>Claims to be redpilled.
>is dating/married to a girl who has been fucked by other men.
Claims to be redpilled
Other urls found in this thread:
being this much of a virgin
it's almost 2017 lad
There's no girls in 2016 who's a virgin, sorry to break it to you autismo
Not an argument.
The more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she is to:
>Report marital unhappiness.
>Divorce (Fun fact: 70% of divorces are initiated by women, the most cited reason for divorce is 'dissatisfaction').
>Report a lower quality marriage, relative to her counterparts that remained virgins until they met their husbands.
>Report higher marital instability
>Report lower happiness
>Report depression.
>Engage in infidelity.
Conversely the fewer partners a woman has had, the more likely she is to:
>Report marital happiness and stability.
>Be in a stable marriage.
>Not be divorced.
>Report a higher quality sex life.
>Remain faithful to her husband.
haha jokes on you because I've never had a gf haha
I know that feel.
I can confirm this if you date a virgin girl. She will follow you to the end of the world. The bad is hard as fuck find a virgin
I agree. That's why I am keeping this one.
I married a virgin.
joke's on you
>marrying yourself
Sad and pathetic senpai
Good on you m8s.
Difficult? Sure, it's something that shouldn't be compromised on, though.
I am in a happy relationship with mai waifu, jokes on you 3D-pig fuckers
>Claims to be redpilled
No, I don't use meaningless buzzwords.
>is dating/married to a girl who has been fucked by other men
The only man my wife was with before me was her father and that doesn't count.
Slut culture is good it weeds out the weak women not fit for marriage in the first place.
The older the virgin the more suitable she is for marriage.
Unless she's 13, its hard to guarantee a virgin.
If she has fucked less than 5 guys, you can make it work.
Not like I'm going to marry or breed anyway, I just want to juggle high quality girls
It also destroys the family unit, grows the Welfare state, increases single motherhood, spikes divorce rates, spreads STDs (which will inevitably be footed by the taxpayer), rots culture, etc.
Are you the same guy who posted the "pot makes you a blue pulled beta cuck faggot" thread? Because this is about the same level of stupid. I'd say it's ok to want a virgin wife if you're a virgin too. As long as the ratio of people you fucked to people she fucked is no greater than 2:1 I'd say it's all good
>The only man my wife was with before me was her father and that doesn't count
That went dark fast.
But it empowers them!
Love isn't dark, user.
I think you have a ticking bomb in your hands. Women who have been abused before are usually bananas.
This man speaks the truth, gents
Nope, but way to ignore data. Sounds like you're pretty hedonistic tbqh senpai.
>unhappy people have more sex to try and make themselves happy
>it doesn't work and they end up destroying all of their relationships by being an unhappy crazy fuck
>unhappy people cycle through more relationships before finding "the one" because they are an unhappy crazy fuck
>by the time they get married at 40, they've already fucked halfway across the country - and they still aren't happy
>the only people who save themselves for marriage are hardcore religious folk that believe divorce is a sin
>they lie about being happy because they have repressed all other feelings to not displease god
there's lots of explanations that don't involve "sex makes you a bad woman"
So you're completely ignoring the effects of Oxytocin, the diminishing returns of neurochemicals to dismiss one bit of data you don't like, then suggesting that people are just lying to dismiss the other?
>Claims to be redpilled.
>Doesn't know how life works.
My girl lost her virginity at 19, and the guy was the only partner she had before. People are young, people fall in love with someone, then they might fall out.
I've been with my wife for 14 years now, and it's just as good as ever.
>have been abused
Well, she wasn't abused so I'm not worried. Father/daughter sex=/=abuse
Don't post roaches in the thread please.
You beat the odds, but you still got used goods.
That's about as relevant as liberals throwing up their "smart black friend."
Good thing you rolled a 1 or 2 on that d3!
whenever someone rattles off statistics like this i imagine them doing it in like the cartoon poindexter goofball voice.
It's so tiring searching through eligible women trying to find one worth any real commitment, that I don't blame many guys for not even trying anymore. It's like looking for a diamond in a septic tank, but I still feel like it'll be worth it in the long run.
The worst part is when you really like a girl, find out she's not a virgin, and you have to weasel out of a budding relationship so she doesn't an hero or anything because she thinks you're "the one". Women would have infinitely happier lives if they'd just learn how to have standards. I blame weak or absent fathers for the vast majority of sluts.
>diminishing returns of neurochemicals
That doesn't make any sense. If that were the problem, then a woman having lots of sex with the SAME person would produce the exact same results as having sex with different people. In fact, you'd see the same results between women who masturbate and women who don't. It's not like the brain can actually tell the difference between one type of genital stimulation and the other.
>claims to be redpilled
>is married
Well...That's ok I guess.
Have you got any evidence that she's ''used goods''?
How does this make her a shitter person? Women who ride cock carousals are degenerate, yes, but my wife didn't.
I mean, what if a woman's bf become a druggie, or get himself killed? Should she have to be living alone he rest of her life now because she's ''used goods'' to other men?
Oxytocin is responsible for pair bonding, and each successive partner elicits a diminishing response and thus a weaker attachment. It's the same chemical that bonds you to your child.
I always get triggered when I see that last line, with 5% getting visually rounded to 10. JUST ROUND TO NEAREST FIVE, FAGGOT.
I could just link the Molymeme video where he rattles off the same stats. It's fairly lengthy though.
Weak and absent fathers are part of the problem, but it goes beyond that. Fraudulent pseudoscience, Cultural Marxists, and Ronald Reagan helped get us to where we are today.
No, that's not the way oxytocin works. Helping to facilitate pair-bonding between two individuals and cement a relationship isn't synonymous with what you stated.
>Have you got any evidence that she's ''used goods''?
She slept with someone who wasn't you. You said so yourself. That makes her used goods.
>How does this make her a shitter person? Women who ride cock carousals are degenerate, yes, but my wife didn't.
She did. Just once, but she did.
The fact that she's slept with someone else?
If she got involved with someone who became a druggie that's reflective of her being a pretty poor judge of character.
With regard to "what if the guy she's with dies?!" That's ridiculous. Of course that happens, it's tragic, but she's still used goods whether it's fair or not.
Jesus Christ, throwing up examples like that is akin to bringing up widows in discussions about the disastrous effects of single motherhood.
Do you have anything other than exceptions to the rule, anecdotes and emotionally charged anomalies?
Character is the only thing that matters when choosing a partner.
>hurr durr it's 2016
Oh, nevermind I misunderstood
Yeah, that could explain the data as well. That doesn't mean it's the only explanation, and in fact, I'm not convinced oxytocin has a diminishing response in the first place. Neural plasticity should mean that old bonds would dissolve and new bonds would form, rather than a woman's brain having a limited number of bonds it can make before it is impossible to ever love again.
Plus, children complicate this explanation. Would this mean that having children would make the relationship less stable, and that each successive child makes it less and less stable? If that were the case, large families would be impossible.
Sexual standards, attitudes etc. are reflective of character, dipshit.
I didn't make it, user. It's aesthetically pleasing and conveys the point well enough.
Just brown-eye her all the time and you'll never feel cucked again.
Same here, leaf.
>I didn't make it, user. It's aesthetically pleasing and conveys the point well enough.
Rounding to 5 would underscore the low amount of virgins-at-marriage, though.
Letting men have sex with you without long-term commitment betrays a rather significant deficit of character. Doesn't mean they're bad people at all, one of the kindest, most good hearted people I know is a slutty stripper and I love her to death, but you couldn't pay me to fuck her, much less be romantically involved with her.
Having high sexual standards != remaining a virgin. Weak argument!
Guess boomers were the kings of degeneracy
Grow up.
man has needs
There are prostitutes for that. Probably cheaper than a relationship, too.
In western societies, people are just going to have sex before marriage. They grow up expecting it. If it was a society where people grew up being taught to wait til marriage, the group of girls who do it anyway are definitely on the "no" list.
Given the assumption that people are just going to have sex long before they're with a serious partner, there's still some things to note.
>Her exes shouldn't be numerous who she's had sex with, like maybe 2-3 max. They should just be "some guy" she's long over, not someone who she gets all misty eyed over.
>If her virginity loss wasn't a mutual thing, but a notch on some 'alphas' belt, stay away. When a girl gets played like that, it messes up something permanently.
>Say no to any girl who's engaged in casual sex, one night stands, etc. You don't want someone mentally capable of having sex just like that with someone they just met.
>Though sex is a part of relationships, you actually want someone who isn't THAT into sex. Meaning you can have sex at least once a week and it's good, but she isn't big on getting kinky etc. You don't want someone for whom sex occupies too large a mental space.
Sex should be peripheral to being with someone who complements you as a person. If you're still going to "hold out" for a virgin, just don't become a one issue wife chooser, and overlook terrible things about her.
Either get married to someone you have a wholesome relationship with, or stay single. But don't get with someone who will make you crazy, being alone is better than that.
You're just misreading the statistics by not accounting for all the numales who aren't fucking. Millenial girls are all just sharing a smaller number of degenerate boys and tossing the failures aside.
How's life?
pretty decent advice, but to your last point i want to add that you should look for someone you are 'sexually compatible' to. If she's into kinky stuff and having sex three times a week and you are too, it's perfectly fine.
No, she didn't sleep with him for one nighters and cock carousels. He was a legit bf, and then became a cuck
Not really her being a poor judge of character. He was alright and then turned cuck.
Call her ''used goods'', call her whatever you want, but she's no hoe.
We have a great and exiting marriage, and naming her ''used goods'' doesn't mean shit
Me too.
>No, she didn't sleep with him for one nighters and cock carousels. He was a legit bf, and then became a cuck
What is serial monogamy?
Who is this
semen demon
sperm worm
boner toner
spunk monk
cock dock
erection ejection
dick tick
cum plum
seed steed
fluid druid
seminal sentinel
phallus chalice
jism prison
wiener cleaner
pole populator
jizz wiz
benis burglar
man milk mephistopheles?
>We have a great and exiting marriage
My condolences friend.
user ...
find one from a nice family with very low mileage
met mine when she was 20
two previous didn't lose the virginity until 18
one was only a couple of times
one they dated for a year
she got with me and now we've been together 30 yrs
my gf is 20 and is a virgin and isn't ugly or fat or damaged otherwise. Get btfo Sup Forums
Where did you get that graph from?
Not an argument.
How does that happen.
I think he's just making fun of your typo. Written like that, it makes it seem like you're having a divorce.
>ignoring data
>implying there's anything to argue against.
Neural plasticity exists, sure, but I don't think diminishing returns and neurochemicals has been a controversial subject for some time now.
Children do bring an interesting point though, I'm currently scrolling through Google Scholar to see if there's been any studies on the subject specifically.
In the meantime here are some interesting reads:
The boomers really helped to start this mess. That graph is horribly misleading though. Like another user pointed out, it's ignoring that less men are having sex regularly.
It also relies on Kinsey-esque statistics for older generations which are artificially inflated by sampling groups like prostitutes and sex offenders.
I never said she was a poor judge of character specifically, that was in response to your hypothetical. She is, by definition, used goods.
Just as bad, tbqh.
You're not finding a virgin in America unless she meets one of the following criteria.
>Amazingly ugly like holy shit wtf
>She(?) has man and lady parts
>She is 8 years old
>She is crippled from the neck down and never went outside
Even then none of those are a guarantee. For hating race mixing you niggers sure love setting standards only hardcore Muslim chicks or young East Asians could meet.
>dating/married to a girl
>date/marry a non-virgin
>be a virgin for life and contribute to the extinction of your race
Pick 1. There aren't enough non-virgins to go around, m8.
Sorry user, virginity is one thing I won't compromise on.
Posted by some other user in a similar thread last night, I've been meaning to go pull the study and throw it into an infograph.
wrong, it depends on the girl
>She is crippled from the neck down and never went outside
Hey, as long as she's quite fertile!
Sexual partner count correlates inversely with physical attractiveness in women.
>I can confirm this if you date a virgin girl. She will follow you to the end of the world.
If this was actually true, then female promiscuity wouldn't be a problem. Every woman starts out a virgin.
Those standards were commonplace in the west for quite a time. If it takes an entire generation of cat ladies to fix it, then so be it.
That's fine, let some of the other "redpilled types" who have a tolerance for low-mileage take them.
I'm dating a virgin and she has no idea how tu fuck. What do?
1. Marry her.
3. ???
4. Eight kids.
Do more emotionally fulfilling things such as going on long walks on the beach or in parks together.
What do you mean?
>she has no idea how tu fuck
You put benis in bagina. Is not rocket surgery. What is to know?
So anyone older than 20 can't be redpilled?
My gf died some years ago, I'm not going to to search preschool for a virgin... And most women within dating range have had at least several partners... Get over it kiddo.
>claims to be redpilled
>is dating/married to a girl who knows other men exist
And? It only takes one partner to not be a virgin retard.
Yep they were, but women changing back over to the old ways in the next 20 years or so doesn't get me a virgin today, it gets me one when I'm nearing 50.
yeah but ''used goods'' makes someone sound shit. it puts her in the cock carosel class, in which she isn't
meanwhile I fucked over 20 women before settling with her
kek my bad, I'm just hungover from whiskey and feel like a vegetable
>in which she isn't
Yes, she is. Your wife is a slut, you said it yourself, why won't you accept it?
Data is false until given a source you fucking idiot.
>she has no idea how to fuck
>implying she has to do shit anyway
You are lucky either way. Being her first and all, so stop whining verdammter Polacke.
>I want to fuck ugly bitches and/or underage prison sentence
not so much.
I broke the seal on my wife twenty years ago this month.