Elite Jews have access to life extension technology. Mel Brooks is 90, but healthy and still makes Talk Show appearances. A white man his age would be senile and frail.
How do we get them to give us their technology ?
Elite Jews have access to life extension technology. Mel Brooks is 90, but healthy and still makes Talk Show appearances. A white man his age would be senile and frail.
How do we get them to give us their technology ?
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People aging at different rates is now a conspiracy.
Old jews are healthy, active, and still play a role in politics. White people fall apart at 60.
Trump = 70, acts like 45
Bernie = 74, acts like a fossil
Shut you mug fuckface, stop being a pseudo-intellectual and study, faggot
Source is open your fucking eyes.
Look a the Clintons. They're not even 70 and they're falling apart. Probably wanted the presidency to get access to the life extension technology.
>life extension technology
actually they're just exempt from the fake ageing so ALL people are dead or useless by age 70, Done at night to YOU as a Frankenstein slave
It's called taking care of yourself. Bernie runs fast for his age. they don't work physical jobs either
What do you think they do with all those kids at comet pizza?
Dude, they've literally been hunted to near extinction many times.
Are you genuinely surprised that if only the toughest keep surviving you end up with a superior product?
These fuckers are genuine eugenetical products, not made by the fallible minds of men but selected by the sheer virtue of resilience.
Trump is probably a crypto Jew, though.
>Mel Brooks is 90, but healthy and still makes Talk Show appearances
lmfao old people nowadays take testosterone
it's an amazing thing for old people
i know a 72 year old guy who takes test and he's healthy as fuck and looking swole, he can run, jump etc while my grandpa is natty at 68 and if he sits on a chair too fast he'll break his hips lmfao
drinking human blood helps link related
Its probably from Epitalon and C60. Gives good extension
You should start taking while young and in good health tho.
Life extension = not busting your ass at work every day, not having daily stress, because you have money.
Maybe they just sleep, eat and exercise more than the rest of us?
Does everything have to be a conspiracy?
Ban direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising to kill the msm jew, reduce health costs, and causes competition in health care. 2017 is going to be like Christmas everyday.
>googled that
>mfw it's true
Teach me everything you know sensei
Marina Abramovic, 70.
A fucking leaf.
every grandma can look like she's in her 40s with hair dye and face lifts nowadays m8
having your kids marry rich jews is good business sense
and probably prevents him getting dealey-plaza-ed
Naw, Jews are known for having some telomere mutation that makes them age well
Trump is so healthy for his age because no drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes. Hillary is a known booze hound and she looks like death. Pic related
Not drinking alcohol and eating fast food helps.
Drinking blood from babies and eating the flesh of kids also helps.
Based Norway telling it like it is.
not even the god emperor can resist a good happy meal. According to his assistants, he eats like shit for a billionaire
They aren't trafficking kids to diddle. They are replacing their organs with them to survive longer.
Same idea they with the foreskin lotions
This guy probably takes baths with ground up babies straight from the blender
Non-Jew here. Maybe it's because Kosher food isn't riddled with GMOs and toxic chemicals, for starters.
I am read this thread carefully while listening to this piece of Gesafelstein that sticks perfectly to the atmosphere of the thread
This why jews are genuises and you must respect them
It's from sucking baby dicks, you should try it
Dayummm demn muhfuggin Jews be stealin our life technology n sheeiiit
we wuz white ppl muhfugga bix nood