When did you become a red pilled communist?
When did you become a red pilled communist?
Heil Hitler.
When I was shown a nation in history that communism had worked in! Then I was convinced.
After i browsed /leftypol/ for an extended period of time.
>central banking around the world
I was born in one. Never again.
Do you mean "redpilled" as in understanding and accepting that your barbaric ideology is created and sustained by an international cabal to suppress and destroy human nature in subservience to the (((Chosen)))?
Fuck off Swedicuck.
you need a helicopter ride
>red pilled communist
Didn't, doesn't mean i like the others flavors either though.
Kinda tending towards the "fuck all these degenerate little bitches" ideology, maybe get myself to a position as a dictator or something.
We need more tear gas
Pick one. Not because it's colored red, it's already the red pill. SWEDEN YES.
>central banking having anything to do with abolishment of prices and currency
>This Swede is still spamming the board.
I wonder why he isn't banned.
sage faggot. communism is shit. stop trying to subvert the board, you cumdumpster
heil helvetia
>communists love the bankers now
>Sure millions of our people have died, there's widespread famine and our government's become totalitarian as fuck but at least we don't have central banking, r-right?
Rafal Ganowicz on taking human life: "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed communists."
>my flag in most of these
I'm ashamed of my country.
>When did you become a red pilled communist?
The moment I felt "society" was too unfair, they always bullied me for being bulimic. So jokes on them I wont be the outlier anymore once our ideology comes to play! Comrades united we can! For hungry! I mean for class equality!
about 2 years ago
My posts are getting deleted from his threads. I've been pointing out that I've seen several of them at once.
Can i join the cool communists kids club?
Since I decided that work and effort is for losers and wanted a system that would reward me for being the lowest common denominator in society by making sure that everyone is equal regardless of whether they deserve it or not. Except high ranking party officials of course, but they're special.
How the fuck have the mods not banned this shillposter yet?
All of these fascists and national socialists and "national-bolsheviks" and "right-anarchists" and "eco-fascists".
Shit doesn't make any sense. Right there in the cummy manifesto it states that the conditions that reactionaries wish to go back to are ye same cobditions that brought about the bourgeois and capitalism.
(the reactionary and conservative socialism sections)
The family, gender roles, dominion over other races and so on are gateway drug to private property and capitalism.
So tell me socialist-right goons why are you even socially conservative?
Amazing how they want communism to be considered equal because they are fucking failures at everything, and yet they expect that in this system everyone else will go to uni and become highly skilled for the same money as him sitting on his fat ass. Implying he wouldn't be shot the first day anyway because political agitators are too difficult to manage in a system that requires total compliance. No officer job for swedecuck. Sad!
And I want to know how he will get 1million new swede rapefugees to work hard for the same wage when they get it for nothing now. Would he be comfortable knowing that whether he eats depends on an African economic migrant going to work every day and putting in their best?
FUCKINGG EPICCCC MAN XDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>serving kike interests in a kike designed system which historically has been implemented and led by kikes
If you're going to win me over at least do it intelligently.
This thread is not what I thought it was. I will make a thread with this post later.
Why is Sweden range-banned and when will it cease?
Oh wait it works?
The fuck is going on?
To answers OP's question: About 4 years ago when i decided to not take shit from people and stand up for myself, that was a good day
Because all of those "gateway drugs" are what make up a nation and necessary for it's existence, without which you're an easily dominated mass of humanity with no identity or cohesion. If you're going to go commie at least go Strasserist.
At the same time I fucked your gf, I just wanted everyone to share in communist fashion the absolute disgust I had when I saw her hairy, cockridden shithole.
If someone is confused about "range-banned" check link:
When I realized the only way to get close to a female or have sex with one was if the collective alotted one to me.
When Trump won the election and Kek told me to switch sides in the name of eternal chaos.
But they also make up the bourgeois globalist class. The people that own the means of production are people like Soros and whatever. The Nation state and "social-conservatism" seem to have imbedded in them the tools for their own undoing.
so what do?
Shitty memes, quoting communist scripture, refusing to address arguments all wrapped up in historical revisionism with a brony's smug face painted on it is not going to get anyone over to your side. Especially not here.
Liberals aren't even as bad as you and people aren't even listening to them anymore.
The "Bourgeois globalist" class exists exclusively due to uninhibited foreign speculation, George Washington even addresses this within one if his letters.
Go back to your subreddit fag tits, lolbertarians are as far left as it gets here.