>The victims, who were all women
and nothing of value was lost
>social democratic who supported race mixing died
Well... She paid the toll!
That's false on so many levels that I just can't even. He shot the three women from close range and he picked his victims randomly. Two journalists but no mayor, she sat in the city council.
They were leftists and they wanted to increase immigrant (read: uneducated shitskin) population in Finland. So all in all it's actually a good thing.
Not a sniper, he used a huntingrifle
>supports race-mixing
At first i was like oh noes
Now im deus vult!
w-white death is alive? am i save as slav? scared.
Shooter was asylum seeker, funny that media "forgot" to mention it
50% chance it was local gypsies.
40% chance it was some disgruntled jealous rural drunk who went apeshit and randomly shot people.
10% chance it was some guy who was fed up with the local politicians and media.
Really not a bad thing that these politicians and media people see that they're not invincible.
Only reason they're fucking up the country, is that they think they can get away with it.
If couple of more get shot, it's guaranteed that the open profit taking will cease and they're going to start listening to people again.
I love Finland
Other report they were executed with a shotgun.
Either way, Finland is better off without the race-mixing proponent and the two communist "journalists".
>thought to be a random attack
>"randomly" shot local mayor and two journalists
great piece of journalism there
Of course you're save my Sudetbro. White Death wasn't killing slavs, he was killing communists.
The mayor was pro population-replacement. Quote her: "Finland needs new blood to our dna, I hope that the refugees will stay."
would be a happening if it happened somewhere that mattered
race-mixer and (((journalists))) are killed by a shitskin migrant.
Gonna be fun to see the mental gymnastics for the media to explain this one.
lol did he come from swedenistan?
I thought this was just some gypsy gun fight.
>Finland needs new blood to our dna
Actually upset now
Eipä ollu.
My sympathy ran out when I saw that comment about new blood.
Can conform.
Nigga, if it was the ghost of the White Death it would have been 300, not 3.
>like anyone would give the slightest fuck if that happened in the 3rd world
wasn't it a Russian?
>Finland needs new blood to our dna
How about some icelanders or danes?? maybe even some germans
why does it have to be shitskins
So they were race traitors?
Wtf, i love Finland now
Or estonians? Obviously to destroy social cohesion and to miscegenate the finnish people out of existence.
You don't even need people, just improt some sperm and pay some women for 18 years to take care of the kid
This was actually a great shooting.
>pro race-mix socialist mayor killed
>two (((journalists) killed
>the shooter was mentaly ill and never publicly announced nazi shit, so the (((media))) cant blame the right wingers
Both the shooter and the victims were ethnic finns. t. bolis
I forget Finland exists.
It's always overshadowed by Norway and Sweden
Yes, and the killer was a white trash crazy guy.
Bolt action AR47 fully automatic
yeah that's what i'm saying, fingolia
>shooter was mentaly ill
do you have a source or is that speculation?
HAHAHA, two such cases (this + Ladenburger) in two days! Something is happening!
Doesent matter, as long as the traitors die.
Exactly what Mona Sahlin (Sweden) and Ervin Kohn (Norway) said.
Fucking traitors.
this happened in my home city, fug :D
Simo Häyhä never died, he's in our hearts
150.000 €.
Many such cases. Sad!
I can go months, years without thinking about your "country"
In fifty caliber.
no he was a native, based finn, 23yr. old male name is out there on that obscure mongolian imageboard (ylilauta)
This was a great shooting.
Don't forget the military style assault clips.
And the shoulder thing that goes up.
Native Finn, 23 years old, with previous convictions, violent and non-violent. White trash.
Police has said they have no reason to suspect that the reason could be political but they haven't interviewed the suspect yet.
It just puts life in perspective
When politicians in Sweden and Finland talk about joining Nato and restricting guns not because of Russia but rather from fear of revolt.
sry joni (name changed)
God damn son, I'm glad nords aren't gonna give in to cultural enrichment.
Can't blame you
When I think Asia I only think China, Japan and Korea
and 360 noscope
Im so jealous of you finland ;_;
wtf he is decent looking fellow
doesn't even look like white trash
His look screams leftie
The finn does not deserve the bin today.
Actually we are tolerant towards everything. We love multiculturalism and this shooter was a racist white man. This is not how we do things, we want more refugees.
yup and they are right to be fearful
he is a man who had had enough
nah no balding, no chiken neck, true high test alfa
>Native Finn
>decent looking fellow
>decent looking yellow
was it penti linkola? is he even still alive?
This is how the news got out..
ebin :DDD
You know Sweden, you could make something of your country also if you tried.
Not true, I'm seeing reports it was a migrant
Wtf, Aussie not shitposting?! Guys, what are we onto in here - is this the time when the balance begins to shift?!
Board of peace user, we are a board of peace. Someone might commit an attack in Sup Forums's name but they are not true polacks.
Wink wink. ; )
yeah pentti is still preaching and causing maximum butthurt on the leftists scum, 88 years old, god bless him
You have internet?
Holy fuck Americans are retarded.
Latest news tells that shooter was apparently member of the northern resistance movement
Some women are traitors.
I don't think they deserved to die, but i think if they like "refugees" they should migrate to the country they want be enriched by.
Do we know if these "refugees" have std's and/or exotic diseases before being allowed in?
Promiscuous behavior can potentially wipe out a whole country with stds alone.
>it's actually a good thing
It will be used to gain sympathy for their cause so they can do more to fuck native Finns over. It's actually a bad thing.
what news
Thank you based mental ill lone wolf, couldn't have picked better targets.
This guy took my summer car too far.
I read yellow too.