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It's awful. Why didn't they listen? We told them and they wouldn't listen.
Just another day in Eurabia
This shit doesn't even literally make me shake anymore
They made their bed, now they shall lie in it.
at least they are raping the useless
congrats libs, you've made rape commonplace.
Japan literally took in like 37 refugees from the MENA and they still rape.
Ultimate fucking kek.
Who cares?
We all know they do this all the time, and Portugal already has no much crime that its not really a big deal.
I care, Portugal is at less than 200km from my city, and that means the kebab is near.
Yeah not all of us have our own continent.
I care, Portugal are old friends.
god please let ww3 or something start soon so we may start removing this filth from our land.
Remove SJW retards in Lisbon that made this happen as well
Segunda Reconquista when?
Think positively: you won't need to travel far when it's time for a race war.
if push comes to shove ill just do a go-fund-me to assassinate our politicians (atleats a few of them responsible for this) and the shitskins.. but since its the first incident ill just keep my eye on it.
Just another day Eur-Rapistan
Portugal is already a shithole.
im in lisbon how dare you compare me to a sjw...... >:
>Europeans now have to deal with the kind of brutal rapes and murders that American blacks have always done in the US
>Americanflags on Sup Forums thinks it's funny
Wew I guess misery loves company. Now what are we going to do about a problem that we ALL have?
wut? dont you have some school to shoot up burger ?
you may not be one, but your city is infested with them
>all those rapes
Am I the only one who realizes that we can finally divide the entire left by memeing the feminism movement into hating the patriarchal immigrants and clean the streets for us at the same time?
To win against the jews, we have to become the jews.
Breaking news:
Pork chop gets skewered by kebab.
Pork kebab invented.
>part of the caliphate for centuries
>then negrified on order of your king in the 16th century
>not the blueprint for Eurabia
kek portushits are in total denial
You're literally an even poorer version of Spain.
the current feminist retards are too ingrained in the regressive left mentality, remember in the cologne rapes they blamed white people.
you expect way too much of them, they cannot be corrected, they must be purified, by fire
One by one the once great powers are reduced to cucks.
but in portugal we have a saying that goes like this . justiça popular resolve tudo..
social justice resolved everything.. (do not let it confuse you by social justice warrior its just "social justice" as in you get shit dont if cops cant do it. )
I've had just about enough of you fucking Leafs
truth D:
Am I supposed to be shocked?
mohammed shouldn't you be shooting or runing over white people with a truck ?
God portuguese looks like a badly writen spanish wtf
you're in denial Aziz Zemmouri
When will the great crusade into Canada begin?