Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote.
Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote
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So? Whats her next step?
I see the mental hospital is letting the shills use the internet again
Niggers, spics, and chinks are worse than uneducated whites.
Passing away peacefully in the next few months
It's like the butthurt burgers claiming they won Vietnam because muh K/D ratio
Friendly reminder that Bernie WON the popular vote in democrats.
>Be Hillary
>Won the popular vote in 2008 nomination
>Won the popular vote in 2016
God bless the founding fathers
Doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile
as she won the popular vote in the primaries against Obama!
who was the president of the US for the last 8 years again?
>gets the most yards during the game
>doesn't score points in the endzone
top kek
Meaningless stat is meaningless. Like saying you would have won the chess game if it was checkers..
Trump's strategy was based on winning electoral college votes because that is how you become president. Which he did. So either you are a fucking idiot, or Hillary is, or both.
The combined popular vote means dick. There are effectively 51 elections, and she lost the majority of them. That is the consequence of a republic.
This triggers the American.
That said even Donald acknowledged the system was whack before he won, but it doesn't change the validity of the outcome.
this, its the way America works
you can also write in whoever you want on the ballot, it just happens that around 100,000 people voted for bernie sanders, and around 15,000 voted for Harambe
Nobody cares
Fucking saved
Op BTFO by a leaf
Only a plurality ;)
This is a great analogy at least imo
Friendly reminder that Trump WON the election.
With no survivor
I really do love these threads. I think they're funny and I hope we continue to see them here and there throughout the presidency.