As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is white, black, gay, straight, a furry, a weeaboo or whatever.
Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?
As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is white, black, gay, straight, a furry, a weeaboo or whatever.
Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?
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nobody should have to work in todays world. Income tax is theft.
>don't do X because X makes me feel bad which is the same thing as being morally a Very Bad Person
Fuck you're feelings Ahmed
There are other ways to contribute to society than working and paying taxes.
Likewise there are other ways to harm society than being a homeless vagabond.
Taxation is theft, cuck
muslim, furries and weaboos dont work, just leech of others.
taxation is theft and not every race or person is equal
>pays his taxes
I think there is more to being part of a community then just paying your taxes
>black, a furry, a weeaboo
Because these ones have a huge tendency of not working and simply mooching off others.
Like what?
Wörking, paying taxes and not commiting crime is all that matters.
It's just not that simple. Take the Turks for example. They don't assimilate. They speak Turkish even in the fourth or fifth generation they are here. They form a parallel society, a foreign object in our own country. Arabs see that and do the same thing. Hell, it gets so bad, I don't even feel like I'm in Germany in most parts of my town!
This destroys a society. Crime goes up, and nobody steps in. What for, if your own country isn't your own country anymore?
The strangers have to go. Or be removed. Or killed, I don't care. I just want them gone, and I want a final solution for them.
>implying ""Syrian"" """""refugees""""""" work or pay taxes
Is culturally enriching your children in a sexual emergency really a way to pay tax?
it also matters not to be a subhuman nigger
This schnitzel is right. I have couple of distant relatives living in Germany and trust me working or not you don't want them at your country.
>Pays his taxes
>Implying non whites pay taxes
>Immigrants were the original libertarians all along
whatever, Shlomo
You know whats with all the political fuss lately (far right, extremism, etc)? I tell you why:
People are becoming more socially isolated and are not even getting laid.
great community
everyone is working and paying taxes
sounds like a slave plantage to me
In a community people help each other, spent time with each other, have fun with each other, care about each other, try to improve each others life's.
Wouldn't it be great if life were black and white? If all of your naive little musings of a simple world were true?
It's time to grow up and realize that everyone, EVERYONE is in it for them and theirs.
What if I don't want such people in my country?
Please bring German exceptionalism back.
You faggots need it.
Have some pride in your country. We're going to pry Peregrine these globalist fucks.
Nationalism is the new old drug.
>Like what?
Like providing me with opponents to my eldar army in my city, everyone I have met in NRW is low af in 40K.
What "community"?
Here in the West we have so many foreigners there is no community anymore. It starts with not being able to understand most of the people in your neighbourhood. And why would I care for foreigners who don't even learn the language of the country they live in?
As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes, nobody should care if he is paedophile, skat porn enthusiast, schizophrenic, drug addict, a self-hating sod, a radical muslim or whatever.
Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?
Sale Turc détecter....fait toi du fun avec tes bitchs qui se font tuer dans le milieu de la rue, Klaus...
>I'm perfectly fine with my people being raped, murdered, and eventually replaced as long as the perpetrators pay taxes
Power from*
And yet Germans always laugh from my top nep hat.
>What "community"?
>Here in the West we have so many foreigners there is no community anymore. It starts with not being able to understand most of the people in your neighbourhood. And why would I care for foreigners who don't even learn the language of the country they live in?
I would say Germans try to build an all inclusive community with foreigners, but they segregate themselves and build parallel communities. They pay taxes, but the German community is falling apart.
That is the problem!
Um...i see...
fuck off lefty, you are the jewish ideology in the form of a nigger.
fuck off dirty turk we will never like you
>Why can't Sup Forums grasp this simple logic?
because society is more complex than that.
It's funny because literally every time Muslims chimped out on German territory they ended up murdering foreigners. It's like there aren't even enough Germans left to die in terrorist attacks.
Yes. And the problem is that now there's too many of them. Sociologists say that a society begins to fail when there's more than 10% foreign people in it. We have now way more than that, and it steadily gets worse and worse.
You know the story where a senior citizens lay in a bank in Essen and four people stepped over him without calling an ambulance and he died -- that doesn't surprise me at all. In the old days that would not have been possible in the Ruhrgebiet, where (old) people are really pals with strangers. Not anymore, though, the strangers have taken over, and now it's just a jungle out there where everyone fights for himself.
I know what I'm talking about as I've been living in Dortmund for over a decade now. It's all gone to shit.
>Imblying non-Whites wörk
Societal duties go a lot further than just working and paying taxes
As long as you stay in your own country this is true.
Taxes are theft
fuck paying them
>eldar army
Douchebag detected
>As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes
What if they don't?
>t. tau pro
Because niggers don't work. They sit around on their gibsmedats and don't do a single productive thing for anyone
That a heavy duty bitch
she can take it and not fake it
niggers aint no kike''s slave
you the slave now white boy
they don't.
I have a Polish fiancee. She's fucking crazy.
why do you copy paste threads you leftypol fucking shill faggot
>As long as somebody wörks and pays his taxes,
So if they kill, rape and preach murder it is ok if they works and pay taxes? Nice.
No shit.
I read the story of some Iraki last month or so who came to Germany and thought he could work and live here and have a house and a car and stuff.
Then he discovered that Germans really work for 8 hours straight each day or more, and that work isn't just hanging around your shop and chatting with Ahmed all day, it really means work all the time you're supposed to. And on top of that being punctual.
Said Iraki couldn't take it and went back to his own country voluntarily.
No they're not the slaves. Right now they're one finger of the kikes' enforcement of their agenda.
>niggers commit crime
>police shoot dirty nigger
>(((news))) outrage
>commies riot
>(((legislators))) push agenda into policy
They can do whatever they want in their own country.
Why is that so fucking hard to understand?
That's what many don't get. They work just enough to get by, because many of these people aren't employed, but work a shop themselves. So if they got enough bucks to get by for the day, they close up and fuck around. Can't do that here.
Your biological relativism is mere pseudo science. Equality doesn't exist in nature. Just saying the different homo-sapien pheno-types are equal is beyond absurd.
>Equality doesn't exist in nature.
Man is above and beyond the measures of nature as of now. That doesn't mean that they are not right, it's just that we can ignore them if we want to.
In my experience it's not the phenotype that turns people into racists. It's experiencing first hand how sandniggers behave.
this man is above nature meme has to stop.
Have a bump, don't come here.
You're part of Sup Forums by the simple virtue of posting here. So figure out why you don't grasp your own assertions and come back with some answers.
What kind of Norsk should I learn before I emigrate because things get too ugly here? Btw. I'm a 2m blond blue-eyed with an academic degree, trying to get financing for a doctoral thesis.
If money is the only thing that signifies culture to you then you are a cuck.
Maybe not a cuck. There's a Hitler speech in which he said Jews are at home everywhere but call no place their home. He meant they're never part of a local community, and as such always remain foreigners.
People such as this follow OP's logic. They don't get that they are destroying societies by this.
The key word there is "works". Most of those groups you listed do not work, which is why we dispise them. Very rarely does a black, gay, furry, or weeaboo work a job at all, let alone a job that is beneficial to society. Most are stay at home welfare queens who use Obama bucks to buy food and then what little cash they do have to buy drugs, alcohol, and stupid shit like lottery tickets or anime figurines.
Tell me how a person that uses my tax money to live but their money buy stupid shit without any way to regulate what stupid shit they can spend it on its a good thing? I honestly don't care what they do in their personal time, but when they are spending my money to do it, I get kinda pissed off. Especially when there is a current atmosphere of how I (we) still owe most of those groups shit for long past "injustices".
Fuck them
Nigga, taxation is theft. We pay wayyyy too much tax and I'm not only talking about taxes that are directly taken from your income. Shit we even have to pay taxes when it's fucking raining.
This post
pure autism.