>be me
>still voted trump
>christian belief
>browsed Sup Forums off and on since '09
>yes im still newfag, cant triforce
>find Sup Forums through "pizzafag" thread
>hate child abusers
>overwhelming evidence
>convinced, swallow 2nd Redpill, "pizzafags" are right
>Jewlluminati MSM was 1st Redpill, many moons ago(family from masonic origin)
>realize my entire life was manipulated by MSM and Pedos/pedo supporters.
>Everyone knows Everyone.
>am I on the wrong side of history?
>more accepting of swastikas now
>realize (((they))) "worship" Moloch/Bal
>research rabbithole
>whats baphomet?
>find King Solomans stuff...
>"magic" is real?
>unknowingly performed "alchemy" long before
>connect all religions together through common basis
>(((elites))) rule through ebil manipulation of religious views, how can this be?
>Everything is connected now, but has never been so far apart at the same time...
>my morals...
>...mfw.... fuck.....................
>>...mfw that blue pill looks really fucking nice right now
Swallowed more redpills this month than my entire life
Other urls found in this thread:
Red pill is suffering m80
Can't go back OP.
There are thousands more redpills.
>No one really cares about you or understands you.
>You think you deserve everything but don't do anything to deserve it (false sense of entitlement).
>You have to play the social/political game or wind up always getting played by it.
>Video games distract you from actually achieving your life, and are a panacea for deep systemic problems that you need to be solving (replace video games with television, drugs, Sup Forums, etc.).
>People confuse like with respect. There is a difference between the two.
>Morals and ethics that are not tailored toward self-preservation/progress for you or your immediate in group are destined to make you sacrifice for another's gain.
>Women don't love you, they love the idea of you. Men don't respect you, they respect the idea of you.
>Most people see what they want to see rather than what's actually there. Ego possibly is the culprit behind this. I can't believe she's a cheater, he didn't look like a serial killer, etc.
>You suck, and it takes constant effort to be good at anything. There is no such thing as talent. There is simply persistence, discipline, and effort for EVERYTHING. Don't trust people who can "naturally" read people, "naturally" do this or that.
>There is a cost to everything. There is a difference between price and value.
God damn there is so much more.
>No one really cares about you or understands you.
>You think you deserve everything but don't do anything to deserve it (false sense of entitlement).
Possibly true?
>You have to play the social/political game or wind up always getting played by it.
>Video games distract you from actually achieving your life, and are a panacea for deep systemic problems that you need to be solving (replace video games with television, drugs, Sup Forums, etc.).
Way ahead of you there...true.
>There is a cost to everything. There is a difference between price and value.
Your not wrong, most of this stuff Iv swallowed but fuck that doesn't make it any less pleasant..
I wish I never found this board.
>>...mfw that blue pill looks really fucking nice right now
You can never go back.
Bear this burden so your descendants don't have to.
Quickest way to swallow the redpill is simply view everything from a self-preservation and survival mindset. Once you do that, a lot of shit falls into place.
>Liberal ideology only flourishes in resource rich/wealthy societies because those societies populace has become removed from the necessities of self-preservation, and therefore reality.
>Social organisms (like states, religions, etc.), like all organisms, create rules, ethics, and norms to preserve or propogate itself, or preserve it's internal structure from harm. If a social organism needs to, it will sacrifice some of its members to ensure the stability or progress of itself.
>People, in any setting, will group themselves into a hierarchy. If you watch closely, learn psychology, and learn how to read people, you will know where you stand.
>People will place you in a box and will resist, violently, you from ever changing your place in the hierarchy. Because if you move up they may move down.
I need more pictures like this.
No, that's not the right mindset.
Your descendants will fall if they do not learn these things. These teaching must be preserved and passed down your line, else they fail.
Like this?
Just get a xanax prescription
It's more about getting your world view ripped apart.
Future generations raised without this shit won't suffer the shell shock we do.
my 1st major red pills were Robert Greenes books, sociological red pills
all the Sup Forums stuff came this year.
You'll find balance again OP, when it all internalizes and you adapt to your day to day whilst being more aware of everything
As long as you dont get in total control of that mindset. It is the reptilian brain after all. Thats our plan B brain.
Nah, more like flyers and shit, promoting european culture. That is a bit contraproductive.
>There is no such thing as talent.
that aint true man i aced my entire school career barely studying once before the day of an exam
Primary School?
hoho yeh nice bro u got it
>Australian education is that easy
>Study the bible and prayer gives me comfort.
>Everything the bible tells is coming true.
>We were taught it's false and to ignore.
>Why should I ever fear studying a book?
>Hate against the bible is censorship at it's finest and has been happening for so long.
>Get hated for preaching the bible
>The bible tells me this will be normal
Yeah, but with the odds seemingly so stacked against us, I don't know what to think anymore.
Christianity in its purest form is the final red pill. In all the madness and chaos, it gives us a solemn hope that this corrupt world will be made right again. And that even worthless wretches like us can be saved.
We're not the kind of men that would be able to ignore the truth. There has never been any other option for us. We are lost.
its hard to be 16, friend
now come back in a few years
Christianity is a meme.The way to go is atheism because of no true god or god being an /r9k/ nobody.
Thing is that atheism is also a meme, ever since the bluepill destroyed it
watch more anime and smoke more weed.
It takes a few years to understand what is correct and not on pol. No, Nazism sin't good and conspiracies usually are retarded faggot shit.
>pedophiles control the world
>viewing child porn is a felony
Yeah right. You're still blue pilled.
Disregard this idiot.
Both smoking weed and watching anime is the same as video-games waste of time.
Seriously, disregard this idiot. A (You) for
Yeah, that's the blue pilled side in him...Poor guy is probably more brainwashed than me...
Easy there boy you're overdosing. Take things one pill at a time. Half the shit on your list doesn't exist.
Almost definitely. Germans are pretty harshly broken from infancy because they used to get in the (((plan)))'s way so often. It's important to realise this. That guy sounds like a hardcore faggot though and is most likely paid to spread his poison here.
Australian education you get an A for just showing up.
Modern education is child abuse.
i officially lost any respect i had for germanfags.... go fap on Merkles pic you retard
Sup Forums is a Christian board. Lurk more till you can differentiate Sup Forumsacks from (((shills))).
Good redpills m8. Liberal ideology only being possible in wealthy countries was a recent one for me.
Social structure as an emergent phenomenon from persons in the world is another good redpill
Now you know the true meaning of "ignorance is bliss". Just we never thought it could be this bad.
The ultimate redpill is Calvinism, btw
Mate magic and miracles are very real.
>mic[phone] drop
Lol, Obama is actually pretty meme worthy. That "Thanks Obama" video he did was great.
Atheism can't be the way to go, even if you don't like Christianity. Atheism is pushed way too hard by the left to not be bullshit. Plus Marx adored it.
Ultimate redpill:
>you realized you wasted your life on /pol
The bible is pretty shit tier desu. It reeks of something foul.
Soon OP.
Moloch is losing strength. The globalists can't sacrifice enough babies to compete against Kek.
The tides are changing. Do you feel it?
You guys need to get out more.
You all sound like edgy teens.
I understand the feeling of wanting to go back sometimes, but i have no back to return to.
For as long as i remember, i at least was "redpilled" about races, the political classes, the average person and so on.
What was it... Ah yes.
You merely adopted the redpill. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the bluepill until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but unswallowable!
ur mum a edgy teen
Fuck, the refugees have computers now?
>>overwhelming evidence
You're a bit young for so much redpills but you followed the path of Truth and should be proud. Stay strong, we'll always be with you.
Sup Forums got me off heroin
still hate life tho
I probably spend more time here than I should but ultimately I wouldn't say I wasted my life.
I have learned a lot from this site, taken a huge interest in politics, 99% given up porn, and am just so pissed off at the world all the time that the only thing I really do is strive to improve myself.
>believing in larping roleplaying threads
sounds more like you acquired a serious case of autism
This thread is exactly why Sup Forums needs to leak out, this is pretty much the only place where we have total freedom of speech and every voice is just as loud.
You go out into the world with what you have learned from Sup Forums and you just despise people because of their ignorance and lack of moral character.
I have immense trouble functioning in society because I feel like this almost 24/4.
When I talk to a normie about sportsball or beer I want to blow my brains out.
When I talk to some pretty girl who I know sleeps with a new man every month my soul dies a little more.
Wort of all are the liberals and the boomers. The fucking boomers, obsessed with wealth and the liberals obsessed with roadblocking people like me and any real reform.
The experience just make me so, so tired.
Nihilism is the ultimate redpill.Debate me faggots.
Thanks man
>>browsed Sup Forums off and on since '09
>>yes im still newfag, cant triforce
>>find Sup Forums through "pizzafag" thread
very badly disguised reddit migrant. You need to go back.
I remember recently Millennial Woes suggested we had reached 'peak nihilism'. Yeah right, the economy is still being propped up; wait until the collapse, then you will see some true nihilism.
People will engage in orgy's in public streets. They will sell their children. They will kill openly and without repercussion.
I may have a lot of things to complain about Obama but it's hard to deny he knows how to please a crowd.
>Loads of letters written in code obvious to anyone above double digit I.Q.
>Loads of connections to well established pervert groups
>Loads of artwork musing over having intercource with kids
fucking shill
>Realize entire life was manipulated by msm
Jews control publications, education, and history too. :^) The only thing they haven't done to you is tax you for breathing, but they're working on that too (carbon tax).
You guys, none of this pizza shit is real. Podesta is just an Italian guy with a weird obsession with Italian food. Sure, you can find anomalies where its hard to tell what exactly he means in his emails, and if you try then you can interpret this as pedo-code. But that's just you looking at noise and misinterpreting it as signal.
Honestly if you want to catch powerful pedos so bad you should spend time scrutinizing Epstein and those who associate with him.
This site is so fun but then I see posts like this and realize I'm essentially hanging out with a lot of teenagers.
Funny stuff though. You're probably not a moral person at all though. You're probably a huge contradiction with low self esteem.
>be me 2 years ago
>browse Sup Forums for dank memes
>kinda redpilled about niggers at this time
>Trump announces run for presidency
>start to share opinion with normie friends
>typical libshit response
>I retort them in the same manner most polacks recommend when engaging normies
>literally become shunned
>still blue pilled about the jews at this point
>think of it as just some guys larping as nazis
>actually dig deeper
>see jewish involvement in communisum
>see jewish involvment in banking
>see jewish involvment in media and academia
>realize trump is the last beacon of light against the (((globalists)))
>realize hitler was right on somethings
> be 18 now
>now pizza gate comes up
>skeptical for now
>but I wouldn't put it past them
I'm happy that I got redpilled young, since now that i've atleast gotten through all of the hard to swallow pills, I can focus the rest of my life on how to cope with it!
Don't say they control it, say they just have an incredible amount of influence over it, and the only reason it exists is because we allow it.
As embarrassing as it is to say it I'd have to say all the gamer gate bullshit was the first redpill for me.
> be me
> relatively normal guy
> play video games a bunch
> hear about some chick sleeping with people for positive reviews
> rage at editor and writers online for allowing this
> entire gaming media infrastructure takes a shit on me and people like me.
> angry and decide to ignore them forever.
> all this bullshit leaks into the mainstream media
> think "okay they're going to take one look and see how bullshit the gaming press has been"
> mainstream media regurgitates the same bullshit as the gaming press
> think "well fuck. They're both rats and trying to cover the others ass"
> lose pretty much all trust in mainstream media
Fast forward to the election and now I'm here regularly.
Once you take the red pill you can never go back
Once you go black too
That's a strong outlook. Their clock is ticking.