Socialism and communism will always fail because It's anti-civilization


Other urls found in this thread:–19


Socialism is good for big corporatist states because it destroys the people's wealth, rendering them dependent on the cheapest goods, which can only come from the most centralized and automated conglomerates.

Only by making the people wealthy can the economy be decentralized and local

>Vera Figner was born into Russian nobility, not a Jew

>Marx was baptised Protestant and wrote several anti-semitic texts in his lifetime

Why does Sup Forums keep pushing the "every single communist is a Jew" meme?

>Socialism is good for big
companies and big/central banks
FED/Rockefeller/Rothschild/Morgan Chase/Goldman Sachs

>billion dollar bailouts and the federal reserve are capitalism

>Why does Sup Forums keep pushing the "every single communist is a Jew" meme?

Karl Marx was not only a jew but a son of a 11th generation Rabbi.

Even zionist jews know that Karl Marx was son of a traditional family of rabbis.

Hello Moishe, you clearly haven't noticed but Jews tend to be the ones who push communism.

>Behind communism
>Behind Frankfurt school
>Push for gun control
>Push for immigration from shitholes

I didn't say that you illiterate. I said socialism is good for federal reserve and big banks.
They can collect money from taxpayer and "socialize" with their friends.

articulate your thoughts better next time, fuckin ape