Anyone still in disbelief that we did it?
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no, i knew it would happen
kinda, yeah, probably won't end until he makes his first visit to the UK as president
Donald doesn't think about H->er anymore either. It's a done deal and we will be better for it.
Actually yeah. Sometimes I lose track of what time line I'm in.
I have some OC that's just right for a thread like this.
desu im kinda bored. this Sup Forums is dead. instead of screaming rigging and shit we are justgoing back to our normal life.
but it was nice to btfo Hillary. hope that america eccnomy fucking dies
yes and no. I knew that Trump would win over a year ago but at the same time I'm amazed that he actually did it.
I didn't know how he would reach 270 because the electoral college wasn't in his favor. The biggest surprise on election night was when he won Wisconsin and Michigan.
It really says a lot about us that we had better foresight in regard to this election than all of the experts
what has Sup Forums got to do with Trumps win?
Will people over there protest because he's such a big meanie?
>The biggest surprise on election night was when he won Wisconsin and Michigan.
Nah, biggest surprise was definitely Pennsylvania. Michigan was a surprise, but PA. was a shocker
No. I was following the election, and I did not put any stock in mainstream media reporting unless they presented some kind of evidence. I tried to get as much different material as possible from the internet, so I had a good idea of what the election actually looked like.
It's a lot of work, I wouldn't recommend doing this. At the same time, it gave me very accurate information.
Redpill me on the federal court appeal. I heard Obama stuffed the fed courts with liberals but he/his supporters might not approve of this recount bullshit
Was Pennsylvania a shocker? I mean even Trump himself was absolutely confident he would win it
>Trump claims 'cheating' is only way he can lose Pennsylvania
I actually loved the polls because it demoralized the people that wanted Hillary because they thought she was far ahead in the polls. The MSM also had this whole narrative how EVERYONE is supporting Hillary even Republicans and how nobody wants Trump.
It was mostly the media wanting Trump to be the nominee because they believed he was an easy opponent for Hillary.
Fucking hell, meant for
A lot of people were predicting PA would go red, you just had to know where to look. Fash the Nation called it like eight months ago.
But I'm clenching my butt until it's absolutely official, ie inauguration day.
>turning your back on an opponent who's down but not out
Big mistake, Hillary.
I'm actually angry. If Hillary won, it would have been no different than before, but now that Trump won all the retards can't even realize the path we were on and WHY he won.
Fucking glorious, saved.
probably, this country is as cucked as it gets, but I think we'll warm up to him over the next 4 years
Kinda impressed Sup Forums still thinks it made the difference, when it mostly was old people picking up the slack while never having heard of us.
The young people abandoned Trump in great numbers however, so it seems to me we sooner almost lost him this race.
Call me superstitious but after I saw this happen I was convinced a Trump win was destined.
What's this guy name again ?
We meme'd a lot of things (News, Wikileaks, Trump rallies, Memes, etc) that later on went to redditt and social media, redpilling people and showing Hillary's true form.
We did a good part, this victory was like Roosvelt with radio help and Kennedy with tv help. We used Internet to make Trump win, even more help from Internet than Obama had in 2004/2008.
Social media help Trump win, and we were material providers of his narrative to the mases.
We jews now, motherfucker-
Man Trump had a bigger lead among the young than Romney. If Clinton had the same amount of the Millennial vote as Obama she would have won
Nope. Once Brexit happened, I was confident we would continue the trend.
At the end of the day it was the media's fault hillary lost. People thought that the current situation is enough for them to not vote but still be sure she will win so a lot of millenials preferred to stay home and count on the polls.
ya.. well its not. your faggot little country will continue to drown in sorrow
>you did it Hillary, you won the popular vote, congratulations!
I'm suprised anyone under the age of 45 voted for Romney
Your daily reminder that Hillary will never be president and that her career as well as the DNC is ruined.
Feels great man.
You would have been bored either way Norge
not exactly the media, but rather the whole shitty Milleania generation. they love to whine on social media and do nothing. just like what happened in the election over here
Makes a lot of sense. The autists rile up when you change course.
Not that surprising given that Hillary was such a depraved neocon. Just look at this rally. I'm surprised it didn't get more coverage. She's basically convincing a crowd that they should cover their eyes to establishment corruption because of SJWism.
40 bern victims literally just got TKO burned alive and you're bored?
what does 'meming' actually mean?
I'd rather win the election I don't know about you
Don't you get it? Sup Forums is always right, because Sup Forums is the true force behind everything. The easiest way to predict events is to cause them.
The recounts will prove that the polls and MSM were right all along.
Say it with me
Madame President
>Anyone still in disbelief that we did it?
No, I knew that it was going to happen after Brexit happened.
creating content that is spat back out the asshole of the internet onto normal society to be propagated by retards, thereby allowing a candidate who spent negligable money on marketing to run a social media based campaign without actually trying, resulting in the denial of the crowning moment for the cementing of a neocap liberal oligarchy
>and they did it all for free
The most impresive thing was the energy transfer on election day
Daily reminder that the real decisions are made by the winner of the popular vote, Hillary will be serving this country underground.
We actually summoned an ancient being who had been just hanging out bored since the fall of old Egypt.Praise KEK, Destroyer of Tyrants,Sodomizer of the Hilldabeast.
It doesn't feel real yet, and probably won't until after the inauguration. That said, the moment Leave took the lead on Brexit night, I knew in my heart he would win, even if my brain continued to insist it was unlikely.
She was too far ahead.
That was the final nail on the coffin for Nate Plastic.
>all the retards can't even realize the path we were on and WHY he won.
Every single fucking article I've read online about "Why Donald Won" is the most condescending trash I've ever read. The authors go to some shit-hole poor people town and then proceed to attack everything about their community whilst trying to "understand" it and then accuse everyone subtly of racism and then point out how they're all going to be poor in four years anyway because they're rural folk and have guns.
And then like all Poverty Tourists they talk about how "changed" they are by living in a small town for three days while prodding everyone to try and say something racist.
I don't see these articles going out to black communities and asking them why they didn't vote Hillary in the same numbers they voted Obama in(several hundred thousand votes from blacks just vanished when Obama wasn't running any more).
Just watching someone with so much smugness and hubris get blown the fuck out is hilarious regardless of the parties involved
If Trump had of had her funds(she had almost twice his warchest) he probably would have won the popular vote. He was forced to focus in on specific states and locales and had to ignore states that were going to either lose too badly to recover them or win without requiring his presence too badly.
I don't think so
This election proved that money was less important
It affects the ground game, get out the vote initiatives and how many shovels you can buy in Illinois.