Exactly what it says on the tin, but I won't be surprised if some of them are far-right...
Political Compass Results Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Full on National Socialist.
Self centered cunt.
People in the blue square are fat neckbeards with no military experience who go LARPing as Pinochet and brag about how they'll "physically remove so to speak" people who disagree with them on an Alaskan acupuncture IRC chat
> Full on National Socialist
Not surprised... I'm more of a Classical Liberal with Libertarian/Conservative/Traditionalist leanings at times.
Call me a Classical Liberaltarianservative...
Fascist pigs must die!
Feels good to be in the liberal left section
I'm kinda in the same camp.
Kulaks deserved worse.
Stalin didn't kill enough.
let's grab our guns, kill some fascists
make soap out of their corpses, sell the soap
and only pay some taxes on our profits
Get out
yes. nothing can stop us now.
maybe we can unify Switzerland and Australia to become Switzerstralia.
Is there some kind of poll, or you just random put the dot wherever you feel?
Here: politicalcompass.org
Kid I'm literally the number 1 National Socialist on this site.
>be authoritarian right
>tell everyone you love metallica and generic hard rock
>be fat
>smoke cigarettes
>drink a lot of beer
>call weed smokers degenerates
These compass threads have changed what colors I associate with parties. Libertarian Right should be yellow but I think it's purple now.
>Astrology accurately explains many things.
Does somebody take this shitty test seriously????
Of course Hufflepuff would be a bunch of cucks
What do you guys think of this chart?
Consider me a left wing Ron Paul... But with slight right wing leanings...
Hahaha, holy shit
The only surprise is that I thought I'll be more right.
based world 1 and 2
r8 me
In half a year my political opinion moved a quarter scale towards the economical right, after around 2 years of being stable.
Kek, death to leftists.
evil right wing raycist reporting in