Referendum Exit-Poll come guys lets do.
Referendum Exit-Poll come guys lets do
What choice is pro-Sup Forums? I tried to read the amendment but it was a little confusing. Does not seem to matter much either way, but I do not know how bad the PM is
NO will win
YES is heavily supported by JP-Morgan and other Jews.
NOT me too OP here i'm forget sorry
I hope user
Nobody else?
Come on, lets work my algoritm
>80 euro have been deposited in your account, thank you for Correcting the Renzi.
I voted SI but the retarded NO mass seems to big to overthrow
Eagle-less Mexico that only appears to post in these threads, is your (((leader))) paying more than CTR cucks? That VPN sure is pretty
Can someone please explain what is being decided exactly? I did not follow it in the Lügenpresse.
>explain what is being decided exactly?
To continue chemioenomics of €uro
V°Title costitution review will can goverment to become IV°REICH
Your burritos are overcooking Nancho, go somewhere you have relevance.
>bicameral to only 1 chamber parliament
>cut 215 elected members
>kill the provinces
>popular laws require more signatures but must be discussed in the parliament
>other shit
>>bicameral to only 1 chamber parliament
>>kill the provinces
>>popular laws require more signatures but must be discussed in the parliament
I voted yes
>inb4 PD
>exit polling an alt-right enclave
wew lad
Only answer is No, Renzi shill
Just came back. Voted no. We can do it people, go vote. I'm anxious as fuck but after I felt much better, even though it doesn't really matter..
grilliniposting in full force
U'r wrong this is mine i'm an anarchist
Care to explain why those statements would be false then?
end your miserable life
That's all.
I just read full Lisbona treat.
Linking tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists? Seriously? Goddamn this country is in a worse shape than I though
I-I'm sorry, but I think "Yes" will make Italy stronger.
Good luck anyway.
It's obivious "Yes" will make this country stronger.
It's a pity No will win by a landslide, though.
voting yes is the only redpilled choice
>conspiracy theorists?
Wtf? Barnard about
Who dick are you ? no one u're ridicolus
Are u NAPALM51?
Voted NO.
I don't understand this shit.
All I care about is Italeave happening. How does the outcome of the election affect this?
i'm forget Lisbona >conspiracy theorists?
Seem u're truly foolish dude
please save the day Italy
If yes wins Italy will become as cucked as Germany
well not that cucked, but close
If no wins, nothing changes.
If yes wins, we're more cucked by the EU.
Neither will lead to uscITA, but no is a middle finger to eu, while yes will speed up every process of """"modernization"""" of Italy, first to pass will be anchor babies for example.
Italeave is not going to happen either way.
Please Italy we need you. Europe might be lost with Yes winning.
False, yes actually gives more stability to IT's goverment, resulting in an upper hand when dealing with the EU
why don't you judge with your own mind instead of being part of an hivemind?
>>>kill the provinces
that's true, though
yes letting EU puppets run your country unopposed is a great idea
You are why Europe is so cucked.
majority political parties are opposed to leaving the EU (PD obviously, M5S removed every mention of leaving the EU from their propaganda overnight when Brexit happened). The only politician who would actually go through with Italeave is Salvini, and he's a minority candidate who doesn't count for shit.
Are you voting for smaller government?
How so?
France is a qt
No, but we would have less people in the Senate which would become similar to the Bundesrat in Germany
What are they voting about?
Yes lets EU lapdogs push through whatever cucked legislation they want onto the country and rendering regional governments powerless to sotp them
It's like personally giving Merkel the keys to your country (as if being in the EU isn't basically like that already)
nope, Renzi just want a fake agree to continue EU nazi-globalist-agenda
YES pic related
I'm going to vote yes in about an hour
Voted NO
It felt good
Yes, but how so? Where in this constitutional reform does it mention giving more decisional powers to the EU? I'm genuinely curious.
KEK this a much as a meme as Greece leaving.
Results, guys??
The best way to give Merkel (or Putin) the keys to your country is to be WEAK.
If you are STRONG you can actually tell them to go fuck themselves.
Italy's interests is to be a strong, functional democracy within the EU.
Voting ends 5 hours from now
its obvious that Sup Forums have some tendencies that most Sup Forumsacks would lean towards,
Asking what people on Sup Forums thinks is a good way to map out the alternatives of the outcome.
Voted YES, it was a good vote. Smashed that SI box like never before
he meant he doesn't understand the referendum at all
the "reform" is being pushed by Renzi so he can destroy Italy faster by forcing you to adopt more EU policies
The idea of this somehow theoretically help Italy "bargain" with the EU in the future is nonsensical. You have no bargaining power with the EU. Your only options when they tell you to open your ass cheeks for austerity and immigrants is to ask how wide.
>adopting more EU policies will make you strong
Greeks never learn. Go vote for Tsipras again lol
By taking power from regions, who are closer to citizens. A single central power can be controlled easily. Federalism saved the USA, Trump was elected thank to it.
Hello tool,Italy has already being exploited by the EU and Germany for long enough.Is having a puppet government a sign of toughness to you?
>tfw convinced family to mail their NO votes a couple of weeks ago
They didn't even know what it was about, lul
When does the counting start?
Results when?
Given how fucking dumb and awful is the typical "italiano medio", it's only a good thing they're going to have less influence.
The only way to make this country work is to put competent people in places where they are needed, not to vote using the argument "iamme ia, si stammale ma si potrebbe peggio"
Despite all at the end in Italy the party "keep the family" always wins, don't forget Checco Zalone Quo Vado - 1 arrow 2 pigs.
How much of a joke is M5S?
pic related makes them look pretty bad and make them look like "I'm against everything lel everything's wrong, let's change everything lel"
Im confused. What is this referendum even about?
After UK left, Italy has an upgraded position in the EU. Its the 3rd biggest economy. If you fix your shit like Renzi proposes, and present with some national unity, the Germans can't push you around. If you elect populists, the WON'T leave the EU, but you will also have less power and more regional problems.
pretty much, the point is they only shitpost a lot but never do anything.
How many years they've been in our parliament, 3-4? I can't list a single thing they changed
>Given how fucking dumb and awful is the typical "italiano medio", it's only a good thing they're going to have less influence.
That's only valid for the people from your political side, faggot.
>The only way to make this country work is to put competent people in places where they are needed
So a bunch of cucks who take hotels and other activities from their owners with force to store ""refugees"" in there are "competent people"?
Get fucked, shill. Go back to shitbook and stay there.
This is bullshit, the reform doesn't give any more powers to Renzi than he has now, it just makes the goverment (his or any other) stabler and able to reach the end of its term, which has happened rarely in Italy.
And yes, a stabler goverment able to take matters in its own hands when the question at hand is of national scale makes the country stronger and thus a stronger negotiator against other leaders. If you had followed EU news you would actually know that Renzi and Merkel/Hollande had a fallout exactly because of the migrant situation, and Italy actually vetoed the EU's economic plan because of it. Stop spewing propaganda.
This is bullshit, the 2001 reform was the worst thing we could have done by fragmenting power into local spheres and giving rise to the social and economic divide between north/south. EVERYONE agrees on this and EVERYONE agrees it needs to be changed. Of all the things you could've criticized you chose to ramble about the least controversial one.
They are probably so stringent and so against everyone, nobody wants to make any deals with them, as they don't compromise on anything.
No will win
Now check them
where do i see resutls? did we win?
why doesnt italy become a federal union of minor republics
biggest joke in politics since politics have been a thing
You guys dont get it.
The EU superstate will not simply disappear. And populism is hated.
It will restructure from the inside and when shit gets serious Europe will explode, the more you put a lid on in Europe the worse it is.
There will be blood in Europe.
>That's only valid for the people from your political side, faggot.
I didn't even told which political side i'm with, you are trying to attack my persona instead of counter my argument fagtron
>So a bunch of cucks who take hotels and other activities from their owners with force to store ""refugees"" in there are "competent people"?
No, i mean technicians that know what are doing and do the best for the country, not a buch of lefties "perbenisti" or some populist worthless scum
you want a weaker and cucked senate and the central government stronger, plus feminist bs in your constitution?
what is cuck?
when the other dagos get here they can correct you again like yesterday when you were correcting the renzi fag
yeah that's them in a single sentence
no serious political project, no shared ideas, their leader is a fucking comedian
if they rise to power we're done for
I don't want to be part of a failure of a union that is only in place to erase the countries and cultures that are part of it.Also sorry but i don't take opinions from countries that elected a communist party in power.
Whatever pisses off the EU more.
ctr pd rofl
>weakening the legislative branch doesn't strengthen the executive branch
oh fuck off already. Why would Renzi pass a "reform" that makes his position weaker?
>Stop spewing propaganda.
Said the EU shill
But continental Europe wants to give their keys to Germany unconsciously.
And when Germany leads Europe towards another pit, this time with no war even.
War will break.
Seriously stop listening to Brits, they have no fucking idea what they want really.
>This is bullshit, the reform doesn't give any more powers to Renzi than he has now
Yes it does, he can impose anything he wants though the "clausola di supremazia" bullshit.
>Italy actually vetoed the EU's economic plan because of it.
Again, bullshit. They "vetoed" it when they knew it wouldn't have any effect anymore.
>This is bullshit, the 2001 reform was the worst thing we could have done by fragmenting power
No, it wasthe BEST thing. Just we didn't enough.
>EVERYONE agrees on this and EVERYONE agrees it needs to be changed.
No, you pathetic cuck. It's exactly the opposite. Federalism is the future, and only leftist living failures like you and absolute autists are against it.
That's like being the 3rd richest man on the Titanic
Can all the EU shills just off themselves please? The world would be a far better place.