What do you fascist scum have in mind after killing and kicking out all minorities?

What do you fascist scum have in mind after killing and kicking out all minorities?

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A happy life.

Wet T-shirt party

So all problems will be solved by eliminating all minorities?

Happiness and peace.


A return to scientific and cultural progress and stable societies.

Why are leftists mentally impaired? They act like children and apparently have the education level of them too.

>every nazi rally where antifa outnumber them 20 to 1, protected by pigs
BTFO cuck

Kicking out ''minoritiies'' has nothing to do with fascism.

Fascism is basically totalitarian.

The public wanting to remove totalitarian supporting muslims from their country is fine by me

people from Africa also have low IQ. Deal with it. It's brain drain.

Doing what?

I knew you guys couldn't read.

Look again, it's a "z"

Killing all leftshits

Look you have to remember,
and I want you to screenshot this post.

Jappyness burns in a circular motion

>africans have lower iqs
>all poor people have lower iqs

The latter isn't important to you?

And then?

You have to start somewhere.

>all poor people have lower iqs

Nope. Poor whites still have higher iq

Auspost best post.

Ok, what is your end-game then, I'm trying to understand.

no, people end up poor as a result by being fucking dumb

it doesn't surprise me that as race that's incapable of inventing the wheel and farming, in incapable of ''into'' civilisation when in 1st world countries

If you have multiculturalism and diversity, than you are going to have problems...no amount of "integration" will completely solve the problems...once diversity gets to a certain point it gets bad...Racism is natural in-group bias....sorry, but white women are beautiful and I would like to keep them around... I don't think we should all turn brown and black. Oh, and another thing, those white racist are no different than brown racists...yes, other races are racist...if you want to get rid of racism, get rid of diversity, which is why the concept of borders came about.

Capitalist paradise free of parasites, degenerates and low crime rates :)

Has their ever been an anti-white establishment comparable to western countries?

After we kill the non-whites, we start on killing the fags, atheists, and leftists.

We could be exploring the stars
Instead we spend trillions trying to keep the multiculturalism experiment from going apocalyptic


Choose one.

Nope, IQ is heavily heritable. If you looked at the disproportionate number of Ashkinaze Jews among noble prize winners you would understand this.

I agree, multiculturalism shouldn't be forced.

Who do you think benefits from forced migration, though? Who would want that?

I prime myself physically and mentally to fight monsters such as this guy.

it reminds me when i took down a 7ft2 black guy who tried to steal my watch I Walked up to him take his hand shake it and say "good luck" with a big puppy dog smile.

Step back to the starting posistion smack your right fist into the palm of your left hand so it makes a loud smacking sound.
The fear may never go away totally but fear is good makes you alert and aware which translates as focus.
If you aren't afraid where's the glory in punching out someone who is basically a punching bag
Many people take martial arts so they won't be afraid the "fear no man" crapola then the 1st time they have to defend themselves they panic or freeze with fear because by trying to deny it they never learnt it's value and how to use it.

lmagine this. You are attracted to women, Iike you are now (emotionally&sexually), but they do not exist. They existed a long time ago, and no one knows what they looked like (They have a pretty good idea from the fossils, however), but they do not exist anymore. That means, not only do you know there will never be any possibility of you having sex with one, but there's not even a possibility of you ever seeing one in real life. Everyone else, however, except for a very few, are not attracted to women, they are attracted to something else entirely. So in other words, you will never find any porn anywhere on the internet, only non-sexual pictures of women. Everyone you have told about your attraction to women think it's disgusting. To relieve yourself you get off on the non-sexual pictures of women knowing it will never get any better.
That's what life is like to me.
I am a degree 6 Zoosexual sexually and emotionally attracted to Tyrannosaurs and nothing else. Women don't even do it for me. I am cursed to live my life in the misery that my most powerful emotional fantasies will never be even close to coming true. Life is like hell to me. I will never know true love

You are a very uneducated idiot aren't you? You may want to switch off Facebook and Cnn and actually read a book for once in your life.

And then?

History isn't a contest, though. Do you even realize how important the cold and ice in general were for the survival of the human race?

Post apertheit south africa, Zimbabwe, pretty much all of the South American socialist states

>implying Im a fascist

>implying Im a stormcuck

Did you know that what you are talking about is limited by your false sense of reality? Maybe if you studied just a little bit harder while in school you wouldnt be blinded by these fallacies that have cast a cloud over your judgment. I once knew a guy like you who had everything he could ever want but in the end it meant nothing, because he never knew his true place in the grand scheme of things. Im not trying to tell you how to live your life but, honestly buddy I think its time you stepped down off of your high horse and looked life square in the eyes.

>brainwashed spergs telling a commie to read a book
Read a book you ignorant fuck.

>fascit scum

Who exactly are you talking about because the left is the party that wants total control over every citizen.

I chose both cuz they are almost synonymous

Jews mainly, who never feel at home in a stable homogeneous white society and so have to sabotage it
Probably some deracinated rootless managerial WASP types who have basically become Jews
Blacks/Spics/Muds benefit from basically being huge leeches on the west, but they never had the power to cause the machinations that got the multicult ball rolling.
Indians and Asians benefit because it breaks down barriers for them to come and hijack white industries.

Basically everyone except normal white people.

Socialism isn't about big government. Read about it from actual socialists. Stop believing the propaganda.

ude I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly dick? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ****. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a jerk ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up. You can not compete with my intellect so I warn you to give up before you embarrass yourself further..

Nobody said kicking out the dregs will solve all problems, but it's a massive start and repairing society will be a much safer, smoother process.

Finland isn't a paradise yet, though. They are almost like 99% homogeneous.

>Read about it from actual socialists. Stop believing the propaganda.

Lmao. You see nothing wrong with this statement?

Or it benefits capitalists who will hire them for lower salaries?

Uh huh... Socialists or Communists... what's the difference.
Also, I don't care what you call yourself but by your actions of controlling every aspect of my life.

I don't know, I'm probably going to go on a road trip, I've been meaning to. Probably take up some more hobbies too.

If I want to learn about xenophobes, I come here. If I want to learn how to bake a cake, I talk to a chef or baker or whatever. What do you mean?

A world without people like you, gypsy fuck.

Still mad about Antonescu:">

No they are not. And they still have leftists and refugees

If the past is any indication they'll probably eat themselves again and then wonder why they'll be reviled for the next ~century or so, until the cycle begins anew.
Human stupidity is endless, make sure you're willing to exploit it as you're gonna be fucked by it regardless of your true virtues.

What are you? Fucking gay?

Yes, actually. I don't hide the fact that I'm both a commie and a socialist.

If personal liberty is what you care for, read up about libertarian socialism.

> fascist scum
But I didn't vote HIllary

We'd lose a huge weight around our necks, so:

- Space exploration.
- Science.
- Archaeology and the promotion of museums.
- The promotion of aesthetically pleasing art.
- Monumental feats of aesthetically pleasing architecture.
- Better infrastructure.

Basically, it'd be paradise.

But if you eliminate every "threat", you still have capitalism. How do you explain the fact that it is a failure with or without "degenerates"?

If i want to solve a crime i speak with the perpetuators and only with them eh?


Yeah I implied that with the first two
Doesn't mean capitalism is a system that doesn't work, it's just that you need to be wary of kikes and such perverting it for their own causes. And communism or whatever the fuck you faggots try to push for is incredibly jewish.

Are you leftypol types still trying to recruit after the Trump win? Have you had any luck? I guess now's the time seeing as the mainstream left has gone full third-worldist. Do you guys ever feel mad that the far right has had infinitely more success in forming a grassroots youth movement than you ever had?

If they have no fear of being locked up, yes.

>lefty memes
Why are they ALWAYS, with NO exceptions, fucking god-awful?
Liberal safespaces are based on supporting and growing personal weakness instead of confronting and solving it.
The left uses safe spaces to protect special interests and cement their LITERALLY insane ideas. There's no other way to put it, they simply ignore facts in favor of their imagination. The left would create a safe space in the sense that it is a space which is safe for humans to grow and advance.

>left safe spaces: subvertive collusion in favor of specific groups whose alliances are based entirely in extreme sexual fetishism, started efforts ~2012
>right """safe space""": liberty and freedom, economic growth, truth over opinions and feelings, prosperity for all, started efforts 1776
I can tell you which I would choose.

I'll have a beer.

And then I'm sure there will be a few more groups in need of massacring, but overall life will be good.


. . >101478192
>What are you? Fucking gay?


Thers no capitalist country without leftists or degenerates or minorities. So you dont know that. Try harder

We're not mad, we're just disappointed you cucks think you're woke, but you use the same propaganda the establishment uses. :">

all these pensions and social programs wont pay for themselves but weve been telling everyone not to have kids for the past several decades. guess we have to import taxpayers now. j/k theyre borderline retarded 3rd worlders that contribute nothing to our economy. time to implode.

Drinking from my new mug.

They're shit because leftist theory is more complex than muh niggers or muh kikes.

Liberalism isn't the same as leftism.

Stop using retarded nigger language like "woke" you dumbass.

Good meme comrade.

But they all fear of being locked up. Similarly leftshits wont tell the truth cuz no one would support their murderous ideology


In order to induce a golden age of technology, art, and science you need safety and resources. Darkies commit the most crimes and use the most public resources so they act as a direct blockage to human advances. They also perpetuate a culture obsessed with meaningless bullshit which strengthens the melanic blockade on our world by making people think that people are "just that way" and they don't realize they have to remove the source of the issue.

>pensions and social programs

They pay for themselves just fine.

Capitalists benefit, though.

>not a fascist
>don't wanna hurt minorities, just assimilate them
>leftchads bully me anyway because I'm a nationalist

>leftists still trying to pretend they're rebels
>despite having the entire system behind them
Antifa are basically the foot soldiers of the state/status quo, and get funding from the state in some yuro countries and you STILL pretend you're anti establishment? What world do you live in where there's some big authoritarian right wing conspiracy ruling everything, because I'd love to live there.

No, you could always make a mistake later on and let them back in, so we must remain vigilant at all times.

Nice rationalization there, prietene. Wouldn't the same be said about nazis, though? Yet you are here, untouched.

Except those groups are directly connected to the issues and you seem to be mistaking the majority for all. You realize that literally no one informed is calling for a literal pure genocide based on race, right? Not deportation by the same criteria, either. You're probably one of those day-1 dipshits that think that race only relates to skin color, huh?

Rommel wasn't a Nazi, he was a cuck who wanted to kill Hitler.

He's just famous because he's the go-to persona for closet Nazis.

>handouts pay for themselves
explain this to me draculescu

What world do you live in where socialists and communists are funded by capitalists? Are you fucking insane?


white hegemony and chill :^)

>Caca posting pentru minoritatii

Detectez un Bozgor

>be tough nazi
>get executed



>What is Antifa
>And Soros

Plenty of nazis are thrown in prison for hatespeech.

You see, child, money isn't infinite. When capitalists make millions and billions of dollars every year, a large portion of that money goes into his wallet, and is thus not spent. However, in a capitalist society, things need to be bought by the majority in large quantities for it to work.

With a large part of the money away in bank accounts, regular people don't really have enough money to spend, at some point. So they need to helped somehow, otherwise, capitalism will implode unto itself. You can't really get rid of poor folk, they're not all dumb: without the poor folk, there wouldn't be any workers producing products and profits. They need to exist for capitalism to function.

This is why "handouts" are instrumental for capitalism to survive.

Or, you know, the gist of it.

Nici mie nu-mi plac bozgorii, amice.

Fpr example, in Bongland the UAF is backed by the Unite union which gets funding from the government

You seriously don't think that mocha coloured antifa third worldist coalitions who do their best to shut down nationalism do anything but support manegerial globalism/the state, do you? What norms are you challenging? Who are you fighting? Where are the authoritarian strongmen currently ruling the west in the name of white supremacy and fascism that you need to rebel against?

You are tools of the establishment. I don't know how it's possible to see yourself as a rebel. Maybe in 8 years if is even half the Hitler that the left thinks he is.

>Face cacaposting pentru tiganii

What is USR? Sorry, I am not aware.

About the others, either:
1. they aren't socialist (see Soros, BLM)
2. I would like proof they are being funded by capitalists and capitalist nations.

what do you antifa faggots have in mind when you beat proletarians for not sharing bourgeois interests. not even shitposting i am genuinely confused about your supposed allegiance.

But we are against the state or globalists or whatever you guys call them. Sure, some globalist institutions might fund leftist movements. But in no way are we mainstream.