Thoughts on this guy?
Thoughts on this guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
What parent ever wants to bury their child? He's probably going to blame himself for the rest of his life, when he was trying to make the world a better place.
I doubt he'll blame himself. He'll probably believe we didn't offer enough support for the poor Afghan.
She didn't deserve this.
cucking never pays
Burgerposting is a thing now?
Have you not seen the husband and wife that had that happen last year? Their answer was to forgive the refugee's (it's what their daughter would have wanted) and to continue pushing for more immigrants into their country.
probably a leaf on vacation.
i hope he learned his lesson
Dude, the left has this incredible, almost supernatural ability to discredit reality... damn.
I bet there will be pro refugee marches in Freiburg next week. It's the most progressive city in Germany.
but he did, he has heard the rape statistics yet held his tongue
how long until he shakes her murderer's hand and apologizes for the circumstances must have made him do it?
Link, please
I think the sheer level of cultural enrichment just in the Freiburg-im-Breisgau area in the last year is actually tipping things as much as Koeln did, though.
I use for my e-mails and the full-on cuckery that they normally try to pass off as news usually makes me sicker than a Merkel-Rede.
But this article that appeared today actually shows signs of a half-awakening to something like sanity
If the cultural enrichers go feral again at New Years then the Age of the Bahnhofklatscher may finally be over.
Yep, that's what I said I expect to happen.
kek, he's going to apologize to Mahmud that he had to rape her in the street, and not directly in the daughter's bed.
Best thing one can do is to stay away from news/Kikebook as far as possible after things like these. ARD went full stasi mode in their Kikebook comment section. Literally every critical comment was deleted. Nothing new, of course.
Hahahaha JUST!
Get access to thousands of National Socialist books that Jews do not want you to read before they (((shut it down))) once again.
Read about National Socialism, history, philosophy, race science, faith, threat of judaism, economy, exercising, as well as art and culture. This is for German-speaking /politicans only though, but feel free to link to related English speaking literature.
You can start with "Wofür kämpfen wir?", "Nationalsozialistische Fremdvolkpolitik", "Ewige Front", "Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes", "SS-Liederbuch" and "Kunst der Führung".
There does not exist one single National Socialist message board in German language. Germans who tried to create one were persecuted, put into prison and the domain was expropriated just for expressing their political views or questioning the official version of history.
There are some controlled opposition message boards in English language which reflect the view of "Neonazis/White supremacists" who have nothing to do with National Socialism at all, they were invented after WW2 to portray NS in a negative way.
See here virtual reconstruction of an art exhibition in the German Reich:
Share this message, share these links, comrade!
Just serves them right- it is about time that they experience the horror that the common people of Europe have endured already.
He's a cuck, he literally had his daughter killed in the worst way a woman can die, like a piece of meat, due to his policies encouraging refugees. It's good that his cuck genes didn't get to live, sad for the young brainwashed girl.
Indeed. His daughter deserves it even more since she was a rich cunt pretending to be "humanitarian".
Remember that one south african guy that shook hands with his daughter's murderers?
I generally do. But, as I say, it's refreshing to see that reality has become so undeniable that not even a super-cucked site like - who I think usually get their "news" from some insufferable Berlin-based "media collective" full of numales with degrees in Islamwissenschaft - feel they have no choice but to include in their "not-all-Muslims" propaganda lists of simple, terrible facts like this
Tatsächlich gab es in Freiburg in den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten eine Häufung an Gewalttaten.
Ende September wird ein 13-jähriges Mädchen von minderjährigen Jugendlichen missbraucht. Zwei der drei Verdächtigen haben einen Migrationshintergrund.
Mitte Oktober wird ein Mann aus dem Obdachlosenmilieu von zwei Nichtdeutschen so schwer geschlagen, dass er kurz darauf seinen Verletzungen erliegt.
Ende Oktober werden zwei Frauen unweit des Hauptbahnhofs sexuell belästigt und retten sich in eine Polizeiwache. Die Verdächtigen stammen aus Gambia.
Anfang November verletzt ein Afghane einen anderen schwer mit Messerstichen.
Mitte November tötet ein georgischer Mann seinen Neffen mit Messerstichen.
This last brutal rape and murder of the Bahnhofklatscher daughter of a Bahnhofklatscher father may finally put the seal of certainty on Merkel's utter destruction when she runs for Chancellor again.
>when he was trying to make the world a better place.
He will probably ask for reparations by offering his wife to the refugee and demanding a new child.
She was in pro-refugee Facebook groups and volunteered at the refugee centers.
Reminds me of this case
Swedish humanist who was in 'we need diversity' facebook groups rapekilled by a dindu.
Remember the train station clappers here who welcomed "refugees" at trainstations by clapping back in September 2015? Many volunteered to help out at shelters, clothes collections and in soup kitchens. Two or three months went by and the volunteers were gone. Because they experienced first hand what those """poor people""" were really like. Keep in mind that they are from medieval societies and grow up without ever learning decency, politeness or basic behaving themselves.
So seeing this, someone who still keeps working as a refugee lawyer like the father MUST BE UTTERLY AND IRREPARABLY BRAINWASHED to do so. The murder of his daughter won't change him. Deep inside he'll know these people aren't worth it, but he'll repress that. He'll probably end up an alcoholic or doing Coke like his Burssels colleagues and have a proper breakdown in eight years or so.
When you invite Muslims to your country, expect to live by Muslim social norms
He'll justify it as a one in a million occurrence because in his mind the other 999,999 refugees are peaceful just like all muslims are.
Liberals have no concept of self preservation, they give up all their knives and trust in the government to keep them safe.
who is he ?
>J-just an isolated event
They collected money for a migrant charity at the girls funeral.
Nothing will change. Germany is too far gone to save.
Lügenpresse here failed to report all those incidents. Thez only report what happens locally, which is still plenty. At least in the parts of the city where refugees are housed.
i would like to send him a letter with this meme.
>Shill for illegals
>Get raped and murdered by them
Seems about right
That's indeed unusual.
I don't think the mood will shift though. It will need a lot more happenings, sadly.
Hope you stay safe in France and don't go to near to rock concerts.
Every German deserves it
Imagine there would be pictures of her praising their arrival.
The thread is in reference to a sweet 19-year-old middle-class Bavarian student girl who was pulled off her bike, raped and murdered a few weeks ago in the beautiful ancient university town of Freiburg.
For weeks the gleichgeschaltete German press was full of speculation that she had been a victim of one of the feral, hate-filled, neo-nazi AfD supporters who are known to roam the area.
Imagine everyone's surprise when the guy who killed and raped her turned out to be a "refugee" from Afghanistan.
Nothing had given anyone any reason to expect such a thing - except maybe the six dozen other acts of aggravated sexual violence committed by other "refugees" in the Freiburg-im-Breisgau area in the last few months.
I wasn't aware of this guy but I presume he is the father.
South German, but other tribe. Bavarians reside in Bavaria, Freiburg is in Baden-Württemberg.
thx for info
Btw. she knew the murderer ... as she volunteered to help refugees and he was one of them.
knew him? really?
>AN Afghan migrant has admitted the rape and murder of a medical student, who also worked voluntarily at a refugee centre.
She helped that imigrant with his sexual emergency. Isn't this what she wanted to do in first place?
Heard that in the police press conference on friday.
lel, one less dumb leftist cunt
Is this a new meme?
>If the cultural enrichers go feral again at New Years
Can we meme this?
I thought that slut dated him for a few weeks, then she cut it off but he wanted to get married (in Islam it is better to kill an slut that will not marry you than to let her live) so he planned and attacked her
>when he was trying to make the world a browner place
when did >tfw become that face when?
>university town
I think I've spotted the problem
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Boo hoo. If he's lucky this will wake him up. If not, then fuck him.
The braindead German people killed this girl. She was only 19, it is hardly her fault she was brainwashed.
I pray her dad fucking kills himself
>when you OD on diversity...
Dude, you can't marry as a minor. There's an exception for girls, but she needs their parents permission. The murderer is an unaccompanied minor, meaning he just left his parents somewhere in Afghanistan.
Not a snowflake's chance in hell he could have got married.
>He's probably going to blame himself
NO. Its the fault of the right wing for making these young males become violent.
If you are working for the EU and pushing there agenda you have no morals and no soul, it is a job requirment.
I learnt about these guys in religion class as an example of Christian forgiveness
How trustworthy is MEGA? I would love to load these down but am terrified of the consequences for having them.
Ah but Freiburg University was a fine place in its day. It was the chosen seat of intellectual operations for that fine philosopher Martin Heidegger, who taught us that
“One of the most secret forms of the "monstrous", and perhaps the oldest, is the tenacious skillfulness in calculating, hustling, and intermingling through which the worldlessness of Jewry is grounded”
“To appropriate ‘culture’ as a means of power and thus to assert oneself and affect a superiority is at bottom Jewish behavior. What follows from this for cultural politics as such?”
Into my soul an air that kills,
From yon far country blows,
What are those blue remembered hills?
What towers, what spires are those?
Yes she did!
It's about time the leftists start to pay their suicidal policies. They are all guilty, all of them! And they have to pay!
Ultimate cuck. Lmao.
You must be a fucking leaf shitposting near border. KYS
You give Leftists too much credit. He will blame racism and promise to do everything in his power to make refuges feel more welcome in his country.
Freiburg is getting worse and worse every day. Like we have a small park by the church where nigs from gambia are openly selling dugs, everyone knows it, but police doesn't do anything. Stuff like this is normal for large cities, but not for a 200k student town.
I agree that it's sad that a parent had to bury their child. But what's even sadder is that an innocent child died as payment for its father's sin. He wanted to fuck Europe up and his child died as a result. It should have been the father who got enriched. But if life was fair Europe would be speaking German and the CSA would the strongest nation in the Americas.
This brings a smile to my face. Hopefully he also gets killed by "refugees"
Make a torrent, faggot. I'm not paying mega to get the books.
Sounds more like Berlin to me.
It makes me very angry that you live in a country where you need to be afraid that the books you download will lead to consequences with your government.
>sweet 19-year-old middle-class Bavarian student girl who was pulled off her bike, raped and murdered a few weeks ago in the beautiful ancient university town of Freiburg.
Stop this meme. She was just another typical refugee loving slut. She got what she deserved.
how can you live in freiburg anyway? Everytime I go there all I see is ugly feminist students and old öko people are also probably lifetime members of the greenparty
What do you think would happen if a white american just flew over there and decided not to leave? I honestly think i could teach a few scrappy germans how to squad like blacks do here.
Society and her parents failed her. 19 year old girls don't know shit.
Senpai, what is more fair?
a) someone else than a leftist is raped and killed
b) a leftist is raped and killed
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Unless a big change comes soon, it won't take you long to reach the point Berlin has now reached.
The Berlin equivalent of the "small park by the church" is the Goerlitzer Park in Kreuzberg. Back in my days in the city, around 2000, there was a group of ten or fifteen Africans that everyone in the district knew could be found hanging about in the Goerlitzer Park if you wanted to buy weed or something harder. Nobody minded much because they stayed mobile so nobody even knew they were there who wasn't actually looking for them and anyway, it was Kreuzberg and that kind of drug-dealing was all part of the "local color".
When I went back a couple of years ago I was horrified to find that there is now a thirty-deep phalanx of Africans permanently stationed at every one of the six or seven gates of the park. You get asked if you want to buy drugs ten or twenty times in succession every time you try to enter the park and if you are still saying "no thanks" by the time you get to the end of the gauntlet of Africans one of them is likely to scream at you "What da fuck you come here fo' denn man?"
Families don't dare to go to the Goerlitzer Park any more. The Kreuzberg that used to be a hipster idyll where you could let your children play out after dark in the park but still enjoy a little frisson of edginess because of the few shady foreigners and the bit of illicit drug-use has collapsed into hell under the weight of its own liberal logic.
Dam son. You're in germoney. Do it anyway. We need to fight what we believe is right, even if we end up in jail as a result.
Me too. Those next elections will be our shot at a reckoning though.
>imagine the smell
kek no
he will probably forgive the refugee, and say it wasn't his fault
>make the world a better place
if hes retarded it doesnt matter what he thinks, he can feed his child bleach and think its medicine, what he thinks is worthless, he made the world a worse place and i hope the other daughter gets rapekilled too, so that fucker kills himself, all the traitors and their children must die
The UK Guardian, of course, can be relied upon to take the position on this problem that any reasonable educated person must take:
He's probably still jacking off to the idea of her daughter getting raped and murdered, just look at that fucking face, man.
This. Remember that professor who got in an argument with the immigrant he welcomed into his home, and was stabbed to death? His family donated money to immigrants in his honor for his memorial.
>He's probably going to blame himself for the rest of his life, when he was trying to make the world a better place.
>when he was trying to make the world a better place.
He is/was trying to destroy Europe. Fuck him. I feel sorry for his daughter. But I hope he kills himself out of guilt. Multi-culturist traitors don't do well when they face the actual situation they created.
Know what? You're absolutely right. Fuck it, fuck them, fuck jail, my thoughts are mine.
>content supported by the rockefeller foundation
I think he is very happy; much more money and cheesy pizza for him all night long. They ended up filming it for his higher ups. Nothing like sand googles fucking a nice young teen for the Club to watch on firday nights.
The smell and feel of shekels, goldinars, pfenings, marks and euros to this man were too tempting to resist.
In the process he was on a high horse so drugged out in his in his mid/upper class "plans", "conferences" and "meetings" that he most likely missed out on his daugthers teen years maybe even more. Now all the money is not helping him much, his work and endeavours probably even contributed to this.
Now his vanity bubble popped, his self importance of having "meetings with M. Schulz" and other pointless social power constructs collapsed onto him with full weight. His soul is doomed for ever and ever, his head is messed up beyond repair and his life from now on is an empty shell.
He's EU. Those kids of his were only ever spawned to die for strategic sympathy. These people have accepted the false Talmud, to them money literally is God; that is how they are "Catholic". There's no crashing down. There's him getting to be celebrated for having provided his Lord with a beautiful sacrifice, and tomorrow he'll be off to fuck another German's infant child to death and eat the carcass. They must burn.
update: Nowadays they are standing in the local Goerlitzerpark trainstation and literally present you the the drugs just as you leave or get on the train. Completly surreal.
oh yes. btw. her requiem was in brussels. doesn't get more pervers than that.
Gave me a good laugh.