>Hillary supporters paid millions to increase Donald Trump's margin of victory in Wisconsin
Trump gains big in Wisconsin recount
tl;dr how much did he gain?
That implies she took the money and ran with it. If someone finds embezzlement, it's a scam. As it stands this is just cementing the fact that nobody liked Hillary.
Hell, I voted for her BECAUSE I didn't like her.
No refunds.
Everyone, open the spreadsheet and check Milwaukee. Clinton's losing 100-500 votes in every single precinct, compared to Trump's losses of 5-30 votes.
Wow he got 33 more votes than before. What a BIG gain
That might not sound like much, but given how few of the USA's population voted, it's a sizable amount.
If this is true, it's fucking pottery in motion. Of course, no outlet other than Fox will report on it.
He gained like 20 votes, literally not a difference.
The Michigan recount is going to cost the state millions. Those fuckers can't even get clean drinking water and this cunt wants them to waste precious time and millions of tax payer dollars
Why are lefties so god damned evil?
>He gained like 20 votes, literally not a difference.
That's not the point. Even though Jill denies it, her whole plan was to expose massive cheating by Trump. I know this because my wife's son said so.
They only spend other people's money on actually helping people
They're Sado (towards their own) Masochists (towards all them dindu nuffin refugee women and children)
I just woke up I'm seeing this in every thread someone explain this shitty meme
Nancy Schaefer, was killed during investigating the Clintons for human trafficking
Pizzagaters are using the Gabbo approach to spread their information now for some reason
a distractor to make you waste time, if he really cared he'd just make a fucking thread about it.
iirc she died the day before the election
only furthers the point that Jill Stein and the green party are stealing money from the public in the form of costing taxpayers
This woman is a liar and a thief
>Why are lefties so god damned evil
go a little further. lefties are just poor saps taking orders from their globalist masters.
she was deep into investigating abuse and corruption into agencies like DCFS and wound up deaded
thanks bros
the news is she is now going to sue in Federal Court to force a recount for free (for her).
Trump got MORE votes as a result of recount?
He is the president-elect of the united states.
its been revealed that soros is funding steins campaign. what is his game?
their world is upside down. they are worried about disenfranchisement while fighting for it through motor voter laws and counting of non-citizens in congressional districting. every view is wrong, mislead, or twisted up into absurd self-righteousness over being somewhat right. contrary to popular belief, republicans had earth science too in elementary school.
Jill Stein suddenly withdraws the wisconsin recount even though she had just found the exact thing she was supposedly looking for
This audit the vote shit was never about voter integrity, I bet they tried to gather as many salty butthurt faggots to massage the recount numbers but failed to overcome the rigging in round one, there is no other explanation for her cancelling this for 'financial reasons'
Are you telling me that most of the $4.5 million+ raised to get this recount, was in fact spent on recount efforts?
whoever wrote that is a fucking retard
>Numbers for the City of Milwaukee do not include absentee ballots, which have not yet been recounted. Milwaukee counts its absentee ballots centrally (not at the polling place) on Election Night. When those absentee ballots have been counted the numbers will be updated.
this is why there is a still a big difference between the numbers among the wards marked yellow as "already counted" they didn't count the absentee ballots for those wards yet
>He didn't care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. He told me to shut up and slapped me in the face.
That part always makes me chuckle.
>Why are lefties so god damned evil?
They are souless
Who's got that picture of Jill with No Refunds on her computer?