastructure and ideology of your enemy, not indiscriminately kill them and create dozens of martyrs for their cause.
The problem white Europeans have always had with the Jews is that we've been forced to live together for centuries until 1948, that's where the anti-white, Marxist and globalist ideologies have come from and been driven by. Now we have space between us there's no reason to carry on this legacy of hatred when we have mutual enemies that are a far greater threat to the pair of us than we are to each other.
Globalism seeks to erase our identities both cultural and ethnic and Islam seeks to conquer us both. They are the real enemies. Where applicable globalists only hide behind their Jewishness because they can use laws to protect themselves from criticism that way, otherwise they couldn't care less about their kin and throw them under the bus at the first opportunity.