What's your favorite communist literature, comrades?
What's your favorite communist literature, comrades?
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The one where commies are killed
Deutsche Lügenpresse.
Animal farm
The one where they're burning in a pyre.
Great choice, comrades.
>Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written directly or indirectly against totalitarianism and for Democratic Socialism as I understand it.
>G. Orwell
However, I have a sneaking suspicion that U didn't actually read them.
gulag archipelago
I'll bite. Why do you think
>However, I have a sneaking suspicion that U didn't actually read them.
>democratic socialism
Might wanna read up on what the Bolsheviks are friend Ivan.
I'm fully aware of Orwells involvement in the spanish civil war as well.
This, downloaded it for my kindle today.
Somalian MSM
Adorno - The Culture Industry — wherein he proposed that popular culture is akin to a factory producing standardised cultural goods (films, radio programmes, magazines, etc), that are used to manipulate mass society into passivity.
History of Neoliberalism - David Harvey — analysis of the neoconservative / neoliberal plague of Thatcher and Reagan to Clinton and Bush but also China, Chile and other third world places.
Facts And Facism - George Seldes — Exposé of the political forces behind the financiers of fascism in Italy, Germany and Japan and the war-profiteering that went on in America.
The on where you are all lined up and shot obviously
CTR was better at raiding the board than these commies.
At least CTR got up in your face.
These sedish commies are terrible and boring, they aren't even funny.
It's pretty much a mirror into the type of society they want to build.
I know it's not changing anybodys mind and it's just them responding to one an other. It would have been no different if they had stayed in reddit of leftypol.
Zizek is highly readable. I also like Anti Oedipus but that is marginally communist. The Revolution of Everyday Life by Raoul Vanegeim is great. A Tale of Two Cities while not explicitly communist is a classic of revolutionary lit and super fun to read.
>A commie swede
And here i thought they couldn't get more cucked
came here to post this
Réflexions sur la Violence by Sorel
Wew you sure showed him.
Wow really made me think
Im a #commeicuck now
On Jews and their lies
Marx BTFO!
Is Tale of two Cities really that good?
This newspaper article by Lenin
All this commie shilling we have gotten lately has just made me hate commies more. Commie arguments are just so shitty.
The "hide and fuck off" pentalogy