Is he /our/ guy?
Redpilled Black Man defends Trump Supporters who are attacked by Coons
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He always has been.
mr madness Tommy been slayin dumb nigs
>redpilled black man
I want nu-Sup Forums out. If you like niggers so much go to your local ghetto and see what it gets you fucking niggerlover
>t. brazil
You got to learn how to support those with a similar mindset.
Seriously it's fucking dumb to treat him like an enemy based on his race, he completely agrees with Sup Forums
>nice try CTR
I can't believe you're still volunteering for (((them)))
Fucking niggerlovers go back to r*ddit. No matter what political belief a nigger is still a nigger
CTR detected.
>acts like a fucking nigger
>doesn't think there's a difference between black and nigger
you, monkey, are the fucking nigger
>implying brazil isnt all niggers.
Hello JIDF. Sup Forums is a natsoc board.
>there's a difference between black and nigger
You will hang on the day of the rope you fucking traitor
why are you larping when you should be fixing your fucking shithole of a country, monkey?
You are a fucking idiot. It's not because everyone is such a normie, but because it fits the narrative. Even if he is black, he is does share some of our views. The same with Milo. Yeah, he is part Jewish and gay, but he does shift a lot of people's opinions on politics to more similliar to ours. After that, they get redpilled more and more. They are useful and there are not many people that have the balls to do this. My brother is a very good example. He is 17 and he started watching Milo and Paul J. Watson. Guess what he is now? A full blown nationalist. As right wing as it gets. And I did not play any part in shaping his views.
I like Tommy, but I dont really "get" how his shows work. They're just live streams? In any case, the production is lackluster, which is the only reason I dont listen more often.
You'll become Brazil in a few decades. There is no hope anymore for this country, I'm moving the fuck out, and you'll regret loving niggers once the Brazil effect hits you on your home turf.
>Sup Forums is a natsoc board
You're delusional. Most people here aren't racist. I hate niggers, but i have no problem with cool black people, like one in the video. I do hate all muslims, because of Islam, however, if someone is from muslim family, but doesn't give a fuck about islam and act like normal western man, i don't have any problems either. No go back to Sup Forums, nigger.
Dude spits the truth!
I don't fucking care, they're not redpilled, not by Sup Forums standards, only by nu-Sup Forums standards, which is kike subversion.
>organ grinder monkey chimping out
Tommy is basically a white American. Ex military, loves gun, obsessed with WWF. I'd rather share soil with him than you.
>he unironically believes in the civic nationalism meme
Would you take a wolf into your home if he acted like a dog? I thought you were better than this Lithuania
No shit, but Trump probably wouldn't have won if it wasn't for people like them. A lot of people who become right-wing are influenced by these people.
stop getting high on your own supply, nigger
you're as delusional as you are illiterate
You're literally a monkey
Have fun seeing your children breed with "based black people" you disgusting civic nationalist cuck.
We are your country's future unless you take action. The left has no mercy for weakness.
no, just because he calls nigs out for their shit, he would call most of you people racist
He's consistently right about his kin and it tears him up. You gotta feel for him.
haha, you baltniggers are wanna be nationlists from birth. you still come here regularly to cry about muh soviets
stop posting, youre irrelevant
Sotomayor had David Duke on his show and agreed with him, so... no.
Tommy is a fucking retard.
Make me.
>his brother at 17 already wasnt right wing living in fucking latvia
kill your liberal family and yourself also my man
So many cucks ITT. /r/The_Donald really destroyed this board
He remained neutral until the age of 17. He did not have a political opinon. He is my only family member, so I guess you can say the whole family is nationalist.
That's what I thought.
thanks for proving my point
notice how hard he's trying
Actually I've been binge watching this guy recently after he went on Crowder, there is a hilarious podcast with a black woman that was a psychologist or whatever I died laughing at that shit, here it is:
[spoiler] Educated black woman gets invited on Tommy's show saying she is a Trump supporter and what not, her baby starts crying, Tommy calls her a hood bitch, my face melts with laughter [/spoiler]
joey salads?
That video was proven fake, Cobb Salad himself admitted it in a h3 interview
He's extremely based.
This one is pretty good too
>Black man phones into TSM show to call him a coon and a sell-out
Actual nigger detected
Tommy is the basest black man that ever walked the face of the earth, he is our guy.
>black man
Choose one.
I live in the ghetto and I'm the only white guy on my block
There's actually a ton of redpilled blacks who would fuck your worldview up, brazilnig
A few months ago, I was walking through the library over here at the University of Central Florida, when I saw a black guy watching a Tommy Sotomayor video on YouTube. He was laughing his ass off. Then again, the black people over by UCF generally act White - - except for the Haitians, who are worthless.