Or (((socialism)))?
Or (((socialism)))?
Tax breaks for white couples
free markets
The Third Way
Source or shut the fuck up fat chicano.
Come on man, let me dream Tay tay is still clean.
White men need to become more alpha and stop watching porn. Women need to please their man, so even if you get with an batshit crazy SJW she'll submit to you.
Free abortions and no child benefits
Population control.
The 4th Reich
Ban pornography. Ban abortion. Ban condoms. Ban niggers.
Problem solved.
That sounds absolutely wonderful.
But what about diseases?
Increase child support benefits.
Longer maternity leave.
But only for people who actually work. By doing so you rule out the majority of the non-whites.
Socialism, fertility rate from East German women are still higher than our western sluts.
It's mostly the economic stability communism provided to the masses that lead to a different culture.
That was with a higher female employment rate in the east too.
>ban condoms
>oops everyone has herpies
Letting. men hit disrespectful women
WHy did Tay Tay get implants ?
If you fuck outside of marriage deal with the consequences. Also diseases take care of the weak.
>Ban women at work
Problem solved
? Since when? it's hard to keep up with all her white boyfriends
You mean overrated talentless hack with the body of a 12 year old boy.
She didn't.
Are you stupid? (((capitalism))), not (((socialism))). Are you goyim blind?
Less women at work
Less taxes for The middle class
More strict abortion laws (rape or life in danger)
You motherfucker.
Also, ban jews.
enjoy destroying the economy
Back to the kitchen.
Women get so bored they start breeding to pass the time and have someone to talk to during the day.
It's the perfect fucking model.
Mix of both. Tax breaks for parents with 2+ white children. Promote stay at home mothers and let men be the providers as it always was before. Remove non-white leeches so white kids can work and white fathers are payed enough to take care of wife and kids.
>Ban abortion in the USA.
>Black population multiplies by 4 in just one generation.
Society and family>>>>economy
Enjoy the pakis
>muh economy
Is that why you're importing third worlders by the millions?
Daily reminder that capitalism is just as bad. (((They))) have just managed to camouflage it better to appeal to people like 'us'.
It's not The case in France retard
our niggers never abort
Socialism is pretty good for starving people to death, so maybe not that one.
> ywn hold her hand
> ywn sit next to her
> swn tease you and try to get you to cheer up
Lads, why live?
Then please explain why over the past 200 years the most capitalist systems based on decentralized economic control and free trade are the ones that have flourished, where the socialist systems based on central control have all gone down in flames of starvation and genocide?
What the fuck is your definition of "just as bad"?
Legalized Prostitution.
Extinctionism du feminism
Surrilously, it da bitches mayne
Yeah you're so high test since you can only get fat girls
All women looking like taylor swift
>implying (((capitalism))) isn't just as bad as (((socialism)))
The economy underpins the others, idiot.
Only shitty third world countries have high birth rates.
Duh. They function as cheap labour.
Jeez, someone hit a nerve.
It isn't. When the US decided to go socialist they began to fall, just like Europe was already falling. Fuck you commie scum.
1worker per family is not that hard, r u retarded?
>cheap labour
implying they work at all
natural selection
>If you're not capitalist you must be communist
I'm really surprised that you're a dumb cunt because you're from Portugal. I'm just going to let you know a little secret: There is superior system. Not left or right, the third way.
>That was with a higher female employment rate in the east too.
How the fuck? Women's participation in the workforce is significantly correlated to low birth-rate.
Do animals breed better in zoos, or in urban, semi-domesticated settings?
most people here are struggling with two wage earners. housewives weren't even that common among working class families even back in the early 20th century. women were always working in factories.
even then, women did unpaid labour at home.
they do, but that isn't the point. it acts as a brake on wage increases.
I'm not at all surprised with northern european sense of superiority. Wow you found a third way - I guess you sure are better than everyone else. Fucking mongols...
go live in Afghanistan then, leaf.
>your capitalist masters want you working, not breeding
>because they will just replace you with an immigrant afterwards
>therefore, you lash out against socialists
The scourge of capitalism must end.
>Unpaid labor at home
>they do, but that isn't the point. it acts as a brake on wage increases.
Most don't work and moved there to destroy you bluepilled cunts.
Also, it stops wages from increasing and people who really work and contribute to ever get anywhere in life.
They work at factores in war time
It's more so the culture they have than the political ideology, also when pornography is introduced into a nation, the population seems to stagnate a little bit.
I'm not lashing out at socialists and I also despite capitalism. I just favour strict population controls to protect the environment. Plus I hate kids.
People get paid to work full time as cooks, cleaners etc, yes? In which case why are people not paid for those tasks at home? Many economists count it in the GDP
>Most don't work
Migrants are statistically less likely to claim benefits
Yes, which shows how they can and should work full time.
Lower taxes, reduce welfare so jobless niggers and spics stop taking advantage of the system and have 29 kids each by the time they're 15.
Also we have to do something about the media's portrayal of "blacks are cool, whites are lame, lmao" or "race mixing is great!" And make SJW's and feminists be uncool but to the point that no one even considers being one, since those "progressive" liberals are the ones that push the "no-kids=greatest idea ever!" Ideology.
They can feed the family, sure. But, at least here, is mandatory 4 the average family to have 2 jobs, and that drop the natality rate, and that, in long term, is bad 4 the country, which had to import cheap labor (full families), that has ONE worker per family unit
They weren't precarious jobs.
The quality of life under socialism is heavily underrated by people today.
In countries like America with lots of minorities who want gibs it is capitalism
Give tax breaks to middle class working people, remove entitlements for people on welfare who have too many kids. In doing so you can limit the poor to 2 kids or less while supporting the middle class where most of the whites are.
If the system was socialist then taking middle class money to help niggers would not be useful
Socialism is useful in a homogenous society, socialism is good for Finland and Japan because the total number of minorities are few so the poor people scrounging off of the middle's tax dollars are still citizens of the same ethnic group
fair wealth redistribution, peopl aren't having kid because they can't afford to have kids and the internet at the same time... Would you abandon us to have kids?
National Socialism of course.
Get access to thousands of National Socialist books that Jews do not want you to read before they (((shut it down))) once again.
Read about National Socialism, history, philosophy, race science, faith, threat of judaism, economy, exercising, as well as art and culture. This is for German-speaking /politicans only though, but feel free to link to related English speaking literature.
You can start with "Wofür kämpfen wir?", "Nationalsozialistische Fremdvolkpolitik", "Ewige Front", "Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes", "SS-Liederbuch" and "Kunst der Führung".
There does not exist one single National Socialist message board in German language. Germans who tried to create one were persecuted, put into prison and the domain was expropriated just for expressing their political views or questioning the official version of history.
There are some controlled opposition message boards in English language which reflect the view of "Neonazis/White supremacists" who have nothing to do with National Socialism at all, they were invented after WW2 to portray NS in a negative way.
See here virtual reconstruction of an art exhibition in the German Reich:
Share this message, share these links, comrade!
I'd let her increase my fertility rate
a massive reduction in global non white population and industrial capacity. So that white people can support a family, put their kids through college, and retire on a single income. Which will allow onecuador parent to stay home and raise the children.
True Christianity
Yeah because your nigs are Muslim.
Neither. More girls with bodies like that, bent over like that.
Military draft on non pregnant females.
That image is fucking pathetic mate
Start having sex with greeks, armenians, and other non muzzie shitskins. White males are too worried about $$ and their trinkets to care to have children, why do you think they go so great with money hungry asians. Two peas in a pod. No to spics, but yes to christian darkies, again romanian, greeks, armenians and others that I can remember right now.
it also makes no difference because I have seen greek dudes who are dark but have german girlfriend, the offspring is just as white washed as the mother is.
you are incredibly stupid. fuck off idiot.
reducing shitskin fertility rate is the best option
>people STILL FUCKING mistake The Third Way and Third Position
they're like polar opposites,you faggots
Falling birth rates have become an existential threat for western civilization, we need to get serious about addressing the problem. It is already an established principle that the state can suspend the rights of its citizens in matters of national defense. I propose that just as men are required to risk life and limb in the military, women should be drafted as mothers and be required to birth two children before the age of 25.
Banning abortion and restricting contraceptives.
You can look at any reproduction rate graph to see this, the legalization of abortion and widespread adoption of the pill and easy access to condoms leads to an immediate, sharp drop in birthrates.
Turns out Christians are right about this one, we need to restrict contraception and abortion.
This armenians being shitskin meme needs to fucking die. I have no idea why american armos are like that (tanned?) but armenians are a white ethnicity with glorious black beards.
Prosperity regardless of the system used to achieve it.
I dont think socialism is likely to get high levels of prosperity so capitalism, in today's day and age, is better for white fertility.
Whites have kids when they have the money and security to do so.
Just entered the thread to post this.
really make makes you think, init?
Yeah, that's called marriage