
Let's talk about the "modern" woman, and why she's utterly fucking useless, and actively ruining society.

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bestiality is hawt OwO;;

White women fuck dogs

the more power females get, the more things they will try to destroy and the more they try to cuck men.

having a single mother raise children is the worst thing that can happen and almost guarantees the children to grow up like a bunch of degenerate cucks.

they lust anything that isn't white beta dick.

Explain yourself toothpaste. A man would have had a dog fucking operation with several breeds not this pussy shit

>upset over a weekend in jail

I spend everyweekend in jail. Depression sucks :(

>burst into tears

Having your daughter walk around in public like this, does not happen in a male dominated world, but it happens in a society where the nanny state and women are almost married and the role of the leading father figure is destroyed.


They have degenerated to the point where all they have is their body (which is only good to about 30 years old) and they have no relevant life or home making skills like cooking and knowing how to raise a child and teach it not to be a degenerate. all they will do is allow the nanny state and degenerate educational system raise their children for them, and set the example of being a useless fucking slut and being rewarded by the system for being so.

the biggest enemy we have now are our own women, who are actively trying to destroy our civilization, from the inside.

invading armies and enemies from other civilizations are a lot easier to defeat when the enemy is your children's mother, and your wives and daughters.

>It's a fucking toothpaste

Whew lad, you gay?


What is this shit from?

no, but nothing can be more offputting than some degenerate slut who has no self worth. however, I was lucky enough to not be a cuck, so I searched for, and found a traditionally raised woman to be my wife.

this is for Sup Forums, the ones that think porn is their friend, the ones that think easy to get sluts are a blessing because they think getting laid is all that matters.


i can't handle this fucking thread anymore.

Theres a diffence between 18 year old sluts and older women who've realized they're only purpose is to raise kids.

then make sure you never fall for this type of "woman". make sure they don't fool you, and don't use you by offering their used up old cunt.

don't be a cuck, don't ever settle for a slut.

all women realize what they really want is kids, but they realize this when they reach 30. so if they've been sluts from when they were 18 to 30, then they are fucking useless and they notice this, so they try to cuck some idiot into settling for them and their semen filled old cunt.

the 18yo slut is on the train to becoming a useless 30yo used up cunt. unless someone stops her before she's too old.

To make a superior race no doubt.

I'm fucking done.
Imagine if your daughter was on that stage.

>White women fuck dogs

Maybe we should meme this up? It would get white girls self-conscious about having degenerate attitudes/appearances. Thoughts, Sup Forums?

>modern women

I like how they made were sure to get the dog's dick in the picture.

it's not a meme. it's the truth. all bestiality websites are filled with normal looking young white girls. memeing about it might get rid of the stigma and help normalize it (which is already what the kikes want, see Canada and their legalization of animal oral sex).

use your rage to help break yourself free from their influence.

dykes are the worst.

Who cares not everyone women is like this. Men aren't perfect either I don't know how your see that article and it makes you mad. She probably got used and abused for 10 years because no man wanted a kid with her, how is it her fault?

Why haven't you started yet?

By meme it up I meant add our touch of magic and push it.

Is that the same woman who did it because her boyfriend wanted to be a cuck for dogs?

That is so hot.
>tfw bestiality is my fetish
>tfw she will get all the knot she wants from the guard dogs in prison

what the hell is this?

roastie stop your pathetic attempt at damage control.

did you not realize how the "cuck" meme has actually moved it from the darkness of stigma to an almost common fetish now? even normies in media are using it as if it's nothing.

That's the point, she got used and abused because she had shit taste in men and was a cunt herself.

Pretty common actually.

is she /ourgirl/?

Will she get conjugal visits by the dog?

this whore was also just an innocent little 18yo slut. but because no one stopped her from going in the wrong direction, she ended up a used up whore.

the problem is being perpetuated by society's rewarding of degenerate behavior among females as "freedom" and "being independent and strong" which is ironic because it's the opposite of the truth.

"cuck" is now an insult middle school boys throw at eachother. their generation is already predicted to be redpilled as fuck.

"cuck" has exposed white guilt ideology to its logical end, and has many questioning it.

what the fuck would a street shitter know about superior races?

It might be the single greatest thing Sup Forums started.

even if it is annoying as fuck

>"cuck" is now an insult middle school boys throw at eachother. their generation is already predicted to be redpilled as fuck.
you misunderstand this you idiot. they're not redpill'd, they will grow up thinking cuckoldry is as common as faggotry and then it will become as "normal" as how "fag" was first an insult and used as a joke, and now homosexuality is normalized because throwing a word around like that, depraves it of the original meaning and stigma.

it's unnatural for girls to look for men it'd supposed to be the other way around. The "nice guys" sit home all day and doesnt talk to girls so they end up getting used by the chads who trick them into thinking they liked them.

it was a plant. it wasn't started by Sup Forums but it was meant to be spread by Sup Forums.

when the word is too strong to even be used, the act can't be normalized.

when the word is thrown around as a joke or so often for so many things, the stigma is rubbed off and the act can start to get normalized.

we need to push infographics explaining what is brainwash. Many people don't understand it.



Anyone know how she got caught? I can't imagine the dog reported her.

Also, here's an interesting video on why women are actively seeking to destroy western civilisation.


parents pay for their daughters to attend these """"""""""dance"""""""""" classes.

most of Sup Forums still don't get it either. they think they're helping by spreading the cuck meme, even though they're only helping the kikes into normalizing cuckoldtry.

probably found footage.

black pigeon is a faggot though. almost as if he's controlled opposition. he's pointing at the tree to distract from the forest. misdirection. never pointing out or naming the source of the problem.

I remember going to a "pep rally" at highschool. This was like a decade ago. The cheerleader squad twerked. I thought that shit was bad.

Some of these girls look even younger than that and their performance is even more ridiculous.

It must be hard having to dress up like a clown every day

I disagree with the overall sentiment of your thread. We do know (from the recent US elections, among other things) that a huge population of women are voting conservative and are not falling for the liberal trap. We should make sure those women do not feel excluded from our movement. Skills and qualities like being a good mother, being loving and caring, being feminine, should be embraced and promoted. Conservative women choosing to start building a family from a young age should be congratulated and given as role models for the society. They should not ever, for any reason, be put in the same basket with the whores.

The general hatred against the opposite sex or otherwise, the gender war, is the ultimate goal of feminism. They bring the adversity into your homes, within your families, to keep you all, men and women alike, under control.

We are waging war against liberalism, not against women. Don't fall for that trap.



you are so clueless it hurt

Do I have to remind you of the man that let a horse fuck him in the ass which killed him by destroying his internal organs ?


I've read that this course is meant to be super hard and even guys have trouble with it, but I always thought that was really disingenuous because a guy wouldn't have nearly as much trouble controlling the bike or lifting it to get over a log or some shit.

why was I born into this fucking mess of a world?

No. We don't need our people to be made even bigger fools

This. Either is guy is a Muslim or a Jew trying to promote the destruction of white couples and family.

Lately Sup Forums is defending white women at every corner. Pussy, once more, has been placed at on a pedetral by alt-right cucks who need to for breeding.

>She probably got used and abused for 10 years because no man wanted a kid with her, how is it her fault?
If she couldn't score a man to have children with or throw her a pity fuck its 100% her failt either due to laziness, bad personality, or sheer stupidity.

yeah he's not fully redpilled famalamalamb

Also, why get a western slut if you can have a adorable, pure asian girl?

Newfag detected

>he's dead
why remind us? he got what he deserved.

>pedo bear sneaking off stage right at the start

>inb4 muh genes

Asian girls can be pretty strong and still rather cute!


how long until the Oxford Dictionary makes "empowering" and "degrading" a synonym?

Or you could get an adorable, pure white woman and not have weird halfbreed children

But knowing Sup Forums they'd rather go for the white women.

American TV.

Or why not get an artificial womb to have your own kids without having to be accountable to your partner, otherwise risk her taking the children and your assets away

The weightlifter has nice shoes.

But falling for asian purity meme is stupid. Most women are degenerate.

>Canada and their legalization of animal oral sex

Leafing at it's finest

we know that half of them voted trump. and that some of those just hate hillary more, or were butthurt bernie fans. either way, when half of women are trying to destroy your civilization from the inside, it is still a very significant portion of the population. just because someone voted trump, doesn't mean they were redpilled or did it for the right reasons.

>Or you could get an adorable, pure white woman

You talking about Amish women?

>dem titties
wtf, im a wolfkin now

>(((american))) tv

Shooo shooo, leaf girl.
Didn't they warn you about this evil nazi board full of 400 lb hackers ?


That webm just annoys the shit out of me. This is all females my age do all day. They'll even sit down to watch the tv with you and fuck with their phone, then talk over dialogue trying to figure out what they missed. Then get all bitchy when you tell them to put down the fucking phone and shut up.

How can humans even compete


She's going to take term "prison bitch" to a new level

yup, this thread is full of them.
>#It'sNotWomenButLiberalism (even though liberalism exists because of the women)
it's pathetic.

fuck off you weeb manchild.

never. that would red pill the masses.

No she was probably ugly and no man wanted her kids so after years of trying and failing she killed herself. We don't live in a fairy tale where everyone finds their perfect match at 18 and are well off enough to raise kids. The problem is all the men who are willing to do this are betas who don't go outside then blame the women for their own laziness

>I searched for, and found a traditionally raised woman to be my wife.

Then what's your problem? Why are you so upset? Degenerates of all shapes and forms have roamed human society since the dawn of mankind. If you don't want to see them, then pull the plug and/or put them on ignore. If you want to fight the tide, then do that.

Sperging about it on motherfucking Sup Forums of all places might be the literal definition of retardation.

>They'll even sit down to watch the tv with you and fuck with their phone, then talk over dialogue trying to figure out what they missed.

>tfw my parents in their 60s do this now

How fucking degenerate, useless and damaging can they even get?
Every few months I see new lows for western females.

Youre a really funny leaf

>spergs about someone sperging who isn't sperging but are unaware it is you who are sperging

>Then what's your problem? Why are you so upset?
the society and civilization is fucked, and I live in that. as you can see from this thread, even Sup Forumsacks are damage controlling for the whore culture of today. you can't try and raise a child in a poisonous environment and think it'll be okay.
>put them on ignore
I'm talking about the physical world you retard.
>just ignore them lol
we did, and see how the educational system is now full of marxists and trannies?

Holy fuck, Super Mutants are real.


>yup, this thread is full of them.

This board. Ever since the 50+% of women that voted for trump has been revealed, Sup Forums is whitknighting like crazy. Kinda cute, their mistress tossed them a bone and now they are wagging their tail in return.

>be young and your pussy has value
>whore yourself out and exploit everyone around you
>make sure society and nanny state support you and your whore lifestyle more
>hit 30
>suddenly realize you want kids
>realize you're a used up whore with no value since your pussy market crashes at 30
>go whine how it's the men's fault

Your daily reminder:

The more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she is to:

>Report marital unhappiness.
>Divorce (Fun fact: 70% of divorces are initiated by women, the most cited reason for divorce is 'dissatisfaction').
>Report a lower quality marriage, relative to her counterparts that remained virgins until they met their husbands.
>Report higher marital instability
>Report lower happiness
>Report depression.
>Engage in infidelity.

Conversely the fewer partners a woman has had, the more likely she is to:

>Report marital happiness and stability.
>Be in a stable marriage.
>Not be divorced.
>Report a higher quality sex life.
>Remain faithful to her husband.

>dating/marrying non-virgin women.

Pick one and only one.

She should have fucked a sheep, Aussie judge would have thrown it out of court, if the police even bothered to press charges

So a woman can't find a man, is so pathetic she kills herself over it and suddenly it's the fault of the betas who stay inside (who might not even want to marry)?

The way you deflect blame is pathetic.
