A humble message to white people
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Okay I'll admit I laughed when the gunman entered, didn't expect that
This really made me think
But did he fuck the spic in the end?
this is some serious thought police shit
84 has happened
but what if it inspired it
guns aren't the problem with society, it's the fucking kids! i knew it
Quite clever.
better message is where about half the politicians would love him and shower him in gold if he wasn't white.
I hope he came on those kitties before he got guy blasted. That would be a happy ending I could get behind. If you know what I am actually saying.
>So you like to draw on desks?
>heh yeah, guilty lol XD
Top fucking kek that made me laugh way harder than it should
Glad I'm not the only one. I honestly had no idea what the twist was going to be and then all of a sudden: SURPRISE ITS A SCHOOL SHOOTER EPISODE AGAIN!
really activated my neurons
>56 liked
That's a wierd school
HAHA what the fuck
Nigger, not spic
>stage the sandy hook shooting
>promote anti-gun propaganda with said shooting and other cases
>make the country against guns
>take away guns
>citizens can't revolt against the corrupt government
>citizens can't defend themselves against the corrupt government
I thought the ginger kid was gonna get pranked by some Stacy then laughed at by the entire school then shoot it up.
by far the funniest video i've seen in a while
>christo = christ
>4k47 = ak47
>not just an anti-gun message, but also anti-russian and anti-jesus
fucking leftists
>if you read gun magazines, watch hickok45 videos, and want to listen to the latest Viper drop without some cunt bothering you, you're likely to be a school shooter
Yeah, no.
>watch out for kids wearing headphones
Thats the message i got
Why wasn't he a muslim, fucking fake media.
xaxaxaxaxaxa my sides are gone
christo/hristo is a bulgarian name
Same here. Also people pretending to shoot you with their hands.
fucking leftist propaganda
thought the kid was just a nice /k/ommando, never noticed he was the same kid getting picked on for being a faggot though
I laughed too at this exact moment
more likes than my instagram posts
Why did he shoot that lad in the back at 2:12?
the average american can't even point bulgaria on a map, much less know its a bulgarian name
>that cocking sound effect
jesus christ. why?
the shooter looks like a young alex jones
>comments and ratings disabled
The left knows that it can't win.
What a fucking twist! Hahah
Evan btfo
I thought he was going to reject the girl when he saw she was black.
>tfw an autistic school shooter gets more likes than you
Didn't Harry Potter have the same message?
my sides are beyond gone
I am a white male who browses /k/ and watches gun videos on youtube. Am I going to become a school shooter?
At first I thought it was two guys scribbling messages to each other.
Saved By The Bell - a Netflix original series
>If you are a white male with interests in weapons and gun culture, that a sign that you are a future school shooter, go draw or something, and it better not be tanks or other #toxicmasculinity stuff!
>Stupid evil white males, y u vote for Trump and not us and "common sense gun control", whyyyyyyy, so evil!
if you shape your hand like a handgun then yes
Oy vey he watched gun videos in youtube! That made him a shooter!!!
chek em
The moral of that video is that "know the signs" is hopeless as that would require people to pay attention to and care about that guy in order to spot said signs.
And if that were the case he'd not be some disaffected loner with a chance of becoming a school shooter in the first place.
>implying the average /k/ poster would untacticooly announce their presence by dramatically cocking their weapon and instigating a panic
Fuck's sake Evan, all you have to do is start popping people before they have a chance to recognize and react to the scenario.
Suburban white kids are never going to take back the high score at this rate.
moral is if you get bullied you need to be isolated cause you're a potential school shooter and a bigot
>defacing school property
They deserve every bullet.
posting the best version
I think it was that generic foley effect for the gun. No way would they have heard that goofy click sound 50 yards away.
so the sandy hook jews are the ones funding this, yet the progressive steps they tell the viewer to take would not have prevented sandy hook since it was a student that did the shooting
liberals strike again with that iron clad logic.
whos this?
Ok that one was magnificent!
>no allahu akbar
moar ples
My sister, back off buddy.
You're not getting the message, it's clear women are the problem. If it wasn't for women, everybody would figure out who the shooter is, and not be busy trying to fuck sexy teens
I keep seing this guy on Sup Forums, who is he?
I presume some libtard, but exactly?
I can't even tell if this is a girl or a boy anymore
haha thats a man you are now automaticly gay
Choose one
Clack boom
Dont fuckin write on school property asshole!
u hav no proof of this
That's a man butt
>this is #8 on trending
Evan Not bringing the molotvs kek
u lie if im homosex im no better that jevish oh my go