Redpill me on Chicago. What the fuck is up with all the murders? Is it like The Wire there?
Redpill me on Chicago. What the fuck is up with all the murders? Is it like The Wire there?
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Sasha Grey is a kike.
>Redpill me on Chicago. What the fuck is up with all the murders?
> Is it like The Wire there?
Anywhere blacks make up more than 1/3rd of the population is like the wire.
Would fuck anyways.
What about the loli in your basement? She would be upset about you cheating her.
You weren't here for the CPD scanner threads around summer time were you? Many keks were to be had, Robert.
>Anywhere blacks make up more than 1/3rd of the population is like the wire.
This, so much this. it's good though they have them walled off in mostly the south side of chicago.
Basement-lolis are only for Arabs and prestiguous Austrians, not for Robots like me.
chicago is a fucking hell hole, rampant with mafia and pedophilia underground.
just stay away.
Did you do your duty today?
Can confirm.
Live in fed hill baltimore. Have killed a nigger at druid park before.
His body wasnt found for over a week.
Im not Austrian. I am [x] AfD 2017.
This should help
You will drown in her giant stinky holes.
Pavement apes
Decades of intentional segregation of public services/education led to the south side becoming smaller and more criminally concentrated with poverty and gang violence. A total lack of gun control in the Midwest means guns are ez to get, so everyone has a gun and when you have no education and no future you're ready to kill and be killed over the midst inane shit.
Or for the retarded Sup Forumslock: niggers being boxed into their own shithole until they're all dead or in jail like St. Louis.
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just give into it, faggot
also the police force gave up policing the zoo
How easy is it to get a CCW permit in ChIraq?
How easy is it to get an open carry permit?
When you walk through the garden you betta watch yo back I say I beg yo pardon
>legal gun ownership
Good luck
What's up with WHITE America in general?
Just kidding I already know the answer I want to see the mental gymnastics.
>gun rights
>in libcuck cities
good one
Police in Chicago no longer stop Black gangs from killing each other, and there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of black gang members in Chicago. That's not an exaggeration.
Outdated, though. Austria is tied with Switzerland at 0.4/100k as of the 2014 statistics.
By ChIraq do you mean Chicago? It's a gun free city, that's why so many people die to gun crime. Criminals feel safe and in control.
That's a pretty robust r squared value. Too bad it's by state, and not by locality.
Chicago has been under solely Democrat rule since 1931.
That's why.
>nate bronze
Indecent parents raise indecent children who grow up to be less than decent adults. Coincidentally, that has been happening a lot in Chicago for a long time.
>98% of researchers on climate science agree on the human causes of climate change
>98% of researchers on psychology and sociology agree that race isn't a significant factor biologically so much as treatment in society and socioeconomic stat us
Balls in your court, fag
its not that hard
cook county sheriff needs to sign off on it.
problem is the city wont let you take a gun anywhere you would want it.-parks, public transit, parade, assembly.
Who is this angelic lady?? Does she have a bf?
Gun laws are mostly determined at the state level, not locality
It's literally all in like three blocks full of niggers.
I live in Chicago.
The murders are gang warfare. If you're not in a gang, it is no matter.
>whites living in normal countries
>whites living in the same cage as feral apes
yeah how can white homicide be so high xDDDDDDD
Chicago man here
the shootings are niggers and spics.
90 percent of victims are shitskins.
Good people sometimes get in crossfire.
The shitskins have been shooting random people on the highway, and robbing people on lake shore drive.
It's niggers killing niggers, who cares. If they start killing whites, it's time to get out of there.
Chicago is not gun free anymore.
The handgun permit is gone,
The state told Chicago it can't be a faggot anymore.
THe only thing Chicago has is a ban of large round magazines. They won't let you CC a gun on public trans, parks, parades. city buildings
my asshole is a "researcher"
it says you're a fag.
>cites the 98 percent figure for global warming. the most full of shit stat of all time.
weak ass shilling faggot.
The 97% meme isn't based in reality at all. It isn't scientific consensus, but rather typical politics.
Detroit 2
>Labor unions
>Corrupt politicians
>Out of control minorities
>Liberals destroying the city with expensive projects that are useless to most people
>Endless debt
>Living inner-city is a good way to die.
>Companies fleeing Chicago for the Southeast where they can pay employees less.
>Dying economy.
This should be admissible as evidence for doing something about it. I don't know what but good job, it's literally proof of one race being far more violent without using kind numbing numbers
Nice trips btw
LIberal diverse utopia.
Well, the thing with localities is that not only would there be a much larger sample size, we would also get a much better breakdown of the relationship between blacks and handgun homicides.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really think looking at the level of gun regulation is even interesting because gun regulation is a serious political discussion.
In your expert opinion, who has better aim... blacks or hispanics?
What if someone just wanted to shitpost on Sup Forums in a $20,000 house in the middle of the worst neighborhood in America with motion detectors at every entrance while armed to the teeth?
>Boy these liberals sure are dumb for not looking at the facts and science!
>No, not those facts and scientific studies, the jews are being those!
Intentionally skewed numbers from an informal survey is neither fact nor science.
Nice try though.
You can read about how badly democrats fucked the police force because black lives matter here:
hey user
by now you must've heard many replies along the lines of "blacks" or "niggers"
well, it's true
not that the city has ever been anything other than a seething cesspool of corruption - this is one of Al Capone's famous haunts after all - but taking a stroll past the ida b wells buildings, the plague that infests the city today is niggers
not even once, russbro - heed those words
It is quite literally a warzone and the cops don't have time to investigate all the shootings due to the sheer numbers. The only solution is military occupation
Why not just private legally armed citizen occupation?
I'd patrol the worst neighborhoods with body armor and a CCW permit if they let me
They call it Chiraq for a reason Ivan, it's just fucking chaos there.
>no basement loli
why even live?
what a cutie, I really like this actress. Any lewd pics?
TOP 5 !!!!
I made my peace with it (while 30 year old Muhammad and his 8 friends fuck 13 year old prime pussy and VdB still wins)
>chicago ... murder rates
Just niggers killing niggers, user. Don't lose sleep over it.
kek this
literally "black male spotted with a gun" or shots fired every 5-10 minutes
and cant forget the retards smoking crack in their garage while leaving their garage door open
Most crime occurs on the West, South and Southeast Sides of the City. These neighborhoods are all majority Black or Latino, thus controlled by street gangs. Downtown Chicago is pretty much shit if you spend enough time there. The city nostalgia wears off quick. I make it a point to carry my gun everyday; only a few safe neighborhoods left in Chicago
>White from the South Side
>Work Downtown
>City is shit
I grew up in West Elsdon, I cab confirm blacks are the problem. West Elsdon is still a ghetto but since it is almost completely hispanic, it is an infinitely better place than any neighborhood to the east, which is pure black. Jus remember, as shitty as the south side is, the south east side is truly hell.
From where I live to downtown Chicago, no matter the route, I'm driving through a Black or Latino neighborhood.
>Total lack of gun control
No, more like people making straw purchases, a federal crime. Or guns are stolen. Illinois has some of the most stringent gun laws, even when buying from other states.
>Chicago resident