They spent millions only to uncover thousands of invalid votes for Hillary and probably twice as much to come!
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>no link
Newfags need to mass suicide.
hmmmm... where did those votes come from?
>where did those votes come from?
>Unless the official data is in some manner inaccurate or incomplete, this would suggest that 10,000s of thousands of votes are being during the recount process
What did your source mean by this?
Why isn't this on the news
I think you know why
This would happen
Means many gov Anons were right during the elections, Obama basically let dead people vote, as well as undocumented people or illegal aliens as if they had a right to do so. Or just simply allowed 1 person vote 8 times using many mechanisms.
Either way the American voting system is deeply flawed, in some States.
In Peru you must have your ID to vote, there is no need to registration because government assigns you a location to vote like a month before. Once you vote for someone they taint your finger with an ink that last like 2-3 days not even acetone can get it off so your skin needs to remove it naturally. And what about dead people? Its not hard to invalidate them with a database before assigning locations.
Now this is a developing nation you should be able to do a lot more.
Congress tried to pass a law to make electronic votes obligatory but people refused, now its optional but paper ballots are way more fast than waiting line for the "electronic" one.
Any way, the best control method implemented here is participation: people are randomly selected to be in charge of 300 votes. So they have to wake early and wait till 4pm for voters, they do a counting and very the ID, photo, and legitimacy of check-mark. It makes fraud nearly impossible in big cities and let unthinkable in small towns.
wow it's nothing
>receives $0.50 for baitclicks for his own site
fuck off shill, the article sources the wisconsin government directly
So if this turns out to be true, Jill Stein literally validated Trumps fraud claims while letting leftie faggots pay for it and pocketing the remaining sum.
Is she, dare i say it, our gal Sup Forums?
keep believing that the people need to go through "proper," "authoritative," "authorized" channels of media to get news...
that ship has sailed.
>Tfw Peru has go their shit together more than the USA.
Just fuck my shitup famalam.
based peruANOs :v
absantee ballots aren't re-counted in milwaukee yet
it's literally on website
The author is an idiot
Because it's not accurate?