Explain truthfully why you elect Donald Trump?
Explain truthfully why you elect Donald Trump?
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To get a response
Pic related.
>People who get offended
The emotional trash of society.
Wait, is she describing internet trolls or women?
the jew bitch forgot to write "literally" after every noun and verb.
Let us meme into eternity, my friend.
It's the opposite now isn't it? We've reversed roles.
To help the people of Europe get through the disintegration of the EU, for starters
That's me. Narcissistic, psychopathic and with a wicked sense of humour.
Who they feed the trolls then?
The weak should fear the strong.
Do people who make articles/news segments about da evil internet trolls realize they're just giving them what they want? Think the worst case of this was when Rachel Maddow went on a tirade about Pepe because of some guy shouting it at convention.
Every. Fucking. Time.
German Idealism
If this is true then the entire comment section of YouTube indicates that the statistics for those conditions are waaaaaaaaaaaaay off.
winning an Argument on the internet is like winning the special olympics
even if you still win yer still retarded. lol
Because the memes were dank af.
fuck off MSM. do your own research and stop coming to us to write your articles for you
>heart on right
wew lad
>want to vote bernie because he's the only one talking about income inequality
>free college and shit sounds dumb but whatever
>he gets screwed by hillary
>everyone screwed by hillary
>decide to vote third party because fuck it
>give em a better chance next election
>nastier and nastier shit she's done is rising to the surface
>saudi arabia
>spirit cooking
>so angry that this bitch is above the law
>feel need to vote directly against her
>finally give in and decide to vote for trump
>after looking into him realize i had been lied to about his positions
>vote trump
seriously though, the majority of the people i know wound up supporting trump just because hillary was that much of a bitch
lol, Leaf. You should run tell that President Hillary Clinton.
Because the system failed me
Because it made my generation which was supposed to be one of the greatest into a laughing stock of adult babies with college debt and low paying jobs
Because I want to be able to find a job which wont get visad away
Because I care about our laws regarding immigration
Because illegals are taken advantage of
Because legal migrants wasted their time trying to do things by the books
Because Republicans and Democrats memed themselves into retarded stereotypes
Because we need to bring back the Kennedies and the Roosevelt Presidents who consider themselves civil servants rather than rulers
>some normie tries to understand how the mind of an actual higher person, a "troll" works.
>"yea! They exaggerate a lot and.... ugh.... they are mean too!"
Bitch, you have no idea how warped our mind has become over these many years. Its not just simple "troll", we have breathed in the fumes of rage, they made us grow so much that even our farts can kill whores like you. Seriously, I do not even have an "off" mode, because I think that our state is actually not unnatural. Its not harmful even. Chads, bullies and other people who are perhaps in higher management positions have this kind of mindset. Even just day laborers in manual jobs (who are also right wing) make similar and degrading jokes on you.
If anything taught me is that people like jenniffer gobeck are actually the weirdo's. There is nothing natural about having such a low treshold of being able to take shit from people.
It was a cry for help.
Also the narcissism, psychopathy and sadism.
>, and
Not even that far off.
I believe his actions as president will benefit me, and the country, more than the other candidate.
Explain truthfully what kind of a degenerate you need to be to think Hillary would have been a better option.
I'm so sick of these yentas who live in their safe little bubbles, have some shit non-demanding gig gifted to them through being a rich cunt and then want to comment and rule on things they don't understand.
Go work on a loading dock or have to pay for your schooling or deal with this completely fucked system you kike cunt.
her layers of irony shattered.
Because God-Emperor Trump is growing stronger...
>Explain truthfully why you elect Donald Trump?
Because Hillary thinks she's above the law and also an ancient egyptian chaos frog god wanted it to happen.
WW3 or we enter a new golden age. Either way is good for me.
Yea, the only reason we are bothered by people like her is because a lot of people here are neets, and have no idea what it is like outside.
If you get a little bit older, your desire and ability to shit on people explodes in magnitude. Not only you feel less award, it also becomes natural to you to do these things. And these older people also kinda expect that from you. Good types of jokes also arise from that, shitflingin is gret.
Granted not every single one of them does that, there exist a lot of cucks in the higher age bracket, but far fewer than in the lower one. Plus the shittalkers usually dominate the non shit talkers.
Now if all of their words were digitized and pitted against these dumbass kikes and sjw's, you would see "trolling" explode in a magnitude 20x times and these sjw's would be driven off the internet.
the autistic shitposters who shit in people's souls here on the internet are for that reason actually the digital embodiment of the healthy in real life.
Here is your (You)
You anglos are so strange, it's very important to put your education on a jewspaper article.
We don't do that here, see it as arrogant. I don't consider my self better than others just because I got a few years more on the school bench than most
sums it up pretty well
Finally someone gets it right!
Simple: To watch the world burn.
Kinda simple: To see were the Communist/Russian plot goes, so far it has work to destroy the west.
Complicated: To wake others about the Jewish organization and elite.
Complex: To merge with all this community as one and act as a super-AI like organism to purge humanity errors and vicious cycles, including those retaining power and hurting nature.
oh no
Give me a time machine so i can go back to late 90s internet.Slow as fuck but at least these freaks were nowhere to be seen.Now that everybody is online it's gone downhill.
Because fuck you that's why.
I could go into more, immigration, economics, etc, but it's easier to say fuck you.
Hey hi.
I'm using Inca imagery to try and prevent WWIII.
You fine with that?
Libtards that can't be arsed to pick up any of Donald Trump's books where he literally lays out his plans. A Donald Trump presidency has been in the works for literally decades.
Why not. Hows everything going in the south?
Thats what I did.
I was in Florida and told them my name was Fernando Rodrigoz, "NO HAPLA ENGLISH" and then they let me vote.
Fucking didn't even realise I was voting for Trump. Was pretty sweet afterwards.
>user board
You can't have both
well done but you need digits. Take mine.
Hot, summer it's coming and I'm desert people.
We are waiting for the next election, and moving the pieces, it's gonna be a fun ride.
Why might be all this on the Internet.
The Left is this in the real World. #pizzagate
Oh shit ya got me
that's a good one
Same as you user.
Muh gunz.
Psychology is a meme arts degree with little actual science. So many of these 'expert' psychologists gave contradicting labels to their analysis of Trump (keep in mind psychologists aren't meant to analyze someone unless they have personally met them).
Because he's not Hillary Clinton.
Sounds like your typical liberal.
Because I'm racist, sexist, homophobe, islamophobe, xenophobe, misogynist and bigot!
The left were being annoying.
So we are going to start WW3.
They should have been less annoying.
She actually nailed the definition of an internet troll. This was posted in 2014, but even by then the definition changed to "asshole I don't agree with"
i'm not well versed in guns but why have a longer barrel when you can get a better caliber bullpup or even rifle instead of stargate meme weapon ?
That was pretty good
Oh man, it should've been hilarious for that guy.
Amerifags on the left who keep memeing shit and claiming that is the divine truth is way way worse than the Sup Forumssters. Keep memeing fags!
Is it better if we remain unnoticed by history? I'd definitely prefer if we didn't get noticed until it's too late. Let's blame it on reddit.
(((Jennifer Golbeck)))
Longer barrel to make it legal because laws.
Longer barrel = less lethality, according to liberals
Because I am a white male cis scum shitlord and I will not have that privilege ruined.
>psychologists will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response
really made me think
Beneficial to me personally to see him elected, but that's from a non-American point of view.
He's basically just a bitchslap to their slightly more sensible counterparts while costing their whole a lot in a way that we can benefit greatly from.
Additionally his protectionism will almost inevitebly and certainly unintentionally lead to the fragmentation of the internet by the grace of the way in which we treat intellectual property.
It is a prime echo-chamber enabling technology in its current state, and as such a danger to rational progress.
(and mind you that it serves as an echo-chamber for anyone, from muslim extremists to right wing extremists to left wing extremists to sjw extremists to anarchists)
Add to that that i expect his policies to greatly improve European trade with Asia and i'm quite pleased with his election.
Basically, our rifles have to be at least 26" long, It's stupid, but it's whatever.
I have a PS90 because it's fun. Ammo is a bit expensive, but the 50-round mag is pretty cool and It's never jammed on me yet. The four-piece assembly also makes cleaning quick.
Joke's on them - those are goblins.
Indeed. インギイリイス さん。
(((Goldbeck))) seriously! Gas chambers when?!?
They use/used "troll" the same way they use "altright" now, i.e. "people who disagree with them".
Because we hate you.
Because we hate everything degenerate and weak and empty and vain.
Because we do not go gentle into good night.
Because in our age, we burn and rave at the warning light.
Because we rage, rage when wrong is right.
>when republicans play on people's fears and frustrations and get you to vote against your own interests but you dropped out of college to be a NEET loser and are too dumb to figure out that you got punked
>it's gonna be a fun ride.
Quads confirm Helicopter rides returning
I feel the warp overtaking me! It is a good pain!
Oxford comma is best comma
I hope your mother is already dead mate x
It's a change we can believe in
Buddy you're on a Mongolian finger painting board for shitposting frog worshippers
Because 8 years of Obama has caused the most divisive political and social environment in half a century. The US fucking hates the establishment and the media and Trump was just a rejection of their bullshit. Trump could have stood for damn near anything. As long as he was being attacked by the mainstream politicians and media, he was the protest vote for the repudiation to the entire political establishment.
she already has got that thousand cock stare.
lets troll her