As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is white, black, gay, straight, a furry...

As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is white, black, gay, straight, a furry, a weeaboo or whatever.

Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?

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nobody should have to work in todays world. Income tax is theft.

>don't do X because X makes me feel bad which is the same thing as being morally a Very Bad Person
Fuck you're feelings Ahmed

There are other ways to contribute to society than working and paying taxes.

Likewise there are other ways to harm society than being a homeless vagabond.

Taxation is theft, cuck

muslim, furries and weaboos dont work, just leech of others.

taxation is theft and not every race or person is equal

>pays his taxes

I think there is more to being part of a community then just paying your taxes

>black, a furry, a weeaboo

Because these ones have a huge tendency of not working and simply mooching off others.