>Master race and superior genes
>Incredibly low population compared to other races
Shouldn't superior genes outbreed the lesser?
"Aryan master race" BTFO!
>Master race and superior genes
>Incredibly low population compared to other races
Shouldn't superior genes outbreed the lesser?
"Aryan master race" BTFO!
Sadly shit genes outbreeds, just look at India and China and the entire continent of Africa
Reminder that blonde men are pathetic
nordics are the blonde airhead bimbos of races, nothing else
Are rats superior to elephants somehow?
Jews have among the lowest birth rates among all races, yet somehow they persist and withstand in a way few others manage, yet here all i see is catholic/islamic attempts to out-rat them.
Do these people know they are inferior and need their numbers?
blonde ''men'' look so fucking gay. jesus christ
Your first name might be Jürgen, but your last name will forever be M'Bokoo.
>master race
>has never accomplished anything
>has historically been the niggers of europe
>are now pathetic cucks
whatever Sissyboy
Mudpeople breed more and faster because they're used to losing half their kids to diseases and malnutrition, it's a valid reproduction strategy when you're drinking shit water every day. They just shouldn't be allowed to come and do the same over here.
3rd world shitholes are that way because of the people that live there, allowing them to outbreed us here will eventually turn our countries in the same type of shithole they left.
>leaf talking about somalians
>shitskins are superior than aryans
Is this the new shitskin-leaf hybrid?
There are a lot more flies than humans. We should learn from them and their culture.
The brown hordes always seething with envy, even when the leaf makes an effort to find less comely blondes. Hahah.
Blue eyes brown hair is the only way to go for a man. Blonde men look like cucks, no one takes them seriously
>airhead bimbos
They literally have the highest GDPs, HDIs, lowest crime, most prestigious schools in the world, and highest average IQ.
Someone is bitter because they'll forever be a shitskin.
hands up nobody move
Don't discount the scands so quickly.
KYS faggot.
You are like a virus, young grasshopper.
Strange fruit 2bh
This is not how it works retard.
Roaches (the real ones not the türks) are duperior to humans in darwins therms.
They lived longer on this earth than humans and will live longer than us.
Same with the T-Rex
He was stronger than most animals but didn't sirvive longer than Roaches and crocodiles.
People with superior genes care about actually raising there children. When they realize they don't have the resources to raise another, they don't have another.
Greatest Ally.
The most delusional and cucked race you mean.
quality vs. quantity
A lot of them really do have that cuck face going for them. It has something to do with blue eyes.
They could have more kids but that would be racist
no it doesn't you brown faggot. clearly it has something to do with the face itself and eye color has jackshit to do with it.
cuck face, cuck face, cuck face :^)
Shut up Ahmed
Can we just ban leafs and get it over with already
You're fucking racist
What's wrong with Sweden is all the based warrior types died out and the remaining male population is mostly cucks.
Do Dolph Lundgren and David Duke look luke cucks you dirty spic?
That was the old sweden. Immigration lowers iq, raises crime, have destroyed our school system etc
R/k selection.
Whites are like wolves, they have fewer of them but actually raise them and help them develop. Blacks, as example, are like rabbits, they have many children but do not spend nearly as much time helping them mature and become responsible adults.
David Duke is swedish? Warrior types die out becuase of low testosteron and socialism brainwash. As soon as a swede pours alcohol it releases total chaos. That is why you finns thinks swedes are bad at drinking
Delet this
There was a study done stating that blue eyed folks are more prone to alcoholism
with r and K selection, its not the population number that matters
David Duke has blue eyes.
Seriously, what happened to your berserkers and Vikings? It seems only the black metal dudes and the neonazis have some manhood left.
scotland is best supporter