Sup Forums is a Christian board
How was church today?
Sup Forums is a Christian board
How was church today?
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Very jewish
We talked about Christmas and Abraham. It was very nice.
I didn't impregnate any cute christian grills.
>How was church today?
It's not even 9:30, c'mon, man.
>Sup Forums is a Christian board
No, it isn't, retard. Fuck off to
Havent went to Church today. Fucking University have to pass all shit or I'll fail. And its my fucking Birthday today along with Generalissimo Franco. Fuck me
I don't go to church. It doesn't make you a good person. It just strengthens you. It makes you a stronger sinner. Church multiplies your damage output.
I just hold onto Jesus-related truths.
>believing the book jew
The Bible should be used as nothing more than basic guidelines for building a society.
Only 7:25 not to mention i dont do that stuff
hello newfriend
>going to church
Doesn't it get old after a while? You can only tell so many bible stories before you run out of sermon material.
I don't go to Church because there is no conclusive evidence that proves any one particular deity exists.
in Latin
Fuck you hue for worshipping a kike on a stick
Was it a mosque
How's the mosques, Sven? Arent they comfy?
lol le dead kike on a stick XD
>believing in a supernatural being with no evidence
>praying to it for reasons
Back to /x/, you silly goose.
I haven't been to church in over 8 years.
Didn't go. Woke up too late desu.
I drove past morning mass
Get out of here with that spooky shit.
Planning to go to a Latin Mass this afternoon
Go tell /x/ about your tulpa. Not Sup Forums related.
>tfw knew a girl in Catholic school who actually believed that
She was pretty cute if i remember correctly. Too bad she turned into a ravenous butt slut.
kys autist
It was very nice. We sang "Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming" and I wore my late grandfather's dress shoes because this time of year makes me think of him.
It's a traditional (mostly non-cucked) Methodist Church where my family has gone going back 4 or 5 generations to the founding of the church in 1856.
Today is a good day, brothers
I'm going right now. Go to mass in the afternoon
I don't know how people get this idea. Muslim girls think this too. The fact that the Sodomites were exterminated by Divine Wrath seems entirely lost on them.
>Going to church
pick one
But, user, you are the newfag.
Why would you go to a service in a dead language? Why would such services be held?
Won't be going till 4:30 this afternoon.
Because the church forbids any activity that involves the possibility of pregnancy out of wedlock. Anal obviously doesn't have this possibility, so it's technically fine. However, the sin of sodomy prohibits stops any sexual activity that doesn't result in pregnancy (oral, anal, etc). The issue lies in how some groups define sodomy as simply being "no gays allowed" (which in turn allows girls to do anal).
Because they have been for centuries and it's part of tradition
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28:30
>want to go to church
>church in sweden is so left and BLANDA OP
is the Catholic way better?
Im jewish though. Also there are plenty of jews here. Sup Forums is a jewish board of self hate.
Subversive bluepilled Christian shitters.
Christianity is a cuck religion.
>muh jew on a stick.
never know until you try
What do you think
Yep, in sweden it's better, also some friends are making missions in sweden but they're like hillsong protestant church.
nah, no one cares anymore about pope.
Christ chan is cute
Women don't actually get off to anal sex. There is no prostate to be stimulated, it does nothing for them. If they say otherwise, they're just telling you what they think you want to hear.
Nice reply Alejandro. You completely changed my opinion.
The only good thing to come out of this year in the Church is the fact we have better relations with the Orthodox Church. This is all leading up to us finally getting a strong Pope who will lead the newly unified Catholic / Orthodox Alliance and finally RECLAIM CONSTANTINOPLE
>implying turkey could survive an invasion from Christian nations
If Christian nations launched a Crusade today the Muslim world would be run over in a year.
>Christian board
you fokin wot m8?